sandy corner

Uh oh.... did you add sand while the fish were still in there?
Mine went almost a full week and I finally did a 100% water change to clear it up (I didn't have fish yet). You will probably have do do daily water changes to clear it. I don't know what affect the cloudy water will have on your fish though.
Well what you really should have done is rinced the sand before you put it into the tank. Taking a garden hose outside shove it in a bucket full of sand and let it run till the water runs super clear.
You'll have little to no dust in the sand afterwards.
Personally I wouldn't have put it directly into the tank (sometimes fish do get trapped under neither the moutain of sand and it's highly stressful)
If you haven't washed your sand then do water changes daily to get the dust down and clean you filters impeler frequently to avoid a sand build up.
i washed my sand thoughroughly before adding it and i used tiny amounts seiving it through my net ( less) than a hand full at a time ) no fish were trapped :-(
do daily water changes about 2-4 gallons a day ( depends on the size of your tank )

If you have a canister filter empty it out and lightly rinse the filters in the removed water then replace and keep the flow low to allow the sand to settle...

should take 48 hours to a week to clear up...take your time and it will be nice and clear in time...don't rush it
I wouldnt worry to much about it harming your fish although if they are stressed out they might be more suspectable to getting illness or worsen their condition if one previously existed.
It sounds like your doing the right thing though. Mine was also rather cloudly when I added water for the first time but it went away in under 3 days.
I dunno, I wouldn't like to swim around in sandy water. Mightn't it get stuck in their gills?
I changed my tanks over to sand with the fish in there.... they were all fine so i very much doubt you have any worries there. My water took about 2-3 days to clear. Even though the sand is washed it takes time to settle.

Your tank and fish will be fine.... i can 99.9% guarantee you that!

Kaz x-x-x-x

seems to be clearing already

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