My German Blue Ram

15 left, feeding decapsuled brine shrimp egg.


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Have you tried microworms? They are smaller than BBS and, IMO, much better for young fry. You could also try feeding them infusoria for the first few days, until they're big enough for BBS.
Very cute BTW :)
beautiful rams :wub: I love them. congratulations of the fry. I am trying to breed my rams right now too. This is there third try, but I helped them out this time by removing the tetra from the tank. I'm going to try Liquid fry food for the first couple of days. Did you remove yours from the mother and father? I'm still tossing this around.
Sylvia, thanks for your advice. I will try microworms on the next batch.

Dirtydogg, I remove the eggs to a 10G. tank, lower the PH, no medicine add, heavy air, and that's it. I believed in clean water though. Hope we both have luck on the next batch
Great pics! :) They look like my two, who were sold to me as "Dutch Rams" Maidenhead Aquatics (who I trust at this store) inform they are hardier than German Blues. Beatiful! :)

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