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  1. B

    Cichlid Problem

    Just looking thru my old posts... noticed all my newb questions. LOL, the fish described in this thread is still doing great! getting old too, and is actually the biggest out of the 4 others that i have.
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    Cichlid Sick?

    There really isnt much bickering going on in the tank at all, they chase every now and then, usually during feeding and a litte bit after wards, but there is lots of hiding for all of them... I honestly dont see that being an issue, these guys have been adults for some time now as well.... the...
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    Cichlid Sick?

    Update to this situation... The cichlid in question did die, i ended up putting him out... after a long way, he just got worse and worse and was clearly not gonna make it, im surprised how slow and long this all went on.. Unfortuantly it seems that my Jack Dempsey is starting to act strangely...
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    Cichlid Sick?

    here are a few pictures, and a decent close up picture of the fish in question...
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    Cichlid Sick?

    The tank is 85 gallons i have 2 mubuna cichlids 5.5 inchs 1 jack dempsey ( a very nice mannered one) 6 inchs 4 5 bar cichlids very from 1.5 to 5 inchs 2 clown loachs 3-4 inchs 1 masked cichlid maybe 2 inchs these fish have been together for 2 years, the jack clown loachs and 2 of the 5...
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    Neolamprologus Tretocephalus (5bar Cichlid)

    I was just browsing thru my old posts, im proud to say i still have this fish hes full grown one of the best looking 5 bars i have seen in person... he used to be the picked on super shy fish i was always worried about, now he rules the roost with a couple other fishs his size, by far my fav...
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    Cichlid Sick?

    Just a small update, since i have free'd up the guy he seems to be swiming a bit better, i treated the tank as a precaution, hopefully it doesnt hurt the fish if they may no need treatment, Fish seems to act normal just swiming a bit goofy and fins are pretty haggered nothing ich like though...
  8. B

    Cichlid Sick?

    I had just cleaned the tank a week ago, all other fish seem to be acting normal and doing the normal thing However my blue lake malawi guy isnt so normal, i found em in the corner wedged between the glass and a peice of lava rock, he didnt appear to be stuck... maybe he was i dunno, i got him...
  9. B

    Breeding Neolamprologus Tretocephalus

    I really enjoy these fish, and i would love to have a breeding pair, i currently have 3 of what i think are males. They range in size from 3-4.5 inchs, they seem to be really happy. They are in an 80 gallon tank with lots of rocks, sand substrate... I am however, finding it difficult to locate a...
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    Cichlid Has White/glazed Over Eye...update!

    Well the fish is doing much better the eye is almost completly healed!! thanks for all the help!!
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    Cichlid Has White/glazed Over Eye...update!

    I have used medication, for cloudy/protruding eye, i have seriously neglected the tank, Im sure this is what it was caused from, once the treatment is dont im going to need to clean it again, its hard to clean to begin with as its sand not gravel, so usally i just vacuum the top, and then stir...
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    Cichlid Has White/glazed Over Eye...update!

    Yes it does stick out a bit, i just finished doing a water change, and the tank is WAY WAY dirtier than i thought...i feel bad :( im bought some medication today, i will put that in there... and change the water again in 4 or 5 days ( mainly get all the nasty crap out of there)....any other...
  13. B

    Cichlid Has White/glazed Over Eye...update!

    Hi, ive read thru some of the stickys on this, the fish is about 2 years old, is a bumble bee cichlid Water parameters as follows... Ph 7.8 ammonia about high i know what change tomarrow after work nitrate and nitrite are both 0ppm i have since added salt and a anti fungel...
  14. B

    Jack Dempsey

    i did do a water change about 5 days ago...i dont really do many water changes cause hes the only one in there and the water parameters are always fine only about twice a month... is that a bad habbit or what? should i do more water changes?
  15. B

    Jack Dempsey

    i know the tank is too small for him hes currently about 5 inchs or so i dont have any plants in the tank its faily bare so he has some room gravel is pretty deep and theres a cave water temp is 78 degrees i just tested the nitrate reading of my tap water and its 0ppm also
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    Jack Dempsey

    the tank is small its only 20 gallons hes there by himself theres one cave and gravel thats it, i havent noticed anything unusal on him he looks prefectly healthy he was in a 75 gallon but has been in a 20 gallon for about 3 months he was put in there to allow some other fish i have gotton to grow
  17. B

    Jack Dempsey

    My Jack has been acting a bit strange lately he rubs the gill/eye area on the gravel and sometimes the air stone tubing, i have suspected some type of parasite, but i have looked at him very closely and cant see anything obviously wrong no spots marks redness or anything he dosent do it much...
  18. B

    Dominance In The Aquarium

    funny part is the bumble bee isnt the dominate one its the other one of the same size..i should get a pic so you guys can ID it..i forgot what it is
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    Dominance In The Aquarium

    nobody has any insight on this??
  20. B

    Dominance In The Aquarium

    Hello, lets start out with what i have, i have an african tank with 3 Five bar cichlids 2 are about an inch the other is almost 2, 1 bumble bee cichlid aprox. 5 inchs.. anther african not even sure what he is but is also aprox. 5 inchs and last is a masked cichlid hes about an 1.5ins all these...
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    My Tank Setup/fish Pics!

