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  1. V

    MIA rope fish

    My oscar laned on my bed once i just though it was the cat.
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    My Plec

    Cool close up :)
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    Identify this Cory?

    I was going to have a shot at picking witch one it was but......nah i havnt got a clue i better just keep to cichlids :D
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    My newest fish

    Thats no blood parrot but it is a deformed Midas Cichlid. Watch out they are highly agressive and shoudnt be housed with loachs or other small fish it will still hit the 14" mark.
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    Angels and Severums.

    mine reached a foot but...............i brought it that big, died after 3 days from HITH but back then i didnt know what it was :(
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    Green severums spawned

    Why not buy a breeder net that sits on the side of the tank, i think you will be suprized at how many just will live because sevs are very good perants and they will defend there young till the death.
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    Getting Firemouth tomorrow!!!

    Just make sure you get some pics dude, i bet you cant sleep eh :P
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    OSI Cichlid Flakes and Hikari Gold Pallets.
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    Agressive Midas Video

    i think rvm took it down guys cause its the wrong video :) if you guys want to see it again ask him to upload it again cause he has it.
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    My Jewel

    Stunning cichlid :thumbs:
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    Blue Lab in trouble.

    I was feeding my Red Devil when all the sudden i noticed next to him my blue with his fins clamed to his sides and looking very pale he didnt have any blue left in him, i put him in my hospital tank where i tryed to feed him but he wasnt taking it he just sits there puffing. Any ideas?
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    if you were to say 3-4" for a little bit i would say ok but hell no with a 9" theres no way of it liveing for a while. Dwarf_dudes friend tryed this and it died. Trust us we know what we are talking about.
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    Cons and Os

    Cons are cheeky, my 4" one comes out and bites my 11" oscar then swims back to hide leaveing my oscar wondering who the hell did it.
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    how big of a tank for midas?

    1 Sev would be ok
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    Check if this video works

    its the wrong video dude thats my oscar eating lol!
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    Agressive Midas Video

    dont worry about it, its the wrