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  1. 214jay

    New 630L Tank Ordered With Sump...few Questions!

    Hello   Its been a while since I have posted on here.  I have just ordered a 640L Cleair Adriatic 630 Aquarium which includes an 80L sump instead of a filter!   My plan is to have it with big shoals of fish (mainly tetras) and invertebrates with lots of plants - Basically a large version of what...
  2. 214jay

    How Are My Tank Stocking Levels?

      I have had the smaller shoals of Tetras since the beginning and they are so happy and all have their own quirks so would not want to re-home them.     The nitrates vary between 0 and 5 before a water change and are at 5 after a water change (comes out at 5 from the tap).  There are quite a few...
  3. 214jay

    How Are My Tank Stocking Levels?

    Thanks for the input, maybe worth just upping the quantity of neons then.    My sig quote is light hearted and was written a long time ago...I certainly do not overfeed and in the unlikely circumstances the flakes breach the tetras realm and reach the bottom then the Cory and shrimp claim it.
  4. 214jay

    How Are My Tank Stocking Levels?

    I will get a picture up tomorrow when the tank lights are on and sure they can be ID'd.  I am a huge fan myself, they always seem to be playing and exploring.  I have one Cory who will lie at the front on the most exposed part of the tank on the sand all day long in the exact same place.  He...
  5. 214jay

    How Are My Tank Stocking Levels?

    Yes I agree, Theres a shop near me that has around 50 cardinals in a 75(ish) litre tank with lots of thin pieces of driftwood, truly stunning!    I agree on the Cory...Rescued two HUGE peppered Cory a few months ago from Pets at Home, they are such characters and so tame and happy!!  Forgot to...
  6. 214jay

    How Are My Tank Stocking Levels?

    Thats exactly what I want to do, they are all their own characters and enjoy each others company but I wanted to check if it will be okay to increase numbers of the smaller groups (I would love around 15 neons and min 6 of each of the others).
  7. 214jay

    Sand Isn't Settling

    After filling the tank and getting cloudy water from the sand you should then drain it as much as possible.  When you fill up again use a hosepipe clamped to a plate at the bottom and fill it very slowly.  This disperses the water across a wide surface area so it does not create the 'sandstorm'...
  8. 214jay

    Absolute Disaster

    How awful, I won't let anyone in my house to do anything involving chemicals, do it all myself for this very reason.  Even get my mates to spray aftershave/deodrant in the garden if they stay round.   So sorry for your loss.
  9. 214jay

    How Are My Tank Stocking Levels?

    Hi folks   Its been a while since I have posted here, mainly due to being busy and things all going smoothly with my two tanks.   I would like some feedback on my stocking levels in my 240 Litres (Fluval Roma 240).  I have two external filters, an Eheim 2217 (1000lph) and a Fluval 306...
  10. 214jay

    My Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster

    Hi Olivia.  He's a sweet little crayfish. Looks like a 'Procambarus clarkii Orange' but I may be wrong
  11. 214jay

    My Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster

    Well there’s mixed results (I have done a lot of research) I think bottom feeding fish are out but most other fish seem okay. Main thing is to keep him on a diet of veg as if he gets the taste of fish too much he may become more aggressive!  I am amazed at the personality he has so I guess like...
  12. 214jay

    Where Have All The Ghost Shrimp Gone?

    Really, wow, shrimp seem to have really declined here in the UK, certainly around where I live :-(
  13. 214jay

    August 2014 - Fish Of The Month Comp Entries

    I am not sure if this fella counts but he does have fish in his name being a Crayfish...   Sir Claws-a-Lot today waiting for a feed   And the verification picture
  14. 214jay

    My Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster

    Hello.   Around 6 months ago I stumbled upon a new fish shop with loads of exciting stock.  I couldn't resist and purchased a tiny 'Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster' (Cherax quadricarinatus - The only legal crayfish allowed in UK).  I had plenty of space in my 30+gallon for more fish and thought I...
  15. 214jay

    Where Have All The Ghost Shrimp Gone?

    Hello   I thought I would post because I have noticed a huge decline in shrimp numbers/varieties in all of my local fish shops since I started the hobby over a year ago.  I remember pets at home always stocked lots of random shrimps and were guaranteed to have Ghost shrimp in stock.   It would...
  16. 214jay

    Blue Colbalt In The Uk?

    Ah okay, thanks ever so much for the info! Looks like he/she is a redclaw...have a tank perfect for him so wanted to make sure legal before I buy.
  17. 214jay

    Blue Colbalt In The Uk?

    Hello. Have spotted this fella for sale in a LFS, labelled as a Blue Colbalt Lobster! Pretty sure this is really a crayfish but is it legal go keep in the uk?
  18. 214jay

    Do Amano Shrimp 'fan' When Mature?

    I have some large amano shrimp which are in my community tank with bamboo fam shrimp. One has taken to fanning the water column for food, this is happening in two of my tanks with fast moving water. Is this normal?
  19. 214jay

    African Giant Fan Shrimp And Bamboo Fan Shrimp Video

    Heya. Sorry for posting so many vids but been playing with my new camera.  I recently got a new African Giant Fan Shrimp and uploaded a vid of him fanning for food...   I also took vids of my Bamboo Shrimp which seem to love the tank You can never...
  20. 214jay

    Such Amazing Animals!

