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  1. fisshboy

    New Reef Setup :)

    Hi all first post on the salty side so here goes...   i have recently purchased a juwel trigon 190 that has been drilled and has a sump, it was second hand and has been running for a while but iv added some of my own stuff to it.   all it had stock wise was around 5kgs of live rock 2 pulsing...
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  4. fisshboy

    New To Cichlids

    my 200L is doing fine, always had been! all fish get along and i test water every week its perfect. i know the venustus is gonna get big now although i wasnt told this when i got him, im gonna keep hold of him for a little while then give him to a friend with a 6 foot malawi tank.   as far...
  5. fisshboy

    New To Cichlids

    so here it is fully set up, has a 60L sump underneath running as the filter as well as a fluval 205 and a Marina sp15 HOB filter and a UV steriliser. I know theres a lot of fish in there by the way.   my Nitrates are sitting around 80ppm 24 hours after a water change is there anyway i can keep...
  6. fisshboy

    New To Cichlids

    so iv taken the american's out of the tank and put them in my 200L community, iv decided on just Malawi and been given a a few today that someone local has bred and wanted to get rid of heres what hes given me :   1 x Venustus (Giraffe Cichlid)  2 x Eleongatis Chailosi 3 x Melanochromis Chipokae...
  7. fisshboy

    New To Cichlids

    Thats hat i thought, i only have one malawi with 4 american at the min so its not too bad, i have a 200L community tank that allready has a bolivian and german rams in so ill move them to there and just have malawi. Can tanganyika mix with malawi? A few sites selling them both say they can mix...
  8. fisshboy

    New To Cichlids

    Hi all, recently acquired a juwel vision 180 and someone have given me some cichlids as i thought id give it a go. I know theres 2 bolivian rams for sure, i also ave 2 that look like rams but are bigger have bigger heads look like threadfin acara to me and also i have a Malawi ciclid thats...
  9. fisshboy

    Bolivian Ram

    Iv now added another. 2 rams to see if she gets on, one is more orange than her and one is just less colourfull. Could anyone tell me what sort of rams they are and possibly what sex?
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  13. fisshboy

    Tank For Breeding

    Wanted small/medium sized cheap tank for breeding fish, minimum of 50L realisticly maybe a tad lower as and in or around the Sheffield area would be ideal im willing to drive though
  14. fisshboy

    Bolivian Ram

    Ahh right thanks for the help. Will she be okay on her own or will she be better with a male friend? Thanks all
  15. fisshboy

    Bolivian Ram

    Hi all, i havnt really got any experiance with rams but iv been given this one yesterday he/she was pretty stressed to begin with rapid breathing etc, seems to have settled in a bit better now though just wondering if anyone could shed some light on whatsex it is and if its looking healthy. My...
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  17. fisshboy

    Free Fish Sheffield

    Hi all, i have 2 golden algae eaters, one silver shark, one rubber nose Pleco and a breeding pair of molly's the male been sail fin that im willing to give away to a good home, all of them are between 1-2 inches long apart from the sail fin molly thats around 3" all healthy active fish in a tank...
  18. fisshboy

    2 Externals, 1 Inlet/outlet?

    Hi all, iv recently got a fluval 204 and a 305 im running the 305 on my 200L but its a little over stocked so my idea was to run both filters at once with a "Y" connecter so i only have one inlet and one outlet hose in my tank as iv had to cut bits out of the hood already and don't fancy doing...
  19. fisshboy

    Finished Cycle Then Ammonia Spike?

    I ended up doing a fish in cycle, the only fish i have added recently is a black ghost knife a few days ago, i was under the impression ammonia couldnt be present without nitrite once the cycle had finish because the ammonia was converted to nitrite so why do i have this?
  20. fisshboy

    Finished Cycle Then Ammonia Spike?

    hi all, quick question.   my tank has been fully cycled and has been reading 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite and 10ppm nitrate for the past few weeks then all of a sudden an ammonia reading of 0.50ppm does anyone know what could be causing this ?   many thanks fisshboy
  21. fisshboy

    Have I Killed My Cycle?

    Hi all, tested again this morning result are; Amonia-0.25ppm Nitrite-1.0ppm Nitrate-5.0ppm PH-6.4 Does this indicate that its gone back a little to the nitrite phase? The .25 amonia id always present as its in my tap water Thanks
  22. fisshboy

    Have I Killed My Cycle?

    Yeah i use prime iv dosed it at double the dosage just to be sure did it straight away after Thanks
  23. fisshboy

    Have I Killed My Cycle?

