New to tanks


New Member
Oct 7, 2017
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I currently own a 10 gallon tank that is actually doing well, considering I had no clue and did everything wrong. Filled it up and stocked it the next day :S. I have since been educating myself on tanks, fish, nitrogen cycle etc. I am currently getting ready to set up a 60 gallon tank. I have everything purchased except of course the fish. I am really wanting to use live plants but have no clue where to start so that is where I am needing help!! I am very open to any help or suggestions I can get.
Thank you
hi and welcome.:hi:

im glad to hear that you want the best for your future fish.:big_boss: if you look around the forum there should be all the info you need somewhere. if not or you are looking for something specific then create a new thread. :fish:
I used to keep heavily planted tank so can likely provide some advice. Do you know what type of plants you want? Do you want a carpet etc. Let us know your vision and we will try to help
Welcome to TFF.

It might be better to post specific questions in the relevant section of the forum, there is one for planted tanks. But as you're here and I'm here...the most important factor is the tank lighting, so if you could describe exactly what light you have, it will be easier to suggest plants that should thrive under that light.

Welcome to TFF.

It might be better to post specific questions in the relevant section of the forum, there is one for planted tanks. But as you're here and I'm here...the most important factor is the tank lighting, so if you could describe exactly what light you have, it will be easier to suggest plants that should thrive under that light.

All my tank says is high definition LED energy efficient
I used to keep heavily planted tank so can likely provide some advice. Do you know what type of plants you want? Do you want a carpet etc. Let us know your vision and we will try to help
Thank you
I would like some taller plants for the back to help cover hoses and stuff and maybe some smaller one for the front so the fish have a place to hide or play...I have 2 good size decoration pieces for the middle of the tank so I don’t want to put too much stuff in there and take away from the fish
Can you find some data online about the light (check the manufacturer's web page?) and post the link so one of us can have a look. LED covers a broad range of lighting with respect to intensity and spectrum, and both are very important when it comes to plants.
Can you find some data online about the light (check the manufacturer's web page?) and post the link so one of us can have a look. LED covers a broad range of lighting with respect to intensity and spectrum, and both are very important when it comes to plants.
Thank you so much for the help!!!
I am trying but no specific info is given. It came from petsmart. Tank/stand/lighting. It’s a marineland heartland tank. I have reached out to pet smart asking for the information you are wanting so now I’m just waiting for a reply

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