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    Smokey And Platinum Angels

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    Good luck.
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    Cryptoheros Nanaluteus

    sorry for your loss.
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    New 55 Gallon Aquarium

    Sounds good.
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    What Kind Of Algea Is This And How Do I Remove It?

    If oyu are reading this please respond any input is helpful.
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    110 Gallon South American Biotope

    Nice tank! Awesome.
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    Low Tech Rio 180

    cool tank
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    What Other Pets Do You Have?

    Have one dog used to have two. she died when she was four because she ate rat poison.I also have fish
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    What Kind Of Algea Is This And How Do I Remove It?

    Its a bright green algea and it spreads over my substrate (fine gravel) and looks like some sort of filmy membrain but overnight it shrivils up and turns into a slimy brown clump that floats to the top. It then repeats this cycle every few days. sorry I couldent give any pics of what it looks like.
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    Which Corys Do You Have?

    I had 3 sailfin corys and 2 died randomly i checked the water ph, temp, hardness, ammonia and all my other fish were fine. what happend?
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    Curious About Cories

    Cories are subtropical fish you have to keep your temp in the high 70s my heater shortedout and my gouramis platys geos and barbs survived in 94 degree water but my platys didn't make it.
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    A Dwarf Gourami Mini F A Q

    are blue gouramis a subcatagory of dwarf gouramis? Oh and you can have one gourami or over seven nothing in between.
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    Which Plants Are Best?

    Banana plant Brazilian sword Amazon sword