Sand Isn't Settling


Fish Crazy
Jun 19, 2013
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I put play sand in my 29 gal tank 2 days ago and it doesn't seem to be settling at all. I rinsed the sand a billion times but the water is super dusty and hasn't cleared up at all. I put the same sand in my 10 gallon and it cleared up in a day. I do not have a filter yet for the 29, it will be her tomorrow hopefully. Is the dust not clearing because of lack of filter? Any help is appreciated, thanks
I think the answer is yes. Once you get the filter in it should clear up but some extra water changes will help too :)
Agreed.  But it is also likely that a bacterial bloom is occurring in part.  These can vary in duration from tank to tank.  But a filter will help whichever.
I would say it will settle once the water starts to move. A water change wouldn't hurt to remove any more dust. Mine took hours worth of rinsing before it was done.
I had this occurring in my tank recently when I added fine sand substrate.
What I did was to put in a temporary internal filter stuffed with filter floss for about a week, this helped immensely with clearing a lot of the sand debris and particles and the sand settled within a couple of days :)
Then I set up my more permanent external filter and took out the temp internal. All going good, though have to say, every time I disturb the fine sand substrate when moving things and adding plants it will cause a bit of a mess in tank water but settles quickly.
a simple power head attached to half a plastic bottle with poly filler from walmart.  it makes an awesome polisher and is cheap.
That guy is basically DIY king of aquarium equipment, I have watched him before, very clear and concise and usually very simple DIY projects.
That DIY vid is good alternative to having a internal if you do not have one spare in the cupboard and of course powerheads do have mulitple uses. I have one in my cupboard too, just in case
Ch4rlie said:
That guy is basically DIY king of aquarium equipment, I have watched him before, very clear and concise and usually very simple DIY projects.
That DIY vid is good alternative to having a internal if you do not have one spare in the cupboard and of course powerheads do have mulitple uses. I have one in my cupboard too, just in case
Yeah, I've found having a powerhead for a spare is good thing to add to the hobby kit.  
After filling the tank and getting cloudy water from the sand you should then drain it as much as possible.  When you fill up again use a hosepipe clamped to a plate at the bottom and fill it very slowly.  This disperses the water across a wide surface area so it does not create the 'sandstorm' in the tank and it will be very clear instantly.  

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