    Great setup, I love all my tanks...I strongly recommend Amano Shrimps....They actually take food from my hand and are such characters!! would love to see some pics of your tank.
  21. 214jay

    Video From Inside My Aquarium!

    Sorry for the delayed reply!!!  The camera is a Pentax WG-10 which seems great, however it does not autofocus when recording and the recordings appears quite zoomed so difficult to get good videos.     Yes he's a real show off! I did a recording leaving the camera in the aquarium and he was...
  22. 214jay

    Video From Inside My Aquarium!

    Ha ha! True, probably telling us to turn off james bond and put on jaws
  23. 214jay

    Video From Inside My Aquarium!

    It certainly makes their world seem so small! Not surprised some of the more intelligent ones swim at the glass!
  24. 214jay

    Bored With 30 Gallon Tank Need Some Ideas!

    Have you got any photos of your tank? I have planted setups in all my tanks which are thriving.  I use nerite snails to keep algae at bay (need to occasionally more thoroughly clean).  I would think around £50 to £75 (sorry just realised you are in US - assuming prices are similar...circa $100)...
  25. 214jay

    Hi There New To Tropicalfish

    Hi and welcome! You are quite limited to choice and I would avoid neons in such a small tank as they need more room (over 50l ideally). I agree with shrimps and snails then maybe something small like celestial pearl danios (galaxy rasbora) but not many as they will suffer if water quality drops...
  26. 214jay

    Video From Inside My Aquarium!

    Thanks! I thought they saw only their reflections too! Films are a bit rough as I could not see the screen when filming. Makes our fishes world look a lot larger! !
  27. 214jay

    Eheim 2213 Filter, Haverhill, Suffolk

    I would be happy to pay that (1st class) and the cost of the filter if its not too much trouble for you to post! Let me know if its ok and how you want payment.
  28. 214jay

    Eheim 2213 Filter, Haverhill, Suffolk

    Hello. I would be happy to take this off your hands but would need to post as I am in Coventry. Any idea on postage costs?
  29. 214jay

    Video From Inside My Aquarium!

    Hiya I recently purchased an underwater camera to film my fish tanks, I really wanted to see if the fish see mostly reflection or have a good view of the outside world! Heres the video if anyones interested Also got a nice underwater video of amano...
  30. 214jay

    Help - Poisoned Fish (With Swollen/cloudy Eye) And Lights Left On 24Hr

    Hello.   I am hoping for some advice.  Recently I purchased a second had filter and this has led to my snails dropping like flies - My levels had been okay but I think there was chemicals used to clean the filter which led to this.  Fish and shrimp have been okay and been keeping up on water...
  31. 214jay

    My New Crab Tank! (With Pics!)

    I thought I would post an update on my crab tank just incase anyone stumbles upon this thread in the future who is interested in keeping Red Clawed Crabs.   I have slowly started adding Marine Salt to the water changes weekly to turn the water brackish.  I now add around 4 level tablespoons of...
  32. 214jay

    Celestial Pearl Danio - Swollen, Lethargic And Gasping

    Thanks again for all the replies.  Unfortunately by the time I removed him he was almost floating upside down and struggling to swim at all. Symptoms came on so quickly, I guess because he was so small.  I doubt he could have recovered by the time I had managed to get antibiotics.  Its kind of...
  33. 214jay

    Celestial Pearl Danio - Swollen, Lethargic And Gasping

    I think its too late for my one I am afraid, it is certainly Dropsy as his scales have pineconed also...I have now euthanised him, I hope none of the others fall ill. Thanks for you help
  34. 214jay

    Celestial Pearl Danio - Swollen, Lethargic And Gasping

    Hmmmm...Seeing him turn to face me, even his face is swollen :-(
  35. 214jay

    Celestial Pearl Danio - Swollen, Lethargic And Gasping

    No I won't be using salts, the other inhabitants would not appreciate it.
  36. 214jay

    Celestial Pearl Danio - Swollen, Lethargic And Gasping

    OKay, thats certainly worth a go! Thank you!
  37. 214jay

    Celestial Pearl Danio - Swollen, Lethargic And Gasping

    I'm sure its not overfeeding as they only have a small amount of crushed flakes and the shrimp and Gourami take most of it, they mainly get what sinks.  Thanks for all the advice, sadly I think I may need to euthanise him.
  38. 214jay

    Celestial Pearl Danio - Swollen, Lethargic And Gasping

    I would be grateful for any help, I have a poorly fish who is the largest one in the tank...Details below:   Tank size: 48L pH: 7.8 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 20 tank temp: 24C   Fish is badly swolen along most of his body, gasping and lethargic (not darting away from anything).  He is...
  39. 214jay

    Damselfly Nymph

    Certainly would be interesting! At least your becoming an expert at catching them!
  40. 214jay

    Damselfly Nymph

    Shame there are no compatible fish that would hunt and eat them!