    I try to mix it up a bit when feeding...they all love the veggie flake alot eat that up, the jack i actually feed him plankton i sometimes let the africans eat it but usally i just let the jack take it from my hand so the africans cant get a hold of it, i also feed the jack small goldfish or...
  22. B

    My Tank Setup/fish Pics!

    thanks for all the comments, i know usally this south american and africans mixing isnt supposed to work and i know the water parameters are slightly different etc etc, BUT i have had these fish together since they were very small they have all grown up together in the same tank with the same...
  23. B

    My Tank Setup/fish Pics!

    Yes i need to work on the picture taking skills..i have a good camera just need to learn how to use it right...But the fish you are describing is called a bumble Bee cichlid not sure of its scientific name, cool fish it has grown quite assuming thats why my Jack dosent mess with em..
  24. B

    My Tank Setup/fish Pics!

    im new at taking pics some didnt turn out great but i will post anyway.. i have had these guys for about 1 or so years have been doing very well together the Jack is pretty nice to em :P tell me what ya think!! this is a different tank just waiting for this little guy to get bigger so...
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    Neolamprologus Tretocephalus (5bar Cichlid)

    anyone else car to help me what furry said true, should i get another??
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    Neolamprologus Tretocephalus (5bar Cichlid)

    first off lets start with water parameters PH 7.8 ammonia 0ppm nitrate 0ppm nitrite 0ppm 80 degrees F tank has good areation tank has been setup for about 2 years Fish has been in a 20 gallon tank to "grow" so i can put him in with the bigger guys in the 75 gallon later, hes only about 1.5in...
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    Cichlid Problem

    Bump.....more info in first post...please help if ya can
  28. B

    Cichlid Problem

    it would be hard to catch a picture of him hes pretty small and hides very well in the cave hes in, plus i have been leaving the lights off and dont go in the room the tank is in just to let him get used to his surroundings and what not with out me trying to ck him out, heres a picture of what...
  29. n_tretocephalus_1.jpg


  30. B

    Cichlid Problem

    i have since increased the temp to 80 degrees, the PH is around 7.5 tank has been setup for about 3 years and has housed 2 africans for that amount of time, so i dont think anything is really wrong with the water parameters, he has now since moved from the heater and hes been hiding in a cave, i...
  31. B

    Cichlid Problem

    wow know one can help me?
  32. B

    Cichlid Problem

    just got a 5 bar cichlid a few days ago i put him in a small 20 gallon tank so he can grow big enough to hang with the bigger guys in the 75 gallon, hes only about 1 in. very good looking fish to i might add..But he dosent move much just sits by the heater or in the top corners of the tank, its...
  33. B

    Do You Use Tank Backgrounds?

    i have one but its all black, i think black looks the best IMO...
  34. B

    New Tank Setup Problem

    ok guys/gals i have no idea what to do now the tank is still pretty cloudy water tests ok but it just wont clear up, the filters are pretty dirty but what should i do? water change? chemical? ??
  35. B

    New Tank Setup Problem

    ya the bag that the sand came in said it was for africans i think it helps keep the PH up where it supposed to be, for being a new tank and all, my filters are really dirty, so im sure the filters doing its job... my plan was to transfer my fish on thursday but i want to make sure the water is ok...
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    New Tank Setup Problem

    no i didnt wash the sand i was told it didnt really matter, seems how the sand i got was already soaked in long do you thing it will take? thanks for the fast response
  37. B

    New Tank Setup Problem

    Hello, i recently setup a 72 gallon bow front aquarium, im using afican chiclid sand substrate, lace rock and some plants, this is my first time using sand, Im using a brand new marineland emperor 400 bio wheel power filter, its been running for almost a week now and the water is still cloudy...
  38. B

    Take a look

    i actually just bought it from my LFS, will this hurt the fish by having a low reading?
  39. B

    Take a look

    it is planted i have 3 plants in there, what will that cause having a low reading..i couldnt find anything about that...thats why i posted cause i was unsure about what happends when thats out of spec..i havent done a water change in about a week and when i changed it a week ago it was only a...