Mono Angels... Salt or Fresh

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Sep 17, 2006
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Lesmahagow, Scotland

I was in a pet shop in Glasgow and in with all his fresh water fish he had Mono Angels. I thought these were marine fish so asked him about them and the info he gave me was that....

"The fish swim up the river and the salt water becomes diluted. Eventually they have inhabited fresh water."

Looking at some web pages on the net it looks like he might be right but i wanted to check with everybody else about this....

The fish looked healthy enough. They were all active. Showing good colour and didnt looked stressed at all.

I have Discus and some normal angels right now so was thiking of adding a few of these into the mix but not sure if that would work.

Any thoughts?
I don't know anything about these fish but was curious so I followed that link.

The part on water chemistry says this. "Maintain in brackish conditions. Juveniles are often sold in fresh or slightly salted water, but high-end brackish or marine conditions are preferable for adults."

Because of that I would say no to fresh water. Just my thoughts though.
Monos, while commonly sold in freshwater, do need brackish to full marine conditions as they age. The reason that they would not do well with your angels and discus is that they require hard water regardless of salt content and your fish prefer soft water.
You have two threads on this issue, so I will copy over my post from the other. You might want to PM a moderator to close the other. Two threads is confusing to all of us. My earlier post follows.

No, this would not work. Angelfish (Pterophyllum species) and discus fishes are strictly freshwater. Any salt is going to cause the fish stress and worse. The Monodactylus species (M. argenteus, M. sebae) are both brackish water, and may even spawn in marine water.

Aside from different environmental needs, the Mono fish are temperamental, aggressive to some extent, and these would undoubtedly have issues with the similar angelfish (Pterophyllum sp.), and the discus would be the loser. In fact, angelfish and discus should not be maintained together.


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