

Mostly New Member
Sep 9, 2013
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Hi guys, I was thinking about getting some ghost shrimp for my 29 gallon freshwater tropical. But I was wondering if any other shrimp are compatible with my fish. 
Here is a list of the shrimp I am interested in and what is in my tank.
Blueberry and red and white bee shrimp, 
My tank:
Dwarf Gourami
Female bettas
African dwarf frogs
Neon tetras
Kuhli loach
I know that some of these fish are not compatible with each other, but they have been living together peacefully for over a year now.
It sounds severely overstocked , the corys, kulhlism neon tetras and gourami should be it, with proper numbers. Your tank needs to dramatically needs to be fixed.

I suggest rehoming the bettas, platys, swordtails, mollies, danios and dwarf frogs, and angelfish, then id make sure the kuhli loaches have 6 the cories have 6 of the same species, the neons have about 8, and the otos have 6, and the gourmai would be fine to stay to.
That tank is one weird stocking.
I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that all of these are living together.
You are risking a lot right now.
I would not be surprised to see your tank crash with how it is.
Rehome the angel, they need a bigger tank
Rehomw the bettas, they need a tank only to themselves, and it needs to be 10g minimum with 6-7 of them, and nothing else. Not a 29g community.
Rehome the dwarf frogs, they dont like community
The platy, molly, and swordtails should be rehomed as they will overtake your tank with fry, and dont do well with your current stocking
Rehome the danio, they need a 4 ft long tank or bigger, and also need shoals of 6 plus
Rehome either the cories or kuhlis, and make the group 6-8 of ONE species. No multi-species of cories, i.e. salt and pepper with pygmy, peppered with sterbai, etc. Do 6-8 sterbai, or 6-8 salt and pepper, or 6-8 pygmy, etc. Not a mash of species.
Keep the gourami, neons (up school to 8-10 if they arent already),  make the oto group 4-5 if you havent already, and have a group of 6-8 of EITHER one type of cory OR kuhlis. Not both.
As for the shrimp, wouldnt add them. Both of those are extremely finicky about water and are hard to take care of. They would add to much to your bioload as well, and you dont want that. The "blueberry" shrimp also turn brown. If you rehomed the fish I suggested, then ou could start out with ghost, amanos, or cherry shrimp, then if they like your water and start to thrive then slowly move up.
wow guys, enough negativity. it is understandable the the stocking is not proper, but give advise and help don't just say its going to crash.
so my advise would be:
it is best to have a live planted tank for shrimp and any fish that can fit a shrimp into it's mouth will eat it.
the proper numbers for the fish that you have should be
dwarf gourami - min of 3 depending on the size of the tank. not safe for shrimp
platy, molly, and swordtail - should be all males because they can breed with each other. and or have 3 females per one male if you wish to have females and males. not safe for shrimp
females betas - should be kept in groups of 5 to even out aggression and should not be kept with any other fish that are similar to it ex. the gourami. and should be in a tank min of 20 gallons with the 5 grouping. safe for shrimp
african dwarf frogs - don't know much about them, but they'll eat any shrimp you have if you put any in there.
neon tetras need a min of 3, but i would recommend a group of 6 as a min. safe for shrimp
danio are the same as neon, need a min of 6 because of the activity they have and sometimes can go at it with each other. 
angelfish in my opinion are one angel per 30 gallons.they grow very large and need schooling fish around it that aren't nippy. aren't safe for shrimp
the corydoras need a min of 3, but i would recommend 6 and it should be all the same breed. no mixing. not sure if safe for fish.. some breeds i believe are and some aren't... soooo not too sure about them.
the otos need a min of 3 but better for 6.. love to school and great for eating algae and in planted aquariums.
the kuhli loach needs a group of 3 min, but better 6. not sure if safe for shrimp.
so you are over stocked.. what i would keep:
keep the cories (6) as the bottom movement
keep the neons (6-8) as schooling group
you can keep the angel as the show fish, but will get large and should be in an upgraded tank later on (1)
everything else i'd rehome or set up the proper tanks for them :D
it's better for the fish in the long run as all this is probably not what you want to hear, but when you know as much as we do through experience you'll understand :p
BerryAttack said:
wow guys, enough negativity. it is understandable the the stocking is not proper, but give advise and help don't just say its going to crash.
so my advise would be:
it is best to have a live planted tank for shrimp and any fish that can fit a shrimp into it's mouth will eat it.
the proper numbers for the fish that you have should be
dwarf gourami - min of 3 depending on the size of the tank. not safe for shrimp
platy, molly, and swordtail - should be all males because they can breed with each other. and or have 3 females per one male if you wish to have females and males. not safe for shrimp
females betas - should be kept in groups of 5 to even out aggression and should not be kept with any other fish that are similar to it ex. the gourami. and should be in a tank min of 20 gallons with the 5 grouping. safe for shrimp
african dwarf frogs - don't know much about them, but they'll eat any shrimp you have if you put any in there.
neon tetras need a min of 3, but i would recommend a group of 6 as a min. safe for shrimp
danio are the same as neon, need a min of 6 because of the activity they have and sometimes can go at it with each other. 
angelfish in my opinion are one angel per 30 gallons.they grow very large and need schooling fish around it that aren't nippy. aren't safe for shrimp
the corydoras need a min of 3, but i would recommend 6 and it should be all the same breed. no mixing. not sure if safe for fish.. some breeds i believe are and some aren't... soooo not too sure about them.
the otos need a min of 3 but better for 6.. love to school and great for eating algae and in planted aquariums.
the kuhli loach needs a group of 3 min, but better 6. not sure if safe for shrimp.
so you are over stocked.. what i would keep:
keep the cories (6) as the bottom movement
keep the neons (6-8) as schooling group
you can keep the angel as the show fish, but will get large and should be in an upgraded tank later on (1)
everything else i'd rehome or set up the proper tanks for them

