Search results

  1. KevinZ

    Best betta tankmates that can move into a community tank?

    Unlike Other Community Fish, Betta like to be alone, thats how they live in the natural habitats, In the river, which is their natural habitat. Male will stay in 1 place, defending their own Territorial and create a nest. While the female will swim around and breed, after breeding swimming...
  2. KevinZ

    15 gallon stocking with DPs

    Dwarf Puffer is not Recommended to be in Community tank, since Male Puffer will be teritorial and Nip any fish fin, The best way to go is 1 Male Puffer with Several Female Puffers, But if you want to keep them in community tank then make sure you pick small Hyper fish that will Swim 10 times...
  3. KevinZ

    Help Cory Internal Bleeding ?

    My Albino Cory Die with an internal Bleeding ? Anyone know how to prevent this or what to do ? I scared all of them might be die Ammonia : 0 ppm nitrite : 0 ppm nitrate : 6 ppm Ph : 6.5 I feed them Rubin Tetra Flakes Edit : All Of my Albino are currently fine, No Red Gills, Swimming Actively...
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  5. KevinZ

    New Shrimp tank & Trying to Plant Carpet Plant again.

    Thanks! I might try With No CO2 first and see how it goes, But let see, hopefully, my Catfish Doesn't uproot all of it
  6. KevinZ

    Blackwater Tank Maintenance

    Thanks! Ill try to Meet up fish store & check it up. I remember i have the number. But i forget where is it. I might change the water 5-10 % Everyday. I dont have any spare bucket & i use my Bucket for Bath (Indonesian Culture) ;)
  7. KevinZ

    Why bother blanching?

    My Green Jade Shrimp eat Banana & Brocolli too ! I am so Suprised the first them i fed them
  8. KevinZ

    Why bother blanching?

    Blanching will soften the veggie and help Suckermouth fish / Shrimp "Hand" to costume it easier. And i dont believe my Veggie since some of them might be Contaminated with Pesticide on skin area. Like cucumber, i always cut the Skin Area & Blanch them for 2 Mins. My old CAE finish them in 3...
  9. KevinZ

    Blackwater Tank Maintenance

    Never heard that website. Going to check it out right now. Thanks for the info and yes i know My fish can live in low PH aquarium. I just dont want to mess up my parameter by mixing Tap Water with The Aquarium Water. They still Really young and I dont think they are Hardy enough and i might...
  10. KevinZ

    Blackwater Tank Maintenance

    Ill wait until then. Going to change the water 2 more days i guess since i soaking my bathroom bucket (Indonesian thing) with IAL :),
  11. KevinZ

    New Shrimp tank & Trying to Plant Carpet Plant again.

    Nope. Going to wait for 1 - 2 days before installing my co2. My Featherfin / Upside down Catfish might Ruin all of the Hairgrass and maybe they will turn my hairgrass into Floating plant in 1 night :rofl:
  12. KevinZ

    Blackwater Tank Maintenance

    I have some indian almond leaves too on the substrate. Thats why my PH drops, here's some picture :angel: ( Not the best quality )
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  14. KevinZ

    Blackwater Tank Maintenance

    I let my Sponge filter run on established aquarium ( My 55 Gallon 2 Years Old ) for -+ 1 Month I add some ammonia to 66 Gallon tank (Which is the one with blackwater) with Some shrimp Pellet then the ammonia shows up after 3 days then i put the sponge Filter along with some Ceramic ring and in...
  15. KevinZ

    Blackwater Tank Maintenance

    Yes, its 10 days Old tank. Seeding Cycle Ammonia 0.0 ppm Nitrite 0.0 ppm Nitrate 10 ppm PH : 6.6 Water Soft To Moderate Water I dont know how to check Water hardness without a kit and my water company only said "soft - Moderate hardness" i tried to contact The customer service to let me know...
  16. KevinZ

    Blackwater Tank Maintenance

    Ah,, i have blackwater aquarium and i want to do water change's but eventually the tannins from leaves will gone and my water will be clear again right ? So i might need to do the method to keep the water tan. By doing the method will my PH keep goes down or stay ? And if i doing a water...
  17. KevinZ

    New Shrimp tank & Trying to Plant Carpet Plant again.

