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  1. D

    Female Bettas And My Other Fish . . .

    I have actually been really lucky with my house's community tank (5-6 roommates - one large tank lol). Originally it had my five betta females and one large black skirt tetra, a guppy and a other tetra(not sure which type). It now has about 4-5 danios, a number of feeder guppies, a fancy guppy...
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    How Many Bettas?

    I have 2 veiltail males, Shiney and Charlie one rosetail male, Noble 4 females (unsure of tail type), Malicious, Blue, Chunky and Sour Puss this is Mal and here are the other 3 (yes they are in with 2 fancy tail male guppies but i've never had a problem with them) 1 crowntail female, Micah
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    Do Young Male Halfmoons Hav The 180 Degree Tail?

    He might also just be HM geno (which means he has the potential to sire halfmoon babies even if he doesn't show the full 180 himself)
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    Suitable Home

    Most of my bettas are kept in 1 gallon fish bowls, but I do have my one male who is a chronic fin eater and he is really happy in my little 5 gallion mini bowl, with some softer plastic plants (so fins don't rip) and i don't usually have the filter on, it is there with a peice of plastic to...
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    How Do U Get Rosetail Bettas

    I think rosetails are a "subset" of halfmoons and deltas, it just depends on how many branches their fins have at the end. (right everyone?)
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    Bettas Hunting In Packs?

    truth be told there isn';t much of the fish left to examine (essentially the backbone, some ribs and a bit of the skull are all that's left :blink: )
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    Bettas Hunting In Packs?

    I have a 30 gall community tank that my four females bettas have recently been introduced to. They were fighting too much amoungst themselves in my 10 and we had lost a bunch of fish in our community tank due to a crayfish (which is no longer there btw) I was sitting watching the girls swim...
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    Female Feeding From My Hand

    Is that a male in the tank with her?
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    Is It Bad For A Crayfish To Eat..

    So we have a crayfish in our university house community gallon. Don't know what type of crayfish it actually is, that was an earlier post :P (it's browny/red with blue claws). Anyways my roommate after a discuss how to keep the rest of our fish in the tank alive, decided to go to the freezer...
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    I'm pretty sure rosetails can be deltas and half moons, i have a rosetail - mine you he ate his pretty little tail - grrr so i can't show you. And he was definately a super delta. The rosetail is just how the edge of the tail is - like a crowntial.
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    Mystery Lobster

    well i got a picture of it it's about 3-4 inches long
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    Mystery Lobster

    I recently set up a 20 gal tank in our living room and my room mate bought a lobster for it. it was at the pet store and the pet store employee told it was a regular lobster (as opposed to a blue lobster)..... what is that? does anyone know? It's browny/red with some red and dark colour markings.
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    Aquabid Auctions

    those are bettas that she's bred :P
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    Theoretical Cross - Rosetail X Crowntail

    hmm.... reason i ask is i have a cute deep red/purple with light blue irridense rosetail boy and a blue crowntail girlie and i was looking at each other and he was making a bubble nest for her and i was hmmm. :P link to rosetail pics
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    Theoretical Cross - Rosetail X Crowntail

    Hey guys i was just wondering has anyone seen/ever heard of anyone doing a rosetail x crowtail cross?
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    Any Guesses? - Girl Or Guy?

    so if it's a male, is it a plakat crowntail?
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    Any Guesses? - Girl Or Guy?

    So i was at teh fish store the other day for an exam study break and i ended up coming home with this little...girl ? guy? The people at teh petstore sold it to me as a normal female but it's clearly a crowntail so now i've been trying to figure out if it's a female with no oviposter yet or a...
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    Ghost Shrimp

    it really depends on the personality of your fish and your shrimp. I had a few last a really long time until my female evil decided to kill all but one. And he lasted for a good few months after that, he's fight the females off at dinner time. But it's only a 5 gallon, my friend who has a 10...
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    Shrimp With Betta?

