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  1. l_l_l

    New Shrimp On Their Way.

    Have spoken with a CRS, Tiger - Tibee breeder and he confirmed it was a bacteria, I have to isolate the shrimp in case it infects other shrimp. I will be putting this one in my betta 10g tank, with a breeder net, to make sure he doesn't eat it. Hopefully it doesnt die.
  2. l_l_l

    Friend Of Mine Wants Me Advise Him

    Agreed with Ch4rlie.. Once these fish grow bigger, your shrimp will be toast.
  3. l_l_l

    New Member

    I agree with this! Your fish will also be really stressed while you are establishing your cycle, and you as well!
  4. l_l_l

    Removing From Parent Plant

    I've been so lazy with removing them that I let them on until they detach by themselves.
  5. l_l_l

    **** 2013 - Fish Of The Year Winner! ****

    Congrats! You made me discover this fish and I am very much in love with them now.
  6. l_l_l

    Strange Hair/fern Like Growth Coming From The Edges Of My Java Ferns&#

      WOW! This is why my java fern are so dead now!
  7. l_l_l

    Free Peacock Gudgeons In The Boston, Ma (Usa) Area

    well.. Now I'm really jealous of USA people
  8. l_l_l

    New Shrimp On Their Way.

    No problem! You are trying to help! :) A few of my tigers have a blue hue to them, some darker, some clearer.. Only time will tell, or maybe someone who keeps them, as you said :P
  9. l_l_l

    New Shrimp On Their Way.

    I'm not quite sure as well, I'm still new to tiger shrimp! :( I know they get their stripes and colors once a bit older, but nothing said anything about it being a bit red.. Someone on a local group suggested bacterial infection? 
  10. l_l_l

    New Shrimp On Their Way.

    Thanks Charlie.. The issue is.. They are not Red Tiger shrimp! I bought regular tiger shrimp!! :O
  11. l_l_l

    New Shrimp On Their Way.

    Thanks ! Here's a "baby" that I have spotted. Is that coloration normal for tiger?
  12. l_l_l

    Identifing These That Have Just Appeared

    Hi and welcome! Please do us all a favor and post pictures!  We are all waiting to answer your question.
  13. l_l_l

    Caught The Betta Splendens Bug

    Hi and welcome! I also would like to see pictures!
  14. l_l_l

    Are Water Changes Always Stressful?

    My fish seem to actually enjoy the water changes I do every week. They tend to have really really bright colors after the change. My betta is really curious and will investigate the area while I'm doing the change :P
  15. l_l_l

    Daize's Planted Photo Journal - 64L 1Wpg Low Light

    Sometimes, people realize they like things when they don't have it anymore.
  16. l_l_l

    Shrimp Help

    Hi there. If you have never kept shrimp, I suggest you start with Cherry Reds. They are much hardier, and easier to care for. If you want to house them, your environment needs to be in good condition, and above all, stable. The cherry shrimp can be in a lot of temperatures, and ph as well, so as...
  17. l_l_l

    My Stunning Amano

    Superb Shrimp and pictures. Good luck on your quest, I heard it is quite a challenge.
  18. l_l_l

    April 2014 - Tank Of The Month Voting Poll

    Good luck to all!  :)
  19. l_l_l

    Planted 46Gallon Aquarium

    Changing things up a bit, different angle!     Entered this in the TOTM :) Going to post a video soon
  20. l_l_l

    New Shrimp On Their Way.

    Here is a picture of one of the shrimp!
  21. l_l_l

    New Shrimp On Their Way.

    Hi all! As some of you know, I have added tiger shrimp to that tank this Saturday. Everything was going fine but this morning I woke up to a dead body. I am almost sure it is of a tiger shrimp, and I saw a molt near the carcass. I am feeling a bit guilty as I have been decreasing the temperature...
  22. l_l_l

    Are Pygmy Corydoras Always So Timid

    Mine are pretty active. The larger the school the better they do. I have found out that they do much better when there is dither fish around. My tank is stocked heavily, plants and fish. I have celestial pearl danios, rummynose tetras, peacock gudgeons, amano shrimp and a pearl gourami. I think...
  23. l_l_l

    New Shrimp On Their Way.

    Today is the day I finally decided on what I was going to buy with a gift card I have received. I will be getting tiger shrimp. Been eyeing them for a while now and I think they will make a great addition to my cherry shrimp tank! Can't wait! :D
  24. l_l_l

    March 2014 - Tank Of The Month Winner

    Very well deserved! Solid competition! Congrats to all!
  25. l_l_l

    Tank Of The Year 2013?

    Very nice aquariums indeed, voting for them was a really hard thing to do! 
  26. l_l_l

    My Rummy Nose Tetras

    I am defenitely jealous if you go that route.
  27. l_l_l

    Neon Tetra Cant Swim Downwards

    Agreed, I usually feed Daphnia whenever I accidentaly feed too much, usually solves issues like this one.
  28. l_l_l

    My Rummy Nose Tetras

    I love these,   I have 12 in my 46G and they are always on the go.   I'd really love to have a 90G long aquarium and have a 20+ School of them in it. Would make a really nice view!
  29. l_l_l

    Neon Tetra Cant Swim Downwards

    I had this happen to one of my neons when he ate too much. It happened when I fed him flake food instead of pellets.
  30. l_l_l

    Tetra Stocking Ideas

    27 inches is a bit short for rummy nose tetras, they prefer really long tanks as they love to swim around and they really are doing best at 10+ numbers.   I know it is really a classic choice, but a large school of Cardinal Tetras is really a stunning view. Not a Tetra but Harlequin Rasboras are...
  31. l_l_l

    Possibly Getting A 30 Gallon

    I have a pearl gourami and it is such a gracious fish! Defenitely recommended, it also much hardier than dwarf gouramis.
  32. l_l_l


    woah. That tank is one weird stocking. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that all of these are living together. You are risking a lot right now.
  33. l_l_l

    So Much For Going "low Tech"... Should I Jump To Co2 Injection

    I'll try modifying a bit my schedule and see what's up! Thanks for heads up
  34. l_l_l

    What The Hell Is This?

    Glad you got rid of this!   I have nightmares where mine suddenly comes back and eats all my cherry shrimp (kidding)
  35. l_l_l

    Lighting Timer And Healthy Fish

    What I do is put my lights on for 2 hours in the morning, and then 6 hours for the evening. :)
  36. l_l_l

    New To Fish

    Hi and welcome! If you don't have fish already, make sure you cycle your tank! You can refer to that guide:   I also started into this hobby with a 20g.. MUCH FUN!! I now have 3 tanks haha.
  37. l_l_l

    So Much For Going "low Tech"... Should I Jump To Co2 Injection

    Wait.. Do you mean I should dose excel when my lights are off? How long before they turn on should I dose? My Anubias problem could be because I have too much light? That makes a lot of sense because those are all things I am doing right now.
  38. l_l_l

    Nap Time!

    Woah! That would freak me out as well..
  39. l_l_l

    So Much For Going "low Tech"... Should I Jump To Co2 Injection

    Thanks Daize! I will try dosing more excel to see if that helps. In any case, I might try a small DIY co2 kit, with fermentation thing..
  40. l_l_l

    So Much For Going "low Tech"... Should I Jump To Co2 Injection

    I've read that when you have too much Iron you can get green hair algae..   I meant that it was foolish to have a high light tank and dose a lot of nutrients without having CO2.   The reason why I'm dosing more nutrients is because my Anubias have started to show signs that they are missing...