    Hello! good Morning / Evening / Night Out there. :flowers::lol: Wanted to Share My New Shrimp Tank Look and Trying to Plant Hairgrass Carpet for 55 Gallon Tank. ( The Fourth Times) Hopefully Upsidedown Catfish / Featherfin Didnt uproot it This time ^_^
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  20. KevinZ

    Blackwater Tank Maintenance

    How do you change blackwater aquarium ? I know that you need same PH as the Aquarium before Do it, but how do i Make my Tap Water PH Equal to my Aquarium PH ? Or do you think Indian Almond Leaf Extract (Boil Water With Indian Almond leaf) will Bring the PH down and Equal to my Aquarium ? Any...
  21. KevinZ


    Any Floating Plant will Block Light from the surface and if you have High Light Plant you might Need to separate the surface Area for your Duckweed, about feeding Duckweed i know some sushi using Duckweed since they have protein in it. But never tried it myself. :rofl:
  22. KevinZ

    Seasonal Availability

    Owh my bad. I dont really know about this :S Sorry cant really help about this
  23. KevinZ

    Albino Corys Not Schooling ?

    Thanks, I found out that one of my Corys was born with only one eye, do you think it will Hang on ?, still Swimming Normally and Going to top to breath no disease sign. Maybe just disabilities?
  24. KevinZ

    Albino Corys Not Schooling ?

    Oh okay! Thanks :angel: my first time keeping corys and all of them are same species & size's
  25. KevinZ

    Great plants for small tanks?

    Anubias Nana & Bucephalandra is a great addition for nano tank, slow growing plant, easy to take care & maintain, but kinda Pricey :) I also like Banana Plant & Moss for Shrimp :fish:
  26. KevinZ

    Albino Corys Not Schooling ?

    I bring back 10 Albino Corys today, all of them are newly hatch. Around 2-3 Month old, i acclimate them with drip method, My Congo's is Schooling but my Corys swimming separately and stay Away From each other. Any idea ?
  27. KevinZ

    Dark brown/maroon shrimp

    I lost all of my shrimp in 1 night not long ago too! :S
  28. KevinZ

    Finally Accomplished my "Dream Tank"

    Just Bring Home Some Albino Corys and Congo today! So excited. I bought from Great Reputable Farmer so that i can get a newly Hatch / Juvenile Fishes. :angel: :angel: might put some Red Cherry Shrimp to Control My Algae growth on this tank
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  32. KevinZ

    Dark brown/maroon shrimp

    Thats Black Choco Shrimp. Mid - Tier Grade. Nice one :) i used to farm a lot of Shrimp. And Black choco are Combination From Blue Dream Shrimp & Red & Yellow Genetic. Its about 50 : 25 : 25 So you'd be suprised when you got Yellow Shrimp without having one
  33. KevinZ

    Random pictures...

    I will Stock my 10 Gallon with RCS and hopefully can get a Nice Pict, and Hopefully no more "Rampage" Death like my old BDS :angel: Thats a nice pict i love that shrimp
  34. KevinZ

    Java Moss as a carpeting plant?

    You can use Superglue tricks. Cut your Java into million pieces and use Your glue (i suggest using gel type) to attach it. Here's the video i always use this trick and always work for me :) but if you want to put a large chunk then use fishing line.
  35. KevinZ

    Java Moss as a carpeting plant?

    How big is your aquarium? I know people use mesh to grow Nice Carpet with moss
  36. KevinZ

    Longtime Reader, First Time Member

    Ermm, Alligators in water !? :rofl:
  37. KevinZ

    Engineer Goby

    Am i the only one who waited that fish to come out of the hole ? :rofl: