I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

and @techen what?

He says to trade the gold fish in ;). Glad to hear he's getting better!
Keep us updated on the progress please!
# Update 3 [sup]24/12/2012 18:05[/sup]

Well he is still alive and redness is still gone he is swimming on his side and swelling is reducing :), He was sick before and this is what he was like:



Thats why I have high hopes for him :)
Good deal, very glad to hear he's progressing.
good, he is upright, that's a sign he will live, if you see signs of sickness please update us! is he eating?
Sorry forgot to reply yes he is eating

# Update 4 [sup]27/12/2012 18:49[/sup]

He is still alive woo!!

Also guess who is getting another tank.... ;)
Fantastic news!!! :D So glad he's still fighting :good:

And tell us more about the new tank! ;)
# Update 5 [sup]14/01/2013 18:15[/sup]

Guess who's still alive :eek:
Wow from those pictures he look much much better! Well done!! :)

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