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  1. 214jay

    Changing My Internal Filter...

    Unfortunately the previous filter was really badly made so it was not the main intake that was killing them but the holes everywhere at the top of the filter that also suck in water, such as the flow adjuster, clips on the side and back, the gap by the output pipe....basically the pump sucked in...
  2. 214jay

    Damselfly Nymph

    No way! Really?!?! That's pretty nuts, thought they would be long gone by now!! Maybe I should lend you my red clawed crab!!
  3. 214jay

    Wild Mosquito Larvae?

    Good! The larvae have been in water you can trust so cannot be fresher, yum yum
  4. 214jay

    Changing My Internal Filter...

    Brilliant, thank you!
  5. 214jay

    Changing My Internal Filter...

    Yes should be able to cut the new media down and stick all of the old stuff in.   Its not a shrimp only tank, has snails, Celestial Pearl Danios and a Honey Gourami too!
  6. 214jay

    Changing My Internal Filter...

    Hello.  I have decided to change my internal filter on my small tank to a slightly larger one that is more 'shrimp friendly'.  Unfortunately I do not have the option of leaving the new one in the tank with the existing one as I have lots of shrimplets and fear for their safety.   There is no...
  7. 214jay

    Water Change Temp

    Certainly if you have a combi boiler theres no problems with the water, I plumbed mine in using quick fit connections so even less metals to come into contact with.  If you have a tank then you would probably be fine with a good water treatment as its only a small amount of hot water in relation...
  8. 214jay

    Water Change Temp

    I use buckets and use water from the hot and cold tap.  I also have a combi boiler so avoids the problems with the storage tanks.  With the bucket I have worked out how much hot water I need mixed with cold in the bucket to match the exact temp of the tank.  I then tip this into a brewers bucket...
  9. 214jay

    My New Crab Tank! (With Pics!)

    Yes they are very intersting, I could see how they would easily escape without a lid!  I think it is 'possible' to breed them but they come from costal swamps so I think conditions would need to be perfect.  Maybe I could try in a few years!!
  10. 214jay

    The Missing Nitrite

    I would be very surprised if both test kits are wrong and as you say very easy test to do as long as you wait the 5 minutes after mixing.  Sometimes strange thing happen during fishless cycles so after you get the test done at the LFS I would dose back up to 3ppm.
  11. 214jay

    My New Crab Tank! (With Pics!)

    Well I thought I would try and take some other picture today. The crabs have already removed some of the leaves on one of the plants so they are exploring their new home!   An how I have set the tank up - I will probably re-visit this layout at some point but for now the filter throws water...
  12. 214jay

    My New Crab Tank! (With Pics!)

    No, thought I might get pinched but they have a kind of soft but spiky grip, just enough for them to hold on to. Strange feeling!
  13. 214jay

    My New Crab Tank! (With Pics!)

    They grow to around 4-5cm so they are around half the size they will grow!  I have only had them a few hours but they are great at hunting out food and extremely quick when they need to be.  When I put them in the tank they just grabbed onto my finger as I moved them across! Nice to be able to...
  14. 214jay

    The Missing Nitrite

    Hmmm, this is rather strange!  I would probably dose back up to 3ppm and continue to see if you get any nitrite showing.  My only question is whether you have any live plants in the tank?  What are the conditions in there - Is it a bare tank with just a filter?
  15. 214jay

    New Fish Owner Needing Help

    Sounds like the advice I hear a national chain LFS offering to most customers...sigh
  16. 214jay

    My New Crab Tank! (With Pics!)

    Yes I was very pleased with the photo's, especially in failing light!! I will hopefully give it all a clean tomorrow if they appear relaxed and post some more photos.
  17. 214jay

    New Fish Owner Needing Help

    To be honest the test strips are a waste of time.  you really need to invest in a liquid test kit (pets at home sell the API master test kit that tests for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate).   Did you accimatise your fish?  The worst thing and biggest killer with new fish is PH shock as most fish...
  18. 214jay

    Which Tank For Rcs

    Hello and welcome!  It really depends how much you want to spend on a tank, how much room you have and what kind of tank you like.  I got an Interpet Fish Pod 48 litre (from pets at home) which has a bow front that tends to slightly increase the visual size of the shrimp.  This tank comes with a...
  19. 214jay

    My New Crab Tank! (With Pics!)

    I've been planning this for quite a while, theres one shop nearby that sells these crabs so always on my mind. Its kind of a first step...Hoping to get a longer tank and have a beach effect, ideally with plants that can survive brackish water.  Quite exciting anyway
  20. 214jay

    My New Crab Tank! (With Pics!)

