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  1. Xzavier247

    55Gl Fw Planter Tank

    Just a heads up. The 88g is going to cost a lot in the long run. What's your bubble count?
  2. Xzavier247

    What Did You Do To Your Tank/s Today?

    50% reset day.  Rescaped. The preparing the tank to move....
  3. Xzavier247

    20 Gallon Planted Journey

    Going to be doind some major cleaning through my Photobucket account. I accidently uploaded them though my business account.    Here are some picture of my new Stainless Steel filter for shrimp. Awesome product, Hard install without damaging it.            My assassins snail hopefully breeding
  4. Xzavier247

    55Gl Fw Planter Tank

    Awesome tank, Is it just me when I say I like the look of a tank with no water lol... Dry scaping.... no not a terranium.
  5. Xzavier247

    Invert-Safe Plant Pruning Tools?

    What scissors were you using? I know hair clippers have a littler lubricant. But regular scissors no. To make matters better. I would suggest pruning slowly and watch what you are cutting. I have over 200+ shrimp and they hide in my shrubs. So I give it a couple taps so they can move and prune away
  6. Xzavier247

    August 2014 - Tank Of The Month Comp Entries

    Well I do a lot of marketing for my business. SO an order to get some attention it needs to be seen. I stumbled upon it. Also it needs to have an awesome reward.  Since I am on many other forums when they have something similar in comp they do a full write up and plaster it on the front page.
  7. Xzavier247

    12L Micro Tank

    TDs total dissolved solids.
  8. Xzavier247

    Plant Help.

    So I went into a different aquatic store and I was looking for Blyxa Japonica because mine melted severely. Probably past no point of return from the store. So the wife and I bought some stem plant from a different store and it looks like japonica but the seller said it wasn't but its an awesome...
  9. Xzavier247

    Third Nano Tank - Aquanano 30 (22 Litres)

    This tank is awesome
  10. Xzavier247

    July 2014 - Tank Of The Month Winner

    YEY! Now I am trying even more new plants! Can't Wait! Thanks for who voted, I devote my free time to this tank.
  11. Xzavier247

    What Did You Do To Your Tank/s Today?

    50% Water change, EI Dosing.
  12. Xzavier247

    Transparent Leaves And No Growth?

    Yep deficiency. You will need iron and trace. Dose trace on alternate days of flourish.
  13. Xzavier247

    Upgrading My Shrimp Tank

    Awesome tank so far.
  14. Xzavier247

    Ei Dosing, Who Is Doing It?

    She just pm'ed me. Thanks. I think I'll be ordering from green leaf aqua. They were recommended on facebook.
  15. Xzavier247

    Ei Dosing, Who Is Doing It?

    Awesome calculator,Now I need to get ferts here in the U.S
  16. Xzavier247

    Transparent Leaves And No Growth?

    Ah.. Arnt we all lol
  17. Xzavier247

    330L Tank Journal

    This tank looks fantastic
  18. Xzavier247

    120L Low Tech Journal/new Scape

    Looking great.
  19. Xzavier247

    Transparent Leaves And No Growth?

    Signs of deficiency, Could you post some pictures?
  20. Xzavier247

    Ei Dosing, Who Is Doing It?

    I have a couple of questions, First off I going to be getting a bigger aquarium soon and still want to keep my 20 gallon planted tank. The main problem is now Cost for Fertilizers. Current I am dosing seachem's flousih line Such as Excel, Flourish, Iron, Trace, Patassium, Sometimes Nitrogen...
  21. Xzavier247

    New Tank For Red Cherry Shrimp 20Gal

    Not spamming this forum but here is a link and a direct link lol
  22. Xzavier247

    Nasty Algae Outbreak And Pics

    Yes, Just balance your dosing and you'll be alright. You can put it in a syringe for accurate dosing but for spot treating it won't really affect it. Since there will be water flow.
  23. Xzavier247

    Invert-Safe Plant Pruning Tools?

    Thanks for letti g me know
  24. Xzavier247

    What Did You Do To Your Tank/s Today?

    That's gotta suck. If you ever want to diy something joey came up with an water "alarm" pretty intriguing
  25. Xzavier247

    Awesome Deals, Rare Findings.

    Post anything you found at a great price anywhere to help other hobbyist to score a deal!     $3.89 Free shipping     $44.00 Free...
  26. Xzavier247

    Invert-Safe Plant Pruning Tools?
  27. Xzavier247

    New Tank For Red Cherry Shrimp 20Gal

    You have two options for a prefilter. Sponge or Stainless steel. Which I am a big fan of. Since I have both sponges is absolutely horrible. I mean it does the job, the only downfall is that you have to clean it every other day because of clogging. Stainless steel is a winner. Baby shrimp will...
  28. Xzavier247

    Ehiem 300

    Looks good!
  29. Xzavier247

    Need Help. Fluval 206

    Whats the diameter for the intake for the fluval 206? Can't find the numbers anywhere. Also I am not in read of my intake as of right now. The reason why I am asking. Is because I am looking into buying these. Thanks in advance.    
  30. Xzavier247

    Nasty Algae Outbreak And Pics

    You can load the tank first around 10ml and then do 5ml consecutively. Key is to be persistent. The bba will soon turn red and die off. If it doesn't. Then your co2 levels are still fluctuating. You have to find a good balance
  31. Xzavier247

    20 Gallon Planted Journey

    Night time feeding. Preview of the blyxa
  32. Xzavier247

    Nasty Algae Outbreak And Pics

    5mls sounds about right. 
  33. Xzavier247

    What Did You Do To Your Tank/s Today?

    Planted Blyxa Japonica today. OHHHH so Excited.
  34. Xzavier247

    20 Gallon Planted Journey

    Cool news, Bought some Blyxa Japonica  Can't wait for growth. Its going to look so awesome. Going to farm these and get them ready for my 20 long. Heres a reference of what I am going to shoot for.
  35. Xzavier247

    Gravel Vs Sand Conundrum

    Sand, Hands down. Pros- Looks aweomse, Natural, and Plants will take root faster and stronger. Cons- Well, None really. Cloudiness for the initial start. And Cloudiness when disrupted.
  36. Xzavier247

    What To Do...what To Do

    Looking great, I remembered why I got back into the hobby. So Peaceful.
  37. Xzavier247

    Nasty Algae Outbreak And Pics

    ^ Horrible grammar from previous post. Replied by phone 
  38. Xzavier247

    Nasty Algae Outbreak And Pics

    Your lights are what is causes bba. Those are high lighting. Yes excel is seachem floruosh line
  39. Xzavier247

    Loud Filter

    Can you post a picture? The water level should be at the level or close to the spout.
  40. Xzavier247

    180 Gallon Tank

    Alright. So here is what I played with. 1/80 FS is 5.4 iso 1600-6400