20 Gallon Planted Journey

Ch4rlie said:
Beautiful planted tank and excellent pics  
Thank you.
carmstrong said:
Your Tank looks amazing!!
I just started my planted tank, learning lots!
What plats did you find would propagate the best and can you give me a list of the plants you have already in the tank?
Glad your tank is doing soo well
The easiest plants to propagate are stem plants. The reason being is because can control the bushiness wherever you decide to trim it. Also you can place it where ever you want to take root. As for plants like vals which they send runners. It can be cool to watch baby plants grow, but they can be a pain if you don't want that exact placement. Then you have to wait a while so you can "propagate" them off the mother plant. If that makes sense.
This is what I have in tank right now to the best of my knowledge. In order to achieve great growth, My equipment are 96 Watt quad T5 HO - Fluval 206 - and of course ferts. I use Seachem flourish line of products. Excel, Flourish, Iron. And as for water conditioner. I use Flourish's premium line called Premier. Which you can only find them at brick and mortar. It helps produce potassium as its conditioning the water. Hope this helps, Here are the list of plants that I have. And as far I know their names lol
Ludwigia inclinat
Vals Corkscrew
Amazon Sword
Xzavier247 said:
Beautiful planted tank and excellent pics  
Thank you.
carmstrong said:
Your Tank looks amazing!!
I just started my planted tank, learning lots!
What plats did you find would propagate the best and can you give me a list of the plants you have already in the tank?
Glad your tank is doing soo well
The easiest plants to propagate are stem plants. The reason being is because can control the bushiness wherever you decide to trim it. Also you can place it where ever you want to take root. As for plants like vals which they send runners. It can be cool to watch baby plants grow, but they can be a pain if you don't want that exact placement. Then you have to wait a while so you can "propagate" them off the mother plant. If that makes sense.
This is what I have in tank right now to the best of my knowledge. In order to achieve great growth, My equipment are 96 Watt quad T5 HO - Fluval 206 - and of course ferts. I use Seachem flourish line of products. Excel, Flourish, Iron. And as for water conditioner. I use Flourish's premium line called Premier. Which you can only find them at brick and mortar. It helps produce potassium as its conditioning the water. Hope this helps, Here are the list of plants that I have. And as far I know their names lol
Ludwigia inclinat
Vals Corkscrew
Amazon Sword
Thank You for the list, i've been shopping for new plants lately and wanted to get some feedback on which was the best type. 
I have my tank near a window but I don't have any special plant growing LED light system, so I have to be careful. 
Right now its a mix of live and fake plants until I can grow more, I might invest in a better light system one day, lol
Cool news, Bought some Blyxa Japonica 
 Can't wait for growth. Its going to look so awesome.
Going to farm these and get them ready for my 20 long.
Heres a reference of what I am going to shoot for.
Going to be doind some major cleaning through my Photobucket account. I accidently uploaded them though my business account. 
Here are some picture of my new Stainless Steel filter for shrimp. Awesome product, Hard install without damaging it. 




My assassins snail hopefully breeding


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