New Planted Tank


New Member
Dec 6, 2004
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Hello all,

I have moved into my new house and I have the Fish tank in the lounge room as a attraction!! :cool:

Now i have everything up and running and cycled and my 30kgs of Substrate and so on, all with dirt and fertilizer sorted, what i was after were ppls opinions on the best way to plan a planted tank?

I don't want it to look all ratty and so on i would like the appearence of a planned underwater garden.

How do all you people do it?

Any help would be great.

I forgot to mention, It's a 4 foot 55 gal tank with double fluros for planted tanks and Shortly a Co2 setup.

If that helps at all :)
well i would get tall plants in the back, med plants in the middle and small plants in the front.
illusion54 said: for ideas

Thanks mate!! Very helpfull and ill hopefully get some good thought's from that site :cool:
also depends on what light you have and how many watts.

I think the best place to start (if you have enough light) is to order a collection from online. They give you a real mix of plants (including some non-aquatic sometimes :() But its a cheaper way of finding out which plants you like, which ones you don't, which do well, which dont etc...
I strategically placed plants so they covered things like filters and heaters and cables and the likes. I also like to have something besides plants in the tank, yet still natural, so I threw some large river rocks in there in front of my terraced area which is held back using a tacky ceramic log covered in riccia. I like the look as it gives it a sense of depth.

I still haven't "finished" my planted tank as I am wanting a foreground plant such as lilaeopsis or a Hemianthus species. Chances are I will go with the lilaeopsis as it is mroe available here than the other :D
Awsome guys!!!

Discomafia your right!!! that site is awsome!

I think im getting closer to making my final decision and going to the fish shop to get my new Co2 setup:)

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