Search results

  1. BlackyMoory

    15 Gallons/ 70 Litters Okay For A Betta?

      The seller says, it has a crack which has been sealed and that they have used over and over again, but if the crack doesn't work out I have another tank I used for a hamster so I was thinking of switching the tanks (is that good or bad?)
  2. BlackyMoory

    15 Gallons/ 70 Litters Okay For A Betta?

      WooooT ! Okay getting it for a bargain at $13
  3. BlackyMoory

    15 Gallons/ 70 Litters Okay For A Betta?

    Hi there,    I currently have my betta fish living in a very small 2 gallon tank and want to upgrade him to a 15 Gallon tank! :) Would he be okay living alone in the tank and is that size big enough! I do not plan on putting any more fish in the tank just him!   Thanks :)
  4. BlackyMoory

    Pond Build Question

      You are correct, would you know the coldest temperature my fish could live in?
  5. BlackyMoory

    Goldfish Laid Eggs!

      Oh should of been more clear they didn't hatch but anyways maybe it was for the better :)
  6. BlackyMoory

    Pond Build Question

    Hi there!    I found a really nice spot to build pond, but it would be 60 cm deep but could be raised higher if needed, The pond is for my 3 comet goldfish at least I think that's what they are! They are around 5 years old and 6 inches long :)     They look like the yellow goldfish, spotter...
  7. BlackyMoory

    Goldfish Laid Eggs!

    No :'( but anyways :)
  8. BlackyMoory

    How Many Commet Goldfish Could Live In This Tank?

      How many gallons/litters should the pond be for 3 goldfish? 
  9. BlackyMoory

    How Many Commet Goldfish Could Live In This Tank?

    So would a 64 US Gallons tank be better?
  10. BlackyMoory

    How Many Commet Goldfish Could Live In This Tank?

    I'm 90% Sure my goldfish are comet goldfish       Thanks Guys! 
  11. BlackyMoory

    Goldfish Laid Eggs!

      No a tub I really don't know what I'm doing :/
  12. BlackyMoory

    Goldfish Laid Eggs!

        In a tank there are 4 of them the tank is 30 Gallons ( I know it is too small and I am going to upgrade)   I separated the eggs cause don't the adults eat them? There are black little dots in the eggs!   Thanks     thanks donya! Sorry about that!
  13. BlackyMoory

    Goldfish Laid Eggs!

    Right so every year for the past 4 years my goldfish have been laying eggs usually the do not hatch but this year the eggs have little black dots on them :S   What should I do I separated them and have them in a warm room!   How can I tell if they are fertile ? What do I do ?   agh!!!    LOL xD
  14. BlackyMoory

    Is 3 Gallons Big Enough For A Betta?

    what temperature will he like?
  15. BlackyMoory

    Is 3 Gallons Big Enough For A Betta?

    I agree not the best tank but it is 100% better than what he was in! He has a heater but what is the ideal temperature for him? He has a hidout and plant! The filter I planned to use was way too big! So am planning to buy a small filter during this week:     This is just going to be a temp tank...
  16. BlackyMoory

    Multiple Bettas

    Personally I think it is asking for unnecessary trouble, Since you do know the repudiation of the Male bettas and that if it says       I think it is just really bad cause if there is a fight it is unnecessary injuries or death! 
  17. BlackyMoory

    Is 3 Gallons Big Enough For A Betta?

    Sorry the only reason of that tank in particular is cause I have it lying around my house! Not in use!
  18. BlackyMoory

    Operation Transformation

     Hey I just wanted to quote you so you will get this notification, Thank You so much it truly means a lot to me thank YOU so MUCH!!!!!!
  19. BlackyMoory

    Operation Transformation

    Okay so I've made so many mistakes with my fish and just now want to give them a better life! I have four goldfish around 5-6 cm long! and one male betta.     I would like to know exactly everything I should have for my fish a "shopping list maybe"?     I live in Ireland where temperatures are...
  20. BlackyMoory

    Is 3 Gallons Big Enough For A Betta?

    Thank you everyone for your opinions! I really wanted them and will take your advice!
  21. BlackyMoory

    Is 3 Gallons Big Enough For A Betta?

      I've never seen an advert that actually had the perfect recommendations for an animal like a hamster cage suitable for 2 hamsters and you're just like you couldn't even fit your hand in that cage let alone like a hamster grr!
  22. BlackyMoory

    Is 3 Gallons Big Enough For A Betta?   That fish tank there!
  23. BlackyMoory

    Would This Set Up Be Okay?

    WAIT!!!! I don't have that bowl yet that picture does not belong to me it is pulled from the internet, I want to set up a bowl like that, I have a filter and heater that would fit in a bowl but there is a bowl online for sale that is the dimensions I gave above is it sutible for a fish?
  24. BlackyMoory

    Would This Set Up Be Okay?

    Bowl height 33cm  circumference 125cm  diameter 40cm    I have a filter and heater for the tank, It will be a similar set up to this:     This image does not belong to me.   It is for one Betta Fish
  25. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    # Update 5 14/01/2013 18:15 Guess who's still alive :o
  26. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    is a meter long it's ot official yet but more than likely :)
  27. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    Sorry forgot to reply yes he is eating # Update 4 27/12/2012 18:49 He is still alive woo!! Also guess who is getting another tank.... ;)
  28. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    # Update 3 24/12/2012 18:05 Well he is still alive and redness is still gone he is swimming on his side and swelling is reducing :), He was sick before and this is what he was like: Thats why I have high hopes for him :)
  29. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    @epic154 He is a little better still the same BUT ALIVE!!! :D and @techen what? :S
  30. BlackyMoory

    Well. This Sucks.

    Wow...Thats so sucky, I'm so sorry for the loss of your fish. Was there much damage to your dorm room?
  31. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    Oh...It's actually 20 gallons, What a surprise lol
  32. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    # Update 2 22/12/2012 15:40 He is now floating towards the bottom, redness compleatly gone. Still swelling.
  33. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    Thanks guys moneys a little tight but you's are saying I should go for a tank in the 75 gallons region?
  34. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    Well I love how positive you are on this forum and it is clear the you members are certainly a credit to the forum, Now the idea of a pond is actually rather likely! But in Ireland (where I am atm) The conditions get very cold (hence why I have the heater still in the tank) so What is the...
  35. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    <p> @Flute He is the only one, You see my other 4 goldfish have had lets call it an eventful life, in 2008 they were bought as class pets and live in a bowl for one year, After one year he moved home with me and they lived in a tank where they shared a home with some tropical fish they lived...
  36. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    sorry nope guys is there anything you can recommend I have in an isolation container I don't want him in pain!
  37. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    What do you think is wrong?
  38. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    bleeding under his scales? Yes I'm almost 100% certain. Could you tell us a bit more about the tank please? Okay I will get you exact measurements tomorrow It's just I have to sleep now, But it's three landscape A4 pages across and about 1 1/2 A4 pages width How big is it? 10 Gallons I think...
  39. BlackyMoory

    I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

    Okay so I only noticed to day that my black moor has been swimming on it's side and has a huge red patches on it's side. He was in a tank with 4 goldfish and has been living there for the past 3 years, The tank has two filters and a heater set on 22/24 I think Do you have any more questions...