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  1. C

    Piranha HELP !!!!

    lol OMG! :lol:
  2. C

    Piranha HELP !!!!

    Ive got a tank with 9 RBPs in it and nothing else! IMO you really shouldnt put them in with anything else at all. RBPs are a beautiful fish when alone or in a shoal. Even with 9 in my tank they still take nibbles out of one another though, i wouldnt dream of putting anything else in there 2...
  3. C


    Hello & :hi: to the forums! May i take this chance to say..... "Happy Posting" :fish: :fish:
  4. C

    Internal Vs External Filters

    That's what i did!
  5. C

    Internal Vs External Filters

    I went out and got a couple of Fluval 304's a few months ago. IMO they're far better than any other internal/external filter i've tried before and also unlike the internal filter there's a little more room inside the tank rather than having the "Black Box" in the water!!! Just my opinion! I...
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    CFC ur too clever 4 my liking! lol
  7. C

    new tank what do you think

    :rofl: No comment!
  8. C

    stones in the tank

    I don't believe i spelt vinegar wrong in my last post! How humiliating! :rolleyes:
  9. C

    stones in the tank

    vinigar test out of water! I use normal vinigar 4 testing!
  10. C


    If u ask @ any lfs they should either have what u need or b able 2 point u in the right direction! Kaz x-x-x-x-x
  11. C

    Missing Clown Loach?

    I used to have 3 Clown Loaches..... One of them would hide so well that i could go weeks without seeing him, even when i stripped the tank i couldn't see him. Please try not to think the worst just yet..... he could have buried himself in the substrate! If you find eventually that he has...
  12. C

    Posting pictures!

    thanx.... i'll look in2 that!
  13. C

    Posting pictures!

    Wasn't sure where to post this so i'll just stick it here! Can anyone give me any clues on posting my pictures on the forum... i've got one site which does it but they're only thumbnails. I just want to be able to put a nice picture on without people having to either squint at it or scroll...
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    that's the sort of thing i keep doing! :lol:
  15. C

    Eeeeek Oscar Fight! Bruises!

    No she keeps watch on them and nudges them around..... She's getting a lil hacked off with them at the moment though cos one of them keeps trying to mount her! :rofl:
  16. C

    Eeeeek Oscar Fight! Bruises!

    That can b arranged! I'll c about posting some on chit chat!
  17. C

    Eeeeek Oscar Fight! Bruises!

    Quick update...... The oscars are now fine and in seperate tanks again now! When we had our chipmunk (Dale) put down on Saturday we came home to find his cage-mate looking very lonely. Was at a loss as to what to do for her.... The only thing i could think was to get her a new cage mate...
  18. C

    Eeeeek Oscar Fight! Bruises!

    Might have to try that one.... i don't have a container big enough to keep one of them in over night! Wish me luck..... I can't handle another pet death this weekend. I had to have one of my chipmunks put down this morning because he fell and broke his spine, he paralysed himself. Poor begger...
  19. C

    Eeeeek Oscar Fight! Bruises!

    I tried that..... they were tapping on it! :huh:
  20. C

    Eeeeek Oscar Fight! Bruises!

    HEEEEEELP! I got a new tank a few weeks ago with a year old Tiger Oscar in it..... His tank cracked this evening so i have had to shift him in temporarily with my 9 month old Albino Tiger Oscar.... We now have BIG TIME fights (The Contender style) My Albino Has a bruised face after locking...
  21. C

    should i bin my fish?

    When i was moving my oscar and plec i put them in a bin of water with a heater.... although they did get stressed they were fine eventually. As long as they're not in there for much more than a few hours i can't see that you'll have a problem! Kaz x-x-x-x-x
  22. C

    gravel or sand?

    I changed all my tanks over to sand a few months ago.... all i did was empty 50% of the water, removed the gravel, let the water settle, removed any excess dirt from the bottom of the tank & then added my thoroughly cleaned sand..... no mist.... no mess and the tanks were clear within a couple...
  23. C

    Fellow MTS sufferers

    And here's me thinking i had loads of fish! Maybe i'm not as obsessed as i initially thought seeing some of these lists here! :D Here's my list - - - 9 Red Bellied Piranha 2 Common Plec 1 ? Plec! 4 Striped Raphael Catfish 2 Spotted Raphael Catfish 1 Albino tiger Oscar 1 Red Tiger Oscar 1 ...
  24. C

    What size tank?

    By the way.... The plec is grey not brown! ;) Kaz x-x-x-x
  25. C

    What size tank?

    This is a pic of the plec and oscar... sorry it's not very big and not as clear as i would have liked but hey! Kaz x-x-x-x
  26. C

    What size tank?

    Right i think i've got it sussed now..... I'm all set now to build 2x 5x2x2 tanks.... both with 1 oscar and 1 plec in! How does that sound!? lol Kaz x-x-x-x
  27. C

    What size tank?

    Looks like i'm going to be building a couple of 200g tanks this year then! The plec is definately not a common.... i've got one of them in another tank! This one's dark grey with light grey stripes running through him!!!!
  28. C

    What size tank?

    Hi all, I've just been given a 40g tank with a Tiger Oscar and a foot long plec of some sort in it (still trying to find out what type he is) The Oscar is about 9 inches at the moment. How long do tou think they'll be ok in the above mentioned tank and what size tank will i need for them. I'm...
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    Sussed eventually! ;)
  30. C

    Whats your most favoutie fish?

    aaaaaaaah the Oscar! Can't forget the Raphael Cats tho! :wub: :wub:
  31. C


    Well that's me gone mad i think! I'm easily confused u know! 4ft x 4ft... that would make a nice coffee table tank u know! lol but 2.1 inch in height? Thats a lil shallow! J/K
  32. C

    My first Oscar - Joe

    Ok...... I've got an Albino Tiger Oscar :wub: When i got him he had a fettish for wafer thin ham (which he still loves) prawns and even normal tropical flakes.... he had frozen bloodworm every 3rd day (defrosted in tank water) I read that they should not have pellets until they are at...
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    sandy corner

    Ur welcome! B)
  34. C

    sandy corner

    I changed my tanks over to sand with the fish in there.... they were all fine so i very much doubt you have any worries there. My water took about 2-3 days to clear. Even though the sand is washed it takes time to settle. Your tank and fish will be fine.... i can 99.9% guarantee you that! Kaz...
  35. C

    Blimey That's Pricey!

    OK so have we come to the conclusion then that the U.K. is too flippin expensive and that we're being ripped off at every available chance by every available person. OK Election coming up...... Forget Labour, Conservative etc..... Vote TFF!
  36. C

    panic !

  37. C

    Milky Water!

    Wow thanks for that link, it looks great...... I'll have a bit of reading to do now!
  38. C

    Blimey That's Pricey!

    Alright for some..... i'm having problems even moving of this island let alone out of the country! My hubby has been here all his life so he won't go unless his life depended on it..... even then he's moan about it!
  39. C

    Milky Water!

    that's what i thought..... Finer sand would get into the filter quicker when disturbed but coarser might clog it up quicker if it gets in there! should i also mention that i had a bit of a snail problem in both tanks in the last month or so. would that have anything to do with it?
  40. C

    Whats Your Age?

    Well i'm happy at 27. 28 next month but i can't wait til i get to 30 although my kids think i came about with the dinosaurs! My 6yr old son asked me if i was older than his nanny..... she's 70! Thanks then Daniel! i love you too :rofl: