Curious About Cories

I use Tetra test strips to test my KH/GH and they come out at about 16-18.
This is what my water board says:
The water hardness for your property is 304mg/l CaCO₃
This means your water is classified as hard
What kind of behaviour could I expect from 6 sterbai's in a 2ft tank?  Is there a chance they might they school together?
I'd really love a schooling fish, I was considering dwarf neon rainbowfish but they are such powerful swimmers I think that 2ft might be too small for rainbows.
I've found out sterbai like to stick together, not all the time but most than my other corys.
Cories are subtropical fish you have to keep your temp in the high 70s my heater shortedout and my gouramis platys geos and barbs survived in 94 degree water but my platys didn't make it.
Sounds like sterbai are the best option for 25°+. 
I was considering a cooler danio+panda combo but I think I'll go with sterbais :)
WHEN I get another tank!  (not if, but when) ;)

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