Hi folks
Its been a while since I have posted here, mainly due to being busy and things all going smoothly with my two tanks.
I would like some feedback on my stocking levels in my 240 Litres (Fluval Roma 240). I have two external filters, an Eheim 2217 (1000lph) and a Fluval 306 (1150lph). the tank is heavily planted on a sand substrate. My current stocking is as follows:
8 Rummynose Tetra
4 Neon Tetra
7 Penguin Tetra
4 Black Fin Tetra
8 Peppered Cory's
1 Celestial Pearl Danio (CPD)
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 L333 Pleco.
5 Bamboo Fan shrimp
6 amano shrimp
Colony of Cherry Shrimp
6 Nerite snails
Colony of MTS snails
I do a weekly water change of 50% and everything appears very happy. I was hoping to up the numbers of neon tetras and possibly a few more CPD but I would like some feedback on my stocking levels.
I know there are teperature issues between the different species but they have been living like this for a number of years now.
Thanks for any advice!!
Its been a while since I have posted here, mainly due to being busy and things all going smoothly with my two tanks.
I would like some feedback on my stocking levels in my 240 Litres (Fluval Roma 240). I have two external filters, an Eheim 2217 (1000lph) and a Fluval 306 (1150lph). the tank is heavily planted on a sand substrate. My current stocking is as follows:
8 Rummynose Tetra
4 Neon Tetra
7 Penguin Tetra
4 Black Fin Tetra
8 Peppered Cory's
1 Celestial Pearl Danio (CPD)
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 L333 Pleco.
5 Bamboo Fan shrimp
6 amano shrimp
Colony of Cherry Shrimp
6 Nerite snails
Colony of MTS snails
I do a weekly water change of 50% and everything appears very happy. I was hoping to up the numbers of neon tetras and possibly a few more CPD but I would like some feedback on my stocking levels.
I know there are teperature issues between the different species but they have been living like this for a number of years now.
Thanks for any advice!!