Search results

  1. T

    What Kind Of Light Should I Get?

    My garbage aqueon light has finally died after 10 months.. i am looking for a new light and I was hoping someone would be able to tell me if theres any difference between a light that is the same that I can buy from home depot and a light that you buy from petstores (petco/petsmart) etc.   i...
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    Can I Add 1 Black Kuhli Loach?

    i dont recall asking what to do with  my red tail or angelfish, i have asked for advice about that kuhli loach and have received it - so thank you to Meeresstille, second thing is i will only CONSIDER removing my red tail IF it begins showing signs of aggression and same goes for the angelfish...
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    Can I Add 1 Black Kuhli Loach?

    Yeah i was planning on buying 2 more ottos tomorrow, was looking into other fish as well as im getting quite bored with what i have.. im considering giving away the black neon tetras..   what about ghost catfish? can i buy one?
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    Can I Add 1 Black Kuhli Loach?

    I have a 29G tank here are the fish in it   5x blue neon tetra 6x black neon tetra 3x cherry barbs 2x angelfish 1x redtail shark 2x ottos   now I run double filtration using the penguin 350 and the tank is planted - medium stocked.. and fully cycled   will it be an issue if i add a single Black...
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    Is It Normal For Angels To Eat Only Frozen Dried Bloodworms?

    I bought 2 angels a few days ago and they are very picky eaters. They do not touch the flakes, i have 3 different varieties neither one gets touched, I have shrimp pellets which they tried to eat but as they are too big for them to swallow they do not come close to anymore. They will eat only my...
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    What Is The Problem With My Plants?

    i had the same problem, got myself an otto and its been doing a good job for over a month now, i originally bought two of them as you dont know what they went through in the petstore, one died after a few weeks(was expected, seems to be very difficult for many people to keep them alive for long)...
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    How To Get Frozen Blood Worms To Sink?

    Mine unfortunately do not come in a cube, they come individually meaning every worm by itself as shown in the pictures here:  
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    How To Get Frozen Blood Worms To Sink?

    I feed my fish frozen bloodworms from time to time and the bottom dwelling ones never seem to get any because the worms will not sink.. what can be done to get them to sink>?
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    How To Plant Hornwort In My Aquarium?

    Can i wash it in tap water?
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    How To Plant Hornwort In My Aquarium?

    I bought hornwort, should be here within the next few days. Would someone please tell me how to plant it correctly? I want it to be in free flow and not planted in the substrate. I have a pretty high water flow in my aquarium, its a 29G running two filters, one aqueon 30G filter and another...
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    Blue Neon Tetra Possibly Pregnant Need Help

    What should I do? should I put her in the external 2.5 gallon tank that hangs on my aquarium?
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    Aquarium Lights?

    Ok so here is the situation: I am planning on buying an all glass top for my planted 29G aquarium I do not have demanding plants, i have crypto wendtiis, anubias and moss.. I currently have the stock hood that came with my aqueon aquarium which I really find ugly. I am wanting to buy a glass...
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    Marineland Penguin 350 Filter

    Ok I did that but now the thing that you see on the picture above the one that pulls the water in with the holes in it will not stick to the hooked tube i mean it goes in but it doesnt stick to it edit- seems to hold up while inside the water in operation, otherwise the piece just falls off...
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    Marineland Penguin 350 Filter

    The reason why I bought this one and not the lower model is because there was a $2 difference.. It is running together with my aqueon 30g filter.. Reason is because I have a piece of driftwood leaning up against the wall infront of the intake and as I only have a 29G aquarium it looks kind of...
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    Marineland Penguin 350 Filter

    I need some assistance, I've installed the filter and the intake tube is almost on the gravel and I wanted to make it as close to the top as possible as seen here: how do I do it? also is there a way to reduce the flow? I hear the water coming back into the aquarium from the other side of...
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    Need Help Determining If I Can Add More Fish

    My tank is 100% cycled, everything is in good standing.. I wanted to have that schooling fish effect in my tank but my options are limited as I can only purchase fish from either Petco or Petsmart. I wanted to also have a medium sized fish but am unable to find something I like other than cichlids
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    Need Help Determining If I Can Add More Fish

    Ok so I am buying the Marineland 350gph up to 70 gallons for my 29 gallon and I was wondering, how many inches of fish can I add? I already have an aqueon 30 gallon filter which I will determine whether to use along with the marineland or discard this is what I have 5x neon tetras 6x black...
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    Why Is My Aquarium Water Not Crystal Clear?

