15 gallon stocking with DPs


Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2019
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So I have 2 dwarf puffers in a 15 gallon and I would like to add something else, I know people say you can’t keep anything else with a group of puffers but there are only two and they are quite timid now the group is small. It’s a shame for a tank this size to have such little life in it so does anyone have any ideas of what would be able to go in with them?
Dwarf Puffer is not Recommended to be in Community tank, since Male Puffer will be teritorial and Nip any fish fin,
The best way to go is 1 Male Puffer with Several Female Puffers,
But if you want to keep them in community tank then make sure you pick small Hyper fish that will Swim 10 times Faster then your puffer,
ex : Danios or Ember Tetra.
And make sure you have a separate aquarium or Separator for your Aquarium in case anything happens,
Good luck :)
I concur. Dwarf puffers should always be the sole species in the aquarium. You have the space to add more, and a total of seven would be OK in a 15g tank. Lots of plants, floating certainly, and they will feel less threatened.

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