New 55 Gallon Aquarium


New Member
Oct 22, 2012
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Hello everyone. I am currently trying to set up a 55 gallon freshwater aquarium but I have some questions:
1.compatibility... I'm not quite sure if all of my fish will go well together: 4 Cory catfish, 1 African knife fish, 5 boesemani rainbows, 1 angelfish, and 1 dojo loach.
2. Filtration... Is a fluval 406 enough filtration for all of these fish? I am using a regular bulb that comes with the hood but could I attach a small blacklight to turn on at night?
I am open to any other suggestions or anything I could change, but I am NOT putting african cichlids in the tank. Thank you.
get rid of the black ghost knife their minimum is 150 gallons, dojos need groups if im not mistaken and as for the rainbows and angel they should be fine and of course the cories would be good. lighting doesnt matter unless you have plants.maybe make the cory and rainbow schools larger too
make sure you first physically see the dojo loach and plan on buddies.  I have noticed big time, because i really really wanted one, is that they do not look like the pictures that i have seen all over.
ncguppy830 said:
get rid of the black ghost knife their minimum is 150 gallons, dojos need groups if im not mistaken and as for the rainbows and angel they should be fine and of course the cories would be good. lighting doesnt matter unless you have plants.maybe make the cory and rainbow schools larger too
African knife not black ghost. 55g is still a bit small for them imo but I think it's considered the minimum. Not sure on the rest though/if they're okay tankmates for it. D:
Though african knifefish can refer to atleast two fish I know of..any idea which one you have Fiji?
Are your corys all the same? They prefer to be in groups of 6+

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