Breeding Pairs


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Fargo, ND
OK! TigerMan and I are just about to condition our spawning pairs, so might as well show off the pairs.

My Spawning Pair: Mars and Hera


Medievil's Spawing Pair: Frosty and Cream


(Not the best picture of Cream...)

I got all the stats here too.

Click here to get the statistics and other usefull information on the spawns.

Well, that about covers it. Rate teh spawns please. Not by how they look, but how the outcome will be.
Arent you getting a tad ahead of yourself? -_- Counting the eggs before they hatch kinda thing.
No... I never guaranteed anything in their. All I gave were stats. Besides, I'm breeding more.
I'm confuuuused. How are you going to get plakats and doubletails out of a spawn from a plakat female and a dt petstore male? :huh:

Your site says "For all those who do not know what a DT betta is, it's basically a HM (Half Moon) with the back fin split in half!."

But umm, your first male looks to be a more of a veil tail with the dt trait. And vt is dominant over pk & dt... so I'm guessin if you bred those two you would get vt's. Does your female plakat that you got from Elmo have dt geno? I saw her a few times on aquabid. I thought she was very pretty but I don't remember reading anything about dt.

If you look in the DT section on aquabid you'll be able to see the difference in the halfmoon doubletails and your doubletail. Your guy's fins are much longer.

Either way, whatever you decide to do and whatever comes out good luck and have fun!
I knew I forgot to edit something! Ok, I need to get something straight with all ya.
His back fins is actually half that length. I dunno what happened in the picture. But I am just confused with the length of the other fins.
Even if he is a DTVT (which I highly doubt as his parents were short finned double tail plakats), there is such a thing as line breeding.

Weird, just found this:
Doubletails have an increased number of fin rays, with that amount being variable depending on the fish's tail type. The fish actually has two tails, each with an equal amount of rays. The dorsal fin is also twice the size of single tail bettas, due to the increased amount of rays. Ideally, the Doubletail should have an full split down the middle of the tail lobes, and the lobes should be identical in size.
Right. The lobes on the tail would be rounded and shorter if he didn't have some VT in him. And I'm just kind of paranoid since you got him from a petstore :p I think it's great that you know his linnage too. Most petstores don't have that kind of information on their fish.
wow! I just got someone to listen to me! i went on ultimate bettas to show the pair off, and they are all like:
I don't care that the petstore says, listen to me.

Man, I hate it. They would know. Why? They get like only 5 DT's every shipment. Then they get like 2 VT's, 5 HM's, and then the rest are all CT's or HM SD
Alright, tommorrow I will, cause my camera is taking forever, as normal to charge.
Those are VT DTs, like Auratus said. Both are long-finned. You will get no plakats unless you are 100% sure one is plakat geno, which I doubt, since most breeders aren't too keen on mixing plakats in with their long-finned stock. You will get veil tails in the F1, and probably nothing but VTs unless Hera can contribute enough good genes to get you some deltas in that spawn, but their finnage is going to be less than remarkable even then. This isn't really a problem if you're planning to breed both lines back to plakats, but it's gonna take you three generations to get back to 100% plakats, so I'd keep the first two spawns small if I were you.

Your colour predictions are going to be completely wrong, but that's not due to any lack of research on your part, it's just nearly impossible to predict colour outcomes as specific as you tried to predict them unless the fish come from true-breeding lines. Unless you're SURE Frosty is from copper lines, you're not gonna get any coppers out of him. The majority of those fish will be red multis, but you might get a few surprises. From the other spawn you'll probably get a lot of multi pastels.
I wuv geno stuff, so interesting! Nice looking site though Opp. And I think Hera is purdy. But I'd listen to Synirr, she knows her stuff. Course, if you're cool with the outcomes, good luck! :)
Those are VT DTs, like Auratus said. Both are long-finned. You will get no plakats unless you are 100% sure one is plakat geno, which I doubt, since most breeders aren't too keen on mixing plakats in with their long-finned stock. You will get veil tails in the F1, and probably nothing but VTs unless Hera can contribute enough good genes to get you some deltas in that spawn, but their finnage is going to be less than remarkable even then. This isn't really a problem if you're planning to breed both lines back to plakats, but it's gonna take you three generations to get back to 100% plakats, so I'd keep the first two spawns small if I were you.

Your colour predictions are going to be completely wrong, but that's not due to any lack of research on your part, it's just nearly impossible to predict colour outcomes as specific as you tried to predict them unless the fish come from true-breeding lines. Unless you're SURE Frosty is from copper lines, you're not gonna get any coppers out of him. The majority of those fish will be red multis, but you might get a few surprises. From the other spawn you'll probably get a lot of multi pastels.
Well, maybe I put it in the wrong order. Hera has platinum and copper.
I wuv geno stuff, so interesting! But I'd listen to Synirr, she knows her stuff. Course, if you're cool with the outcomes, good luck! :)
Yeah, me too. I wish I listened in science last year! I don't get most of it...I remember doing all the charts and such for class, but I forgot how and why each little thing does into the little boxes.
Oh well. I'm one of those visual people, who need it to be explained infront of them...Thats why I can't learn math from a book.
Well, maybe I put it in the wrong order. Hera has platinum and copper.
If both your females carry copper but neither of your males do I don't see what difference it makes, hehe.

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