Nitrate Gone Through The Roof

Sorry forgot to ask
Would it be best to wait till tomorrow evening when I change the fish over as this is when I am doing 30% water change to take meds out and putting uv back on.
I managed to get my uv up and running this Friday just gone so could this also help to sort water out if it is something nasty in there ? this is a Vecton 2 for 300 lt
Hi Cathy.  I was hoping someone with more experience may respond (it may be worth posting a new topic to reach more of an audience!) I have spoken to a friend who has Cichilds and also looked at some books I have.  Are there any other symptoms (cloudy eyes, white poo, or anything else out of the ordinary?) If it’s just the rapid gill movement followed by them passing it is 'possibly' one of two things - either water quality (we've ruled that out) or a parasitic infection of some kind. 
It’s strange it is limited to the Cichilds, I suspect even if you had a fresh tank and stripped your main tank down the problem is in the fish which could just continue.
I have no experience of these exact symptoms but if it was me I would begin a treatment for internal parasites and see if that helps!  As mentioned above, no harm in starting a fresh topic, maybe in the tropical emergencies section, hopefully you can get to the bottom of it before any more losses.
Hi thank you for your  help , I noticed the second from this last one had  white stringy poo so when I first noticed I put in internal bacteria med while that was in there that angel died on me then her mate came down with the same thing so that obvi did not sort problem out , went and got another water test where all was good so when this fish showed first sign slight white poo Friday night and stopped eating same time I went up lfs first thing sat morn and put in JBL GYRODOL  which is for gill flukes and other types of worms . As this is strong it only stays in tank 48 hrs so will give tank good clean tomorrow and water change and turn uv back on and put second dose in next weekend .
I am afraid my cichlid is going to die tomorrow as now in a bad way even with these meds in .
I am ready to pack tank in now as lost to many fish , it is weird how just 1 fish goes and then a few days before nest one goes down with the same thing.
I will put this on other topic to see if any one else can help , I am very gratefull to you for yours
hope this has helped

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