Video From Inside My Aquarium!


Fish Crazy
Jul 8, 2013
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I recently purchased an underwater camera to film my fish tanks, I really wanted to see if the fish see mostly reflection or have a good view of the outside world! Heres the video if anyones interested

Also got a nice underwater video of amano shrimps.

Let me know what you think
Excellent videos. Liked both. 
Intriguing that the view inside the tank of the outside world is so clear. Very cool stuff 

I actually thought they only saw their own reflections from inside.  
Nice one! 
Thanks! I thought they saw only their reflections too! Films are a bit rough as I could not see the screen when filming. Makes our fishes world look a lot larger! !
Great videos, I know fish can see out of their tanks, but I wonder what goes through their minds when they see us sitting on lounge chairs and watching tv.
It certainly makes their world seem so small! Not surprised some of the more intelligent ones swim at the glass!
Baccus said:
Great videos, I know fish can see out of their tanks, but I wonder what goes through their minds when they see us sitting on lounge chairs and watching tv.
Probably telling us to change the TV channel for something more interesting to watch.......
Ha ha! True, probably telling us to turn off james bond and put on jaws
Think Jaws is a sad ending flm for them maybe? lol
In actual fact am watching Jaws 2 right now! Coincidence? Not joking! Heh :)
brilliant!  What a great idea!  What camera did you get?
Baccus said:
Great videos, I know fish can see out of their tanks, but I wonder what goes through their minds when they see us sitting on lounge chairs and watching tv.
It's not that I think fish are by any means stupid but I wonder if they could interpret our world at all, it is so different to their own.
canny video well done, I thought there could see out as my angels follow me as I look at them
brilliant!  What a great idea!  What camera did you get?
Sorry for the delayed reply!!!  The camera is a Pentax WG-10 which seems great, however it does not autofocus when recording and the recordings appears quite zoomed so difficult to get good videos.
Gotta love the posing gourami at the end!
Yes he's a real show off! I did a recording leaving the camera in the aquarium and he was obsessed by it :)

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