Clown Questions


New Member
Dec 6, 2004
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Hello all,

After reading alot of the fish section and alot about clowns i realise you can't mix breeds........

What i was wondering is can you have say 4 of the same type of clown in a tank?

Or should you stick to only two?

Any advice on this or pics of people who have done it would be great!

Answered my own question. went to the LFS and found they had heaps in the one tank!
Be careful with what you see inLFS. These tanks hold many fish that once you get home will fight to the death! The reason for this tollerance in LFS tanks if because they are usually bare and have no territory to fight over. You get the fish home with some liverock etc and suddenly there is something worth fighting for.

Clowns "Can" be kept in larger numbers but it is risky and it really depends on the species of clown.
Great point Navarre!

Righto, I think ill just stick to having the two that i already have :)

Thanks for you help!

PS!!! Tank is just about to be started :) ohhh the parts are all coming in !

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