    There is a good chance that it is an algae bloom, about a week ago I woke up only to find my wood covered in algae and hair algae all over my plants. When I put in that api biochemzorb in the water became so green that you couldn't even see the other side and slowly the water became more and...
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    Why Is My Aquarium Water Not Crystal Clear?

    Water is visibly almost crystal clear, I have a little bacterial bloom that makes the water look a little milky, thats because I've added some tetra safestart which I add once in a while when working on the filter. It keeps getting clearer and clearer though. Big thank you to Bigfish!
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    Why Is My Aquarium Water Not Crystal Clear?

    I will update with a picture tomorrow morning, water does look less yellowish but does not look crystal clear
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    Why Is My Aquarium Water Not Crystal Clear?

    as stated in my first post, tank was setup in september, all water parameters are in good standing
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    Why Is My Aquarium Water Not Crystal Clear?

    BifFish01, how long does it usually take to see results? I actually start noticing my water isn't as yellow anymore but its still pretty cloudy
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    Why Is My Aquarium Water Not Crystal Clear?

    well I put it in, water has become extremely cloudy now, can't see the other side of the aquarium. will give it a few hours hopefully it starts working.. bought this one...
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    Why Is My Aquarium Water Not Crystal Clear?
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    Why Is My Aquarium Water Not Crystal Clear?

    Another question, do I take it out of the bag that it comes in? or place it with the bag?
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    Why Is My Aquarium Water Not Crystal Clear?

    i think its the 30 gallon one, came with the aquarium
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    Why Is My Aquarium Water Not Crystal Clear?

    Baccus, which seachem product will exactly clear up my water? and what is the recommended dosage? Bigfish01, Where should I place that filter media? I am using an Aqueon filter.
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    Why Is My Aquarium Water Not Crystal Clear?

    No I did not soak anything, I put it in the water as is from petco (they did not seem to have that yellow water problem where that wood was in)
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    Why Is My Aquarium Water Not Crystal Clear?

    Aquarium was setup in the beginning of september, aquarium is fully cycled all water parameters are good, 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and nitrates are all in good standing, water changes usually every 3 to 7 days with 25% of the water out, I use either Aqueon water conditioner or the Tetra water...
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    Need Help Choosing Fish!

    ok thanks for all the help. I've done a bit more research came down to the following options: 2x angelfish as someone recommended above or 1x angelfish and 1x dwarf gourami what would you recommend?
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    Need Help Choosing Fish!

    I wasn't able to find the chichlids you mentioned on What do you think of:, White Clouds and Giant Danios? do these fish like to school? if they do will 3 of each work well? . I personally don't like the guppies, platies look too much like swordtails (which i had a reason for...
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    Need Help Choosing Fish!

    Ok so if I am looking at cichlids - would they bother my tetras/shrimp/mystery snail? will they dig up my crypts or eat my anubias? I looked at some options from petsmart came upon these: Black Convict Cichlid Acei Cichlid Electric Yellow Labidochromis is it possible to have more than one...
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    Need Help Choosing Fish!

    Ok so I gave away a lot of the fish I had. I have a 29gallon aquarium that was set up back in the beginning of september. I have a lot of Crypto Wendtii's and one Anubias Congensis, and a lot of driftwood. I currently have 5 Blue Neon Tetras, 6 Black Tetras, 1 Mystery snail and one ghost...
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    What Are Some Good Background Plants?

    Tuxyu3 where'd you buy the bacopa from? looks really good
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    What Are Some Good Background Plants?

    I am looking to get rid of my plastic plants and get some live plants. i currently have java moss and crypto wendetii, I was hoping someone would be nice enough and recommend me some tall/big plants that can be used in the background.. I need plants that do not require a lot of light and can...
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    How Many Snails Per Gallon?

    Alright, thank you for all the help, I will purchase some shrimps from ebay in the near future.
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    How Many Snails Per Gallon?

    alright so just to double check -bottom line is that including all my fish and everything, i can still have about 20 shrimps without having to worry about the tank being overloaded? oh and I decided to listen to your advice as far as the malaysian snails go, so i will stick to mystery snails...
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    How Many Snails Per Gallon?

    so you say I can have 20-30 in there even though my tank is about overstocked? here is the setup- 2x blue gouramis 1 male 1 female 2x swordtails females 5x blue neon tetra 2x black tetra 2x glowlight tetra 1x mystery snail BTW i had 2 ghost shrimps but I assume that they got buried in the...
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    How Many Snails Per Gallon?

    29gallon was set up in the beginning of september, tank is fully cycled.
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    How Many Snails Per Gallon?

    Ok I understand. Do you know by any chance what the rule is for shrimps? thanks