    Thanks for the quick reply what will be the most obviouse sign of it going wrong?
  24. fisshboy

    Have I Killed My Cycle?

    Hi all quick question, noticed one of my mollies had a little bit of fungus today so erlier i did. 50% water change and dosed the tank with king british methylene blue. I was a bit shocked at how blue it actually went but left it anyway then did some reading and read that it can kill your cycle...
  25. fisshboy

    Filtration Help

    Hi all did a quick search but no luck, my question is my tank is probably a little overstocked at the moment i know it is so none of the overstocked hate please i do look after that tank i change the 25% water every 2 days treated with prime and vac the gravel at the same time and I'm careful...
  26. fisshboy

    The Most Overstocked Tank On Fleabay? I think this is a real contender! 7 goldfish i could count in a 11.5L tank thats not even filled fully and to top it off no filter!
  27. fisshboy

    Cloudy Water After Changing Pebbles To Sand ?

    Yeah uv heard that about UV iv took it now now i litrally just used it to clear the water, ill put it back in for a day or so every once in a while to stop it happening again thanks
  28. fisshboy

    Cloudy Water After Changing Pebbles To Sand ?

    Thanks for the tips i tried filter floss with no results kept changing it everyday and doing a 50% waterchange everyday for over a week and it would clear up for a few hours then get cloudy again. I knew it could bena bacterial bloom but didnt think it was after leaving the light of for a few...
  29. fisshboy

    Looking For The Cheapest Products? Api Stress coat 10quid for 273ml in p@h 480ml for under 12quid there Or here 1.9 litres for less than 20quid
  30. fisshboy

    Does My Aquarium Look Healthy? (Vid Included)

    Tigers have never botherd any of the tetra they had a little chase of the guppies but tetras swim with them sometimes, and the bala shark is only there temporary hes getting re-homed in my dads bigger tank and replaced with 2 more corys. Water tests just done are PH - 6.5 Amonia - 0ppm...
  31. fisshboy

    Does My Aquarium Look Healthy? (Vid Included)

    Hi all just wondering if anyone can tell if my aquarium is looking healthy or not took this video relier iv been through a bit of a rough patch recently with whitespot and inflamed fins and pop eye so its hard for me not to think it looks bad all the time, can someone with some experience shed...
  32. fisshboy

    Black Eyed Tetra

    Its interpet - anti whitespot i used too if this helps? Thanks again
  33. fisshboy

    Black Eyed Tetra

    Thanks for the info, ill try and get a picture when i get hone later on
  34. fisshboy

    Black Eyed Tetra

    Hi all, iv just finished treating my tank for white spot sucessfully and done a water change last night then this morning noticed one of my glow light tetras has a dark blue eye as though its bruised, its a tiny bit swollen but not pop eye swollen should i be alarmed or will it pass? Thanks
  35. fisshboy

    Woken Up To Babys

    Woken up this morning to find one of my mollys has given birth, a few are allready dead though should i leave the others free swimming? I have them in a net at the moment resting in the water . Thanks
  36. fisshboy

    Cloudy Water After Changing Pebbles To Sand ?

    Been 3 days now done a 50% water change everyday and filter booster but every morning its cloudy again. here it is after a 50% change water slowly added over an hour so no sand was disturbed, anything but clear
  37. fisshboy

    White Spot!

    Water tested fine, iv read that white spot treatments contain copper in them and i have Amani shrimp in there which it would kill off, is there any white spot treatment people can recommend that wont harm my shrimp?
  38. fisshboy

    White Spot!

    Today iv found a neon tetra covered in white spot! None of the other fish have sign of any iv taken the neon out and into a hospital tank and turned the temp of both tanks up to 30c. Should i still treat the main tank that the neon has been in just in case? If so whats the best treatment, thanks
  39. fisshboy

    Cloudy Water After Changing Pebbles To Sand ?

    I did a 50% water change straight after to get rid of the debris left from the pebbles, all my fish seem eratic as if trying to escape! I left them in there while i did it they didnt seem too botherd about it while i was doing it i did half at a time and they stayed at the other half untill i...
  40. fisshboy

    Cloudy Water After Changing Pebbles To Sand ?

    I have just changed from pebbles to sand i rinsed the sand until it ran clear and then used the bottle method to make sure it was as clean as it could be, its been nearly a day now and my tank is still a little murky is this normal and will it clear ? iv attached a pic of before and after for...