    I have a ghost shrimp in withmy females and they get along fine. The shrimp actually fights the females for food, it's really funny
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    Help!?! Emergency With Betta

    He passed away :-( I had just changed the water on saturday, so it was pretty clean, i used tap water condition and cycle. I don't think anything weird got into his water, his bowl is right beside my computer and his tank is fairly water, i had a lamp over it. I just moved back into my...
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    Help - Serious Betta Emergency

    temp is room temperature, they're not heater (can;t afford one) He was in a one gallon, but i moved him to a 1/4 gallon with low water to help him breathe a little. i didn't test for ammonia, mainly because i can't. he's passed away :( thank for teh help
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    Help - Serious Betta Emergency

    Help! My little crowntail that i've had for a a few months is really sick/ acting really strange/struggling to breathe. He's lying flat on his side on the bottom of his bowl breathing very heavily and when i moved the bowl he just kinda flopped over to teh other side. He's looks completely...
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    Help!?! Emergency With Betta

    Help! My little crowntail that i've had for a a few months is really sick/ acting really strange/struggling to breathe. He's lying flat on his side on the bottom of his bowl breathing very heavily and when i moved the bowl he just kinda flopped over to teh other side. He's looks completely...
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    2 New Betta

    Sakura and Ino Rei and Asuka Pacifica and Atlanta it might help if we had some colours to work from :)
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    Gabriel's Spawn Diary -- F2

    There all so cute, i love the fish with the metallic highlights :P
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    College Course In Aquatics?

    well it depends if you want to be an agricultural fish keeper or just a tropical one. I go to Guelph, and they have aquaculture courses and marine biology courses, course it's a university not a college.
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    Betta Crazzy!

    i have a ghost shrimp, i had several in my tank originally but my one female Evil killed most of them but this one survived.
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    Betta Crazzy!

    I'm a little confused to what you're asking. I have 4 males, and 3 females. And a shrimp who lives with the girlies :P He jumps on their back if they get too close :lol:
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    Crowntail Betta Splendens

    This is my crowntail,
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    One Death

    sorry for your loss :( But how long were you gone for?!
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    The Most Common Colors Of Bettas Available Where You Live

    the pet store i got to near guelph gets mostly red and blue guys, although most of them look like combtails rather than veils, they also have a lot of marbles and cambodians. BUt they have a farily decent supply for crowntails, dts and deltas with a few females every so often.
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    Tail Biting...what Do I Do To Stop It?

    I have an ocd tail biter, i've switched him from big tanks to small, current no current, high traffic low traffic, beside males or females to being by himself. And he stills bites his tail :X, he;s my rose tail too so he had a really pretty tail. So i guess maybe try moving him different...
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    It's Happening Again!

    MAybe should get your water tested Synirr? Do you live off a well at all?
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    Have You Ever Witnessed A Male Betta Fight?

    Actually one of the first year bio courses at my friend's university had bettas fighting each to look at territorial instincts, etc. It was only supposed to last until they actually started fighting but like always there are a few dimwits know let it go on :grr: . I've however seen my one...
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    What's Your Favorite Tail Type?

    Awwww, no rosetails :P i voted crownies
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    Breeding Pairs

    Arent you getting a tad ahead of yourself? -_- Counting the eggs before they hatch kinda thing.
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    What Can I Feed My Betta And How Often

    this is the betta most people here have bettas.
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    Ill Betta

    Is he a marble? My marbel charlie has a black spot on his head that looks very strange, is it something like that?
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    Betta Food

    i feed my monsters :lol: hikari bio gold pellets mostly, and they get about 3 twice a day each, my girls get a little less. They are the most complete food out there i find, and they are one of the few fish foods that have an expiry date on them!! (so often fish foods are fed past their shelf...
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    Not A Good Week For Bettas

    Sorry to hear about your boys :sad: I agree it has been a bad week for bettas, my little multi-coloured mutt girly died yesterday :( she too of a mysterious illness :-(