Great plants for small tanks?

Fish Fanatic
Jun 2, 2020
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I don't have a tank yet but most likely will be getting a small/medium aquarium, most likely not much more than 10/12 gallons. (Most Likely freshwater).
I'm probably going to have some small fish (eg. bettas, gouramis, otocinclus) or just red cherry shrimp/triops.
I don't really want plastic decorations as I'm looking for more of a natural 'green' look.

I'm looking for all plant types, foreground, background, midground, just to make sure they do not grow/spread fast and take up a lot of space.
I quite like the idea of Cryptocorynes, Java Moss, and Pygmy Chain Sword.

Does anyone know any other plants/suggestions?
Thank you.
Anubias Nana & Bucephalandra is a great addition for nano tank, slow growing plant, easy to take care & maintain, but kinda Pricey :)
I also like Banana Plant & Moss for Shrimp :fish:
Anubias, java fern, java moss, moss ball, anacharis, it depends on what you like or what do you want.
Thank you.
I'm looking to create a kind of natural Amazon-y kind of look, (lots of greenery). :)
Anahcaris, Anubias, moss balls, Java Moss, Java Fern, Salvinia, etc.

The best pants I have found for bettas and cherry shrimp are Anancharis (Both love it), Java Moss (The shrimp love resting on it), and Salvinia. (Both light resting near it)

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