it's better for the fish in the long run as all this is probably not what you want to hear, but when you know as much as we do through experience you'll understand
About this, I just want to correct information you may have worded wrong or left out a detail, Im not being rude, I promise :D
None of these fish are or arent safe for shrimp. It really depends of the fish itself. And if this tank is like this for any longer we will know  for a fact they angel if stunted (they can get 12 inches high, need deep deep tanks) and the others are going to fight. Im not going to be surprised if a betta starts getting nippy with the angel, or the tetras get nippy  with the angel, etc.
Female bettas should be kept very crowded. It in a 20g I would have 16, so in a 29g with nothing else, 20-22 would be a good number. I would put 5 of them in a 10g.
African dwarf frogs are blind and sloww. African clawed frogs are the ones you need to worry about with shrimp
I would not keep any shoaling fish in a minimum of 3, but thats opinion. My minimum would be 5
I hope none of this came off as rude. :) 
BerryAttack said:
wow guys, enough negativity. it is understandable the the stocking is not proper, but give advise and help don't just say its going to crash.
In fairness, 2 of the 3 replies have offered advice, including the one that mentions crashing.
Bettatamer said:
Hi guys, I was thinking about getting some ghost shrimp for my 29 gallon freshwater tropical. But I was wondering if any other shrimp are compatible with my fish. 
Here is a list of the shrimp I am interested in and what is in my tank.
Blueberry and red and white bee shrimp, 
My tank:
Dwarf Gourami
Female bettas
African dwarf frogs
Neon tetras
Kuhli loach
I know that some of these fish are not compatible with each other, but they have been living together peacefully for over a year now.
You've received a lot of good advice about the tank and its stocking, I don't really need to add anything there, but with regard to the shrimp, the two species you mention are fairly small species, so will probably end up as lunch for some of the larger species of fish, particularly the gourami, the angel and probably also the swordtails. And the bettas.
You mention Ghost Shrimp in the original sentence, these would probably be big enough to avoid being predated upon, as would amano shrimp.
My mom has had ghosts in with her kuhlis and mollies since December, so I'd say those two fish are safe with shrimp (someone previously said they weren't or were not sure if they were).
Not much to add except that Angelfish may eat Neon tetras.
livelifelow said:
My mom has had ghosts in with her kuhlis and mollies since December, so I'd say those two fish are safe with shrimp (someone previously said they weren't or were not sure if they were).
The point is that ghosts are significantly bigger than bee, crystals, cherries, etc. so a fish that would not look to eat a ghost or amano may well consider the smaller species edible.
l_l_l said:
That tank is one weird stocking.
I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that all of these are living together.
You are risking a lot right now.
I raised all of them from fry, so they have been together most of their lives
Ummm... Any reply on the other comments?

Not meaning to be rude, but did you fix the situation?
Bettatamer said:
That tank is one weird stocking.
I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that all of these are living together.
You are risking a lot right now.
I raised all of them from fry, so they have been together most of their lives
Hey bettatamer! I know it can be overwhelming, but it's really about allowing the fish to have ample room and be in the group's that they need to live good lives. I guarantee that if you let us help with your stocking, your whole tank will improve, and your fish will be much better off!

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