How Are My Tank Stocking Levels?


Fish Crazy
Jul 8, 2013
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Hi folks
Its been a while since I have posted here, mainly due to being busy and things all going smoothly with my two tanks.
I would like some feedback on my stocking levels in my 240 Litres (Fluval Roma 240).  I have two external filters, an Eheim 2217 (1000lph) and a Fluval 306 (1150lph).  the tank is heavily planted on a sand substrate.  My current stocking is as follows:
8 Rummynose Tetra
4 Neon Tetra
7 Penguin Tetra
4 Black Fin Tetra
8 Peppered Cory's
1 Celestial Pearl Danio (CPD)
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 L333 Pleco.
5 Bamboo Fan shrimp
6 amano shrimp
Colony of Cherry Shrimp
6 Nerite snails
Colony of MTS snails
I do a weekly water change of 50% and everything appears very happy.  I was hoping to up the numbers of neon tetras and possibly a few more CPD but I would like some feedback on my stocking levels.
I know there are teperature issues between the different species but they have been living like this for a number of years now.
Thanks for any advice!!
I'd look at upping all the tetra numbers unless your like me and allowing some to die off without replacement. The rummy noses are fine at 8 - nice shoal there and so are the penguin but I'd up the number of the others to the same if you can. They'll be happier in larger groups of their own species. Other than that it all looks okay to me :)
You have got plenty of space for a few more cories though ;) 
Thats exactly what I want to do, they are all their own characters and enjoy each others company but I wanted to check if it will be okay to increase numbers of the smaller groups (I would love around 15 neons and min 6 of each of the others).
I think with neons and cardinals they look so much better in a big group ... with only a few you don't get to see the best of their colouration. I've seen them in fish stores and they don't look inviting in small numbers but then I've seen them in a tank with about 20 shoaling back and forth and the effect is amazing.
I'll drop the hint again though...
You've got loads of room for more cories 
Yes I agree, Theres a shop near me that has around 50 cardinals in a 75(ish) litre tank with lots of thin pieces of driftwood, truly stunning! 
I agree on the Cory...Rescued two HUGE peppered Cory a few months ago from Pets at Home, they are such characters and so tame and happy!!  Forgot to put on my stocking list that I have two unidentified Cory - cant remember their name but they were quite rare and never found them again so I must try and find out then up their numbers as they are gorgeous but shy.
we might be able to identify them if you post up a couple of clear photo's. Alternatively you could have a look on planet catfish - there are a lot of cory species and PC seems to be the best place for keeping up to date with them all.
In case you've not guessed I'm a HUGE cory fan. I absolutely love em
I will get a picture up tomorrow when the tank lights are on and sure they can be ID'd.  I am a huge fan myself, they always seem to be playing and exploring.  I have one Cory who will lie at the front on the most exposed part of the tank on the sand all day long in the exact same place.  He only moves for food or if disturbed by a shrimp.  Amazing he can find the same spot each day!
I'll be the one to say that you are starting to push heavy stocking once you increase your tetra shoals to the proper levels.  And while your footprint has room for more cories, the overall stocking... not so much.  
Also, I'd caution you regarding the sig quote.  Cories are not a 'clean up crew'.  And overfeeding is possible with all fish.
Thanks for the input, maybe worth just upping the quantity of neons then. 
My sig quote is light hearted and was written a long time ago...I certainly do not overfeed and in the unlikely circumstances the flakes breach the tetras realm and reach the bottom then the Cory and shrimp claim it.
214jay said:
My sig quote is light hearted and was written a long time ago...I certainly do not overfeed and in the unlikely circumstances the flakes breach the tetras realm and reach the bottom then the Cory and shrimp claim it.
I thought that, but wanted to put that out there for newbies.
I'd be tempted to get only 3 shoals of tetras/cpds of around 7-9 and rehome the other tetra species.
Then you could have a school of peppered cories of about 11-12 and a total of about 25 tetras/cpds of 3 different species. Plus your inverts to.
What level do your nitrates reach, before a water change, compared to your tap water? That's a good indicator as to how your stocking is.
TallTree01 said:
I'd be tempted to get only 3 shoals of tetras/cpds of around 7-9 and rehome the other tetra species.
Then you could have a school of peppered cories of about 11-12 and a total of about 25 tetras/cpds of 3 different species. Plus your inverts to.
I have had the smaller shoals of Tetras since the beginning and they are so happy and all have their own quirks so would not want to re-home them.  
fluttermoth said:
What level do your nitrates reach, before a water change, compared to your tap water? That's a good indicator as to how your stocking is.
The nitrates vary between 0 and 5 before a water change and are at 5 after a water change (comes out at 5 from the tap).  There are quite a few plants so i guess they soak up most of the nitrates!

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