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  1. B

    Post the development of your fish

    Proportionly Hump looks pretty on certain fish.... I just don't think your fish look happy, or even feel happy :crazy:
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    My German Blue Ram

    Sylvia, thanks for your advice. I will try microworms on the next batch. Dirtydogg, I remove the eggs to a 10G. tank, lower the PH, no medicine add, heavy air, and that's it. I believed in clean water though. Hope we both have luck on the next batch
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    My German Blue Ram

    15 left, feeding decapsuled brine shrimp egg.
  4. 117_1779_1.JPG


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    My German Blue Ram

    About 150 frys were hatched
  6. 115_1568_1.JPG


  7. B

    My German Blue Ram

    Thanks all... They did spawn, but most of them can not survive due to the food. Even newly hatch BBS are too big for them.
  8. 115_1534_1.JPG


  9. 118_1835_1.JPG


  10. 118_1826_1.JPG


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    My German Blue Ram

    Forgot the picture
  12. 116_1689_1.JPG


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    My German Blue Ram

    Hi all, I really like rams, and trying to breed them. I were told that they had wild blood line :shifty:
  14. B

    Breeding Rams

    Hi Apisto Can you post some pictures of your frys. I did have mine spawn once, but the BBS are too big for them to swallow. Only few survive.
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    Xmas moss vs. Taiwan moss

    Does anyone has experience with these two moss, or suppose to be the same thing just under different conditions with different names :/ And when I read more, there are erect moss, willow moss......and more.Oh my god! Help!