Search results

  1. M

    Blue Spotted Sting Ray

    Hello all, Currently in planning for my 60x24x24 Marine tank and im still deciding on a few things. If i want to go coral......Can i have a Blue Spotted Sting ray? Do the sting rays go well with other fish? EG Clown fish, tangs, all go ok with sting ray? Any advice would be awsome or a...
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    Clown Questions

    Great point Navarre! Righto, I think ill just stick to having the two that i already have :) Thanks for you help! PS!!! Tank is just about to be started :) ohhh the parts are all coming in !
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    220 Reef system Diary

    With that much water loss through evaporation, do you find that your room starts to smell a little bit? Also why do you lose so much? is it because of your lights and no roof? Cheers
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    Navarres Nano

    wow thats alot of tanks :)
  5. M

    Navarres Nano

    Your house must be pretty amazing to walk around :) Tanks everywhere!
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    Clown Questions

    Answered my own question. went to the LFS and found they had heaps in the one tank!
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    Clown Questions

    Hello all, After reading alot of the fish section and alot about clowns i realise you can't mix breeds........ What i was wondering is can you have say 4 of the same type of clown in a tank? Or should you stick to only two? Any advice on this or pics of people who have done it would be...
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    220 Reef system Diary

    Well if you can take any heart from this it's knowing it still looks great even when it's down!!! Im sure it wont take you to long before it all come's back !!! Good luck mate :thumbs:
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    220 Reef system Diary

    Mate I think this weekend he will post some pics :) Also some of his wife's nano :drool:
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    220 Reef system Diary

    Dam I love this tank :wub: Any chance of a update or some more pics on progress? Did you complete your to do list?
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    Help Saltwater Aquirium

    G'day Mate, Well sounds like you have alot to ask...Your best bet would be to do searches on each question you have. Eg what lights you want? Water types? Fish types and things like this. Lots and lots of info on here! it's a wonderfull site for help. As for cost...this will come down...
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    How To Disinfect A Tank

    Water changes are your best bet. Don't add any chemicals at all to clean the tank. Clean teh glass with a clean sponge i recomend brand new, then do %30 water changes for a few days. Do some tests on the water after a week then it shoudl come back to normal. Try a seach on setting up a...
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    What Fish U Think Should Put In That Tank :)

    In australia at sea world we have "shark park" I think it's called. Its 6 million ltrs or somthing, has heaps of awsome stuff in there. Thats somthing cool to see, if i had this id be doing it the same as sea world! they own all hehe.
  14. M

    What Do I Need To Keep A Starfish

    Hello all, Currently i have a 9gallon nano tank with 2.5kgs if live rock, 2 clownfish and 1 boxer shrimp. It is just a strong fluro light and i was wwondering if there is anyway i could keep a small starfish in there? What do i need to do and is it completly not going to happen? Cheers
  15. M

    20g Nano Help

    I thikn a great start is to read all the stickys, then just click on a few threads of other peoples diarys and stuff like that. Give it a go and see if it helps, im sure other people will pipe up with some great ideas. Only suggestion i can give is don't rush it, take your time, get the right...
  16. M

    Hair Grass

    Thanks mate. I broke them into little bunches but not that small, my next lot i have tommrow night ill put it into real small little bits. Cheers everyone.
  17. M

    Hair Grass

    Sorry dude it's the same as this stuff. id kinda like it how this is done. This tank is awsome!
  18. M

    Hair Grass

    hello all, Well i still have not gone for a Co2 setup as yet, about go buy one but in the mean time Im after ways to make my Hair grass spread? I have deep bed of gravel, I haev used fertilizer within the gravel, I use plant aditives each day and also have excellent light for 10hrs a day...
  19. M

    Fish Hiding Behind Fliter

    Hello all, I have a few silver dollars and a ghost knife that seem to like hiding near the power head. Is it because they are sick or just scared? There are other spots in the tank for them to hide they just don't seem to want to. Im worried there is a issue with the water but all the...
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    Few Pics Of My Tank

    Hello all, Attached are a few pics of my new tank, only just started, about to put a co2 setup on within a few weeks. Sorry about poor quality im slowly learning. Cheers and another. And another. Hopefully with the Co2 setup we will see a massive increase in growth, all the plants...
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    Plant Additives

    OK mate ill go for a look now!!! Cheers
  25. M

    Plant Additives

    Hello all, When setting up my tank i have put in the fertelizer and so on what my question is as ill have a co2 setup and everything else that accompanies it should i still put in plant supliments? I have a daily grow additive and a water change additve, is there a chance of over doing it...
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    Hello Everyone!

    Wow this place really is friendly! Thanks for the welcome guys!
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    Neon Tetra And Cardinal Tetra

    Cool thanks for that! Mind is abit at ease now! :lol:
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    Neon Tetra And Cardinal Tetra

    Hello everyone, Well im starting my planted tank and one of the fish i want to keep are Cardinal Tetras but currently i have 5 neaon tetras living in the tank as mums tank was no longer suitable. Can you mix the two types of fish together without any problems? Any help would be great...
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    Hello Everyone!

    G'day all! Well I have been lurking around these forums for a while now and it's time to introduce myself! My name is Rob, I Come from the land down under and I have a 55 Galon tropical tank. 4 weeks ago myself and the Mrs moved out together "ohhh how sweet :wub: ) so i started my tank...
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    Triming Plants

    Thanks mate!!! Yeah ill give it ago with some stainless ones! anything else i shoudl know about using them? Is it just like triming outside plants or is there a spiecial way of doing it?
  31. M

    Triming Plants

    G'day everyone! Just a quick and stupid question! When triming the plants in a planted tank, is it ok to use normal scissors you would by from a shop? Eg pick up a new set and keep them only for fish but that wont hurt the water or anything?? Just that triming can be abit annoying without...
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    New Planted Tank

    Awsome guys!!! Discomafia your right!!! that site is awsome! I think im getting closer to making my final decision and going to the fish shop to get my new Co2 setup:)
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    Air Filters and Air stones in planted tanks

    OK thanks for the advice everyone! Ill leave the air stone for now, see how it all goes in the future :nod:
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    Air Filters and Air stones in planted tanks

    Hello all, Im setting up my planted tank, its a 55gal with Co2 setup and so on, what i wanted to nkow is does it need a air pump and stone? Is it worth getting one for the fish and the plants alike? Cheers for any help you can give. Rob :)
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    New Planted Tank

    Thanks mate!! Very helpfull and ill hopefully get some good thought's from that site :cool:
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    New Planted Tank

    I forgot to mention, It's a 4 foot 55 gal tank with double fluros for planted tanks and Shortly a Co2 setup. If that helps at all :)
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    New Planted Tank

    Hello all, I have moved into my new house and I have the Fish tank in the lounge room as a attraction!! :cool: Now i have everything up and running and cycled and my 30kgs of Substrate and so on, all with dirt and fertilizer sorted, what i was after were ppls opinions on the best way to plan...
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    Black Fur on all plants

    Thanks for the replys! yeah its kinda annoying, i had a fully planted tank but i have removed alot of it due to the fur getting out of control! Will look into some alge eaters:)
  39. M

    Black Fur on all plants

    Hello everyone, sorry i dont have any pics to start but for the last month i have had this black fur like substance on some plants, well its not on almost all of my plants and growning on my rocks as well. What is it? is it bad? and how tdo i fix it and stop it from growing? its making my...