Cichlid Has White/glazed Over Eye...update!


New Member
Jan 3, 2005
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Hi, ive read thru some of the stickys on this, the fish is about 2 years old, is a bumble bee cichlid

Water parameters as follows...
Ph 7.8
ammonia about high i know what change tomarrow after work
nitrate and nitrite are both 0ppm

i have since added salt and a anti fungel medication, this tank has been up for 2 years, never had a death, all cichlids with 2 clown loachs, this is my first problem, the tank has sand as a substrate, i think i waited a to long before i did a water change/ cleaning, it has good filtration, ive only cleaned it 4 times, since ive had it.... i think this is the problem, the tank appears really clean me any other suggestions...

Fish still eats, however he hides out more than normal and sometimes moves erraticaly...because he has trouble seeing? he still has all of his color... no other fish has any effects as of yet, i just saw this tonight... any suggestions would be helpful, also he is the most dominate fish in the tank and still lets other know that....

heres a few pictures... kinda hard to see






I would be more worried about the ammonia than the eye. Even with a water change, you will then start getting nitrite readings, I would keep a close eye on the water. I suspect this is what has caused it.

Is the eye protruding or swollen ?
Looks sort of like popeye possibly, as it does stick out. Take a look at the article here.
Yes it does stick out a bit, i just finished doing a water change, and the tank is WAY WAY dirtier than i thought...i feel bad :( im bought some medication today, i will put that in there... and change the water again in 4 or 5 days ( mainly get all the nasty crap out of there)....any other advise or things i should do, its a pretty fish is dont want it to die...i also have other expensive fish in there.... i kinda forgot how important cleaning the tank is.... dangit!!
What medication are you using ?

Also be sure you remove carbon from filters etc when adding medications. also make sure you dont water change whilst medicating unless it tells you to.

Ive yet to find a treatment that sorts out pop eye, generally they cant get to the source to kill the infection.

Do you always Vac your gravel and perform weekly water changes ?
I have used medication, for cloudy/protruding eye, i have seriously neglected the tank, Im sure this is what it was caused from, once the treatment is dont im going to need to clean it again, its hard to clean to begin with as its sand not gravel, so usally i just vacuum the top, and then stir the sand around some, and keep vaccuming.... but i havent done this in some time... like only a few times a year... it never looks dirty!! i have to add about a gallon of water to the tank a week as it evaorates really quick so water changes i dont do so much...
I know how deciecing it can be when a tank looks crystal clear, and you go to clean it and it's filthy! Just be sure to keep up on maintence very good here for a bit and after. And everything should sort itself out.

Good Luck!
Well the fish is doing much better the eye is almost completly healed!! thanks for all the help!!

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