White Spot!


New Member
Dec 30, 2012
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Today iv found a neon tetra covered in white spot! None of the other fish have sign of any iv taken the neon out and into a hospital tank and turned the temp of both tanks up to 30c. Should i still treat the main tank that the neon has been in just in case? If so whats the best treatment, thanks
personally i would have left him in the main tank and treated that, but yes, as you have moved him, treat both tanks, what are the stats of your main tank, alot of ailments are caused by poor water quality
Water tested fine, iv read that white spot treatments contain copper in them and i have Amani shrimp in there which it would kill off, is there any white spot treatment people can recommend that wont harm my shrimp?
I have used Protozin by Waterlife successfully with both snails and shrimp. You could try a half dose.
Could you put shrimp in hospital tank and return neon to main and just treat main tank whilst shrimp are safe in hospital tank? Or are there too many to catch?
I've used King British original formula ws3 at half dose with amano shrimps. They hid for the duration of the treatment but they survived.

I couldn't catch them so they had to take their chance, but I did put the easier to remove nerite snails in the quarantine tank.

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