Jack Dempsey


New Member
Jan 3, 2005
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My Jack has been acting a bit strange lately he rubs the gill/eye area on the gravel and sometimes the air stone tubing, i have suspected some type of parasite, but i have looked at him very closely and cant see anything obviously wrong no spots marks redness or anything he dosent do it much, hes all by himself and still eats alot, dosent act odd in any other way besides this... anyone have an idea of why he acts like this...i havent ever seen him do this until recently...

PH 7.4
ammonia 0ppm
nitrate 0ppm
nitrite 0ppm
Need to look at water quality first in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph, as bad water quality can make them rub.
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
Any excess mucas on the gill area.
the tank is small its only 20 gallons hes there by himself theres one cave and gravel thats it, i havent noticed anything unusal on him he looks prefectly healthy

he was in a 75 gallon but has been in a 20 gallon for about 3 months he was put in there to allow some other fish i have gotton to grow
That tank is way to small for him.
Have you just added them test results didn't see them before.
Right need to look at your nitrate reading, do you use live plants in the tank, and what your tap nitrate reading.

i know the tank is too small for him hes currently about 5 inchs or so i dont have any plants in the tank its faily bare so he has some room gravel is pretty deep and theres a cave water temp is 78 degrees i just tested the nitrate reading of my tap water and its 0ppm also
Thats fine then.
Keep a eye to see if he starts to flick more, also water changes can make them flick.
Keep an eye on the gill area for changes.
i did do a water change about 5 days ago...i dont really do many water changes cause hes the only one in there and the water parameters are always fine only about twice a month... is that a bad habbit or what? should i do more water changes?
Yes once a week this is probably why he could be rubbing.
Never do a large water changes if you have left it to long it can alter stats to fast and cause fish stress and shock
Always best to do smaller ones till you get back on track.
Fish only stay healthy if you put the time in.

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