What Are Some Good Background Plants?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2012
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I am looking to get rid of my plastic plants and get some live plants. i currently have java moss and crypto wendetii, I was hoping someone would be nice enough and recommend me some tall/big plants that can be used in the background.. I need plants that do not require a lot of light and can grow in regular gravel.. I only use liquid fertilizers. ALSO I need something that is usually available in stores or something that I can buy on ebay

Bacopa, i will try to get a picture of mine in a while for you, there may be a few different types available but i think they all have similar requirements.
Ive just planted some nice big Amazon Swords 5 in total as my background plants and have to say they look great just hope i can look after them well enough as im new to live plants aswell.
where'd you buy the bacopa from? looks really good
I got it from a LFS who are actually really shabby and of poor stock quality so i shouldn't imagine it would be difficult to get some from a decent shop, there is always online shops and ebay.

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