Marineland Penguin 350 Filter


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2012
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I need some assistance, I've installed the filter and the intake tube is almost on the gravel and I wanted to make it as close to the top as possible as seen here:

how do I do it?

also is there a way to reduce the flow? I hear the water coming back into the aquarium from the other side of the house
There are two pieces to the intake... they are connected by another "intake" that would sit about an inch or two below the water level...

Just PULL and they should come right apart.

Out of curiousity, why do you want it just at the top of the water and not pulling from the bottom? I would think having it on the gravel would be best as it has a better chance of pulling the detritus off the gravel.

BTW, its a very nice filter, especially for the price.

The way to cut down the noise is to raise the water level so that the water is coming out straight across the top surface, not splashing down. And keep the covers on and put a piece of plastic on the lid right up against the filter cover. This will drastically reduce the noise. The noise is actually a nice feature, as it shows you the evaporation from the tank, if it starts with no noise, when the noise starts you know there has been some evaporation.
The reason why I bought this one and not the lower model is because there was a $2 difference.. It is running together with my aqueon 30g filter..

Reason is because I have a piece of driftwood leaning up against the wall infront of the intake and as I only have a 29G aquarium it looks kind of big that is why I wanted it to sit on top.

Do you by any chance have a video/pictures that show how to do it? I was unable to find anything and to be honest my area of expertise is computers not filters
so I have no idea where everything is on that filter
The intake should come in 4 pieces:

1) there is the hooked piece that fits into the impeller housing
2) the couple with a grayish piece that can open or close the holes midway down the intake tube
3) an extension tube
4) the safety grate.

The tube should be able to easily be pulled out of the coupling piece, and the coupling piece should easily be pulled from the tube that leads to the impeller.

I don't have a picture or video or anything, but really all you need to do is take the intake tube out of the filter (lift straight up) and take the hooked piece and pull the safety grate off. Then pull the extension piece off. Then pull the coupler off. You will then have 4 pieces. Just connect the hooked part of the tube to the safety grate, and you're done.
Ok I did that but now the thing that you see on the picture above the one that pulls the water in with the holes in it will not stick to the hooked tube i mean it goes in but it doesnt stick to it

seems to hold up while inside the water in operation, otherwise the piece just falls off.. regardless though it isn't bothering me I won't be turning my filter on and off all the time..

thank you very much for the assistance
Glad you got it sorted out.

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