    Hello.  I've been debating setting up a red clawed crab tank for some time, mainly waiting for permission for my better half.  Now my tanks are at good levels of stocking I decided to turn my quarantine tank into a crab tank (though if all successful going to get a bigger 48L around December for...
  21. 214jay

    Nitrate Gone Through The Roof

    Hi Cathy.  I was hoping someone with more experience may respond (it may be worth posting a new topic to reach more of an audience!) I have spoken to a friend who has Cichilds and also looked at some books I have.  Are there any other symptoms (cloudy eyes, white poo, or anything else out of the...
  22. 214jay

    Nitrate Gone Through The Roof

    I am really sorry to hear you are still having so many problems Can you get all of your remaining healthy fish out at put them in a Quarantine Tank? May help you observe if it is something with the tank causing this problem and not your water.
  23. 214jay

    Are Our Fish Genuinely Happy?

    I went to my LFS yesterday to buy some shrimp and possible to up my number of Neon Tetra... One tank of small Neons were in with a betta, there must have been 150 in what must be a 15-20L tank and as I watched I noticed about 20 had an eye missing I wanted to rescue them all but couldn't.  I...
  24. 214jay

    Help! Sick Clown Loach

    Hi Martinofmoscow and welcome to the forums.  Although I cannot help you with this specific condition, it would be worth you reading this thread:-   If you can fill in the basic information then when someone more...
  25. 214jay

    Cherry Shrimp Water Requirements

    I cannot comment on Co2 and I have not used ferts yet.  However, I have red cherry shrimp in water of PH 8.2 (although this has dropped recently by a little) but they have thrived in 8.2 and I even had baby shrimp from one of them.  As long as the PH stays stable and you take a lot of time to...
  26. 214jay

    2,000 Liter Discus Tank

    I think you will need a whole beach and a whole forest to fill that! Its awesome!
  27. 214jay

    2,000 Liter Discus Tank

    WOW!! It kind of makes your other tank look tiny!!  The picture of the person standing inside really adds a sense of scale
  28. 214jay

    Ph Of My Tap Water Has Dropped By Quite A Lot!

    That is quite a good idea, a great way of keeping the PH at a balance.  I am happy my PH has lowered myself but an interesting idea, I guess that method could probably be used to lower PH in some way also...
  29. 214jay

    Ph Of My Tap Water Has Dropped By Quite A Lot!

    Yeah, sent one of mine wild!!! At least I know why and he survived!!
  30. 214jay

    Ph Of My Tap Water Has Dropped By Quite A Lot!

    Hmmmm, nope, I'm in Coventry, covered by Severn Trent Water so different provider I think.  Strange that yours has changed also!
  31. 214jay

    Ph Of My Tap Water Has Dropped By Quite A Lot!

    I think you can get them all separately but that would cost uber amounts of cash!!  Have found a Nitrate tester for around £200 but it still needs a powder adding to it....Though after nealy dislocating my arm shaking those vials its sounding more tempting!   Ah okay, should all be okay then...
  32. 214jay

    Ph Of My Tap Water Has Dropped By Quite A Lot!

    Thats relieving to hear, I do worry with having high nitrates out of the tap water.  Its funny though as my waterboard provides online data for my area and lists it as 17.23ppm - Would love to get a true reading.  I'm using the API too, bit of a pain to use!  I would love to get a digital...
  33. 214jay

    Ph Of My Tap Water Has Dropped By Quite A Lot!

      Yeah mine are the same, although difficult to read the tests are definitely a very dark shade of orange!!  What sort of water changes do you do Ch4rlie?  I'm never sure what a 'safe' nitrate level is for fish, though the plants probably help.
  34. 214jay

    How Smart Are Fish?

    Thats a good idea, I will see what I can do later!
  35. 214jay

    How Smart Are Fish?

    It tends to be the sight of the container I think.  Certainly if I hold up the pippette and the bloodworm to glass he recognises that.  I have a honey Gourami in another tank which shows similar behaviour but not quite as intelligent.
  36. 214jay

    How Smart Are Fish?

    My Dwarf Gourami is very clever!! He rushes to the left of the tank for flakes when he see's the container (I feed flakes from the left).  When I feed with frozen bloodworm through a pipette he recognises it before I open the lid and he rushes to the right of the tank ready in waiting looking at...
  37. 214jay

    Ph Of My Tap Water Has Dropped By Quite A Lot!

    Ha ha, just another day for us!   Its good advice, I have contacted the water board by other means and they are calling me back to discuss water quality!
  38. 214jay

    Goldfish Help

      I would say it is most certainly in pain!!!   I'm amazed you are not over-run with algae.  What is your maintenance schedule on this tank?
  39. 214jay

    Ph Of My Tap Water Has Dropped By Quite A Lot!

    It is rather odd, shame they couldn't remove some of the nitrates whilst they were there!
  40. 214jay

    Ph Of My Tap Water Has Dropped By Quite A Lot!

    Yes agreed, with having tetras its definitely a positive!  Shame I have to do such big water changes but water quality is rubbish here and nitrates are high out of the tap will stick to more lower % water changes and go from there.