I'm Seriously Worried About My Black Moor

Well I love how positive you are on this forum and it is clear the you members are certainly a credit to the forum, Now the idea of a pond is actually rather likely! But in Ireland (where I am atm) The conditions get very cold (hence why I have the heater still in the tank) so What is the coldest that goldfish can live in? Currently the weather is 4 to 8 degrees Celsius but can sometimes get to -1 or -2. also I was thinking of making a little update log on this forum just in case the members would like to see by little fishes progress! Also if he survives could he also live in a pond?

# Update 1 [sup]21/12/2012 21:38[/sup]

He seems a little better, Redness has gone down as well as swelling.
Gold fish do well between 65 degrees and 72 degrees (not sure the conversion to Celsius, probably around 19C to 22C) but they can live in much colder temps during winter months when they slow their metabolism. Depth of the pond matters as well. A deeper pond is better for winter.

The area you see could be a bacterial infection which leads to things like ulcers or it could be ammonia irritation which can cause very similar symptoms. My guess is the latter is the case. If so then water changes are the first step to helping it get better. The second step has already been gone over above.
My parents have a pond which regularly freezes over during the winter - no problem for the fish.
I don't think fancy goldfish can overwinter in the UK; they're just not hardy enough.

Really, you need a bigger tank, something in the 200l region (although, ideally you would go even bigger) would be doable, with plenty of regular water changes. Water changes are the big key to keeping goldies healthy in tanks.
Thanks guys moneys a little tight but you's are saying I should go for a tank in the 75 gallons region?
# Update 2 [sup]22/12/2012 15:40[/sup]

He is now floating towards the bottom, redness compleatly gone. Still swelling.
Just thought i would add that there is a link to a calculator for working out the size of your tank at the top of the page as it sounds to me like your tank is larger than10g by your 'a4 paper' measurements lol
I think that's about right. I know it seems big for goldfish but they really are unique fish with unique requirements like that.

You could also just pick a different type of fish to keep. I know people don't like to get rid of their fish (understandable) but perhaps a local store would give you credit for them then you could use that to get some smaller fish and the whole thing wouldn't cost you and then you wouldn't have to worry about the cost of upsizing.

Just tossing that out there. Either way I'm glad to hear your little guy seems to be getting better! :)
Oh...It's actually 20 gallons, What a surprise lol
Well that's certainly better. :) Having two filters does help as well in terms of ammonia problems.
i use to have 2 black mores in a 20 gallon that exactly how my died big red spots on there belly is here getting better poor little thing

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