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  1. LyraGuppi

    My sorority rebuild

  2. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    Bah, I lied c; The nerites! (with a pellet) I wasn't sure if one would make it, but it perked up with warm water: And a couple ghosts, barely visible through the mesh: Pennywort, a little ratty, but living. Taken at an odd angle because it's in the very back of Ro's side: And the mystery...
  3. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    Just got back from the LFS. I purchased eight ghost shrimp and two tiretrack nerites. Pictures later, when they're in the 20gal, since all of them are in a breeder net in Ronan's side of the tank. As far as plants go, I got a couple bunches of Pennywort, and a mystery plant for two dollars. It...
  4. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    The tank is onto the final stages of the cycle. I couldn't tell if the API ammonia test read 0 or .25,but either way, the 20 gallon is very close to being cycled. I'm going to go my "L"FS (hour and a half away) to get some plants tomorrow. Hopefully Pennywort, Hygro, Crinum, or if all else...
  5. LyraGuppi

    10 gal my first of many tanks being revived

    Looks great! Keep us updated on how it grows c:
  6. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    Moving onto the snack dose part of the cycle! I'm thinking the tank will be done before Halloween. No more fuzz on Ronan! I had some issues with the heater recently, though. We had a sudden cold spike over here (it got to the oh-so-freezing temperature of 35°F :P) which threw the heater for a...
  7. LyraGuppi

    55 Gallon Multis

  8. LyraGuppi

    55 Gallon Multis

    A stack!
  9. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    No worries. c: Lymphocystis is a "make the fish as comfortable as possible and wait" type of disease, so there's not too much anyone can do. All I can do is hope the cyst doesn't bother his swimming or eating. Some fish even live the rest of their lives with the virus.
  10. LyraGuppi

    My sorority rebuild

    Are they looking for lawnmowers yet? :#
  11. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    Ronan's lump is growing faster than I thought. Weirdly fast. I wonder if this is new, and the little anomaly on his fin was just a mark from poor breeding, what not. You can just barely see it in this previous pic: Just a little mark. Literally two days ago: Now it's this: And there's a...
  12. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    Oi. Ronan's lump might be lympho. It's smooth on one side and cauliflower-esque on the other. All of my research says it's contagious, with one site specifying through touch, the others just through shared water. One thing seems to be for certain, though, there's no solid cure. I'm not sure if...
  13. LyraGuppi


    Welcome! c:
  14. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    Ronan has had some form of growth on his anal fin since the day I picked him up. It's grown, from a tiny anomaly to a visible bump, and turned from the colour of his fin to white, while still retaining some of his fin's iridensence. It doesn't seem to bother him (he still wiggles like mad), and...
  15. LyraGuppi

    Need urgent advice. My bettas dorsal fin has disappeared in the 72 hours I’ve had him.

    I agree with Sean, test results on the water will be very useful. (Ammonia's most useful right now, but Nitrate and Nitrite readings would be useful as well) You said you didn't have a filter, did you cycle the tank before you added him? For right now, as Sean said, keep doing water changes...
  16. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    Angry. Tested the tank for the first time after Dose 1#. Nitrite is between 2.0 and 5.0, ammonia is somewhere between 1.0 and 2.0. Judging on the Nitrite, I'd say it's closer to 1, but it was pretty hard to tell. Off to a pretty good start! I've got the mopani in position, and it's...
  17. LyraGuppi

    New here and have a few questions

    Your setup looks great! The only thing I'd add is that cycling with ammonia is a lot easier, fish food can be a little unreliable. Welcome to TFF c:
  18. LyraGuppi

    Planted Pea Puffer Savannah

    Gorgeous pictures! Congrats on the little Anubias flower, as well :)
  19. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    The first dose is in, 3ppm! The water cleared a bit, and mopani is almost waterlogged. I like how the root on the left positioned now, any thoughts/preference between the old picture vs the new? I added filter gunk and some sand from the multi tank. Not entirely because of impatience, I...
  20. LyraGuppi

    What snails do I have ?

    The first pictures are Ramshorn snails, the second look like Physidae snails. (or just your average pond snail) They're both harmless, even beneficial to a tank, as they eat organic matter. They'll both stay small. As long as you don't overfeed the aquarium, their numbers won't get out of...
  21. LyraGuppi

    What are these greenish flecks on my Platy fish?

    Are they raised? They could just be colouration, but a picture would help in identifying them, just in case c:
  22. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    I just barely had enough sand, and one of the mopani pieces is floating, but the tank is filled and sitting steady at 80°F. If all goes well, I'll be starting the cycle today. I tried to emulate this hardscape... But ended up with this. I'll probably be able to fix it when the water clears...
  23. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    Lots of leaves. Taken outside because my tank room (aka: the constantly waterlogged corner of my bedroom, featuring two desks) is a mess. And what the boys' tank looks like now.
  24. LyraGuppi

    Planted Pea Puffer Savannah

    The tank is looking wonderful, great job!
  25. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    All of the mopani has been sanded down. I've also got two full bags of dead oak leaves, enough to last quite a while. I got the 20 gallon long, and a lid! 40 USD altogether. I've painted the back of the tank black, and tested the lower silicone for leaks. I have everything I need except one...
  26. LyraGuppi

    20 gallon update! With pics!

    Beautiful tank! Your plecs are very handsome c:
  27. LyraGuppi

    The Three Tank Tour Official

    I love the overgrown look!
  28. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    Ronan really wanted more brine shrimp. Magnus had more grace about it. I'm dremeling the points off of my mopani roots. I'm not sure how intact these boys' immune systems are, so I really don't want to open any doors for fin rot. I should have three roots ready for the 20 gallon, when it's...
  29. LyraGuppi

    why has my oranda goldfishs belly gone so big in 1 day

    Could you provide a picture of the fish, and details about their setup? Are the scales sticking out, like a pinecone?
  30. LyraGuppi

    Jude & Co.

    Welcome, your bettas are absolutely gorgeous! Link and link are the two guides that I usually use to judge. Jude looks like a multicoloured veiltail. Lincoln looks like a delta tail, but he could be a super delta or a halfmoon. Super deltas' tails spread out to 120-160 degrees, halfmoons' tails...
  31. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    Usually mine leave the roots alone after one test munch o: What type of plant is it? Do they all do that?
  32. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    Wow! That's dedication o:
  33. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    Planning to get a 20 gallon long on October 7th, so they should have a new tank soon. Not guessing as to how soon, seeing how I keep pushing that date farther and farther back q: I haven't manually cycled a tank in a year, so this should be fun! I think I'm going to drag out my hoard of mopani...
  34. LyraGuppi

    Setting up a cichlid tank

    Thank you, fluttermoth, and sorry for the misinformation!
  35. LyraGuppi

    Setting up a cichlid tank

    EDIT: See fluttermoth's post below! In general, longer tanks are better than taller tanks. Most fish don't swim vertically, save for very tall fish like discus, angelfish, etc. Both tanks look fairly close to each other in appearance, and aren't dramatically tall, so I'd say go for whichever one...
  36. LyraGuppi


    They look a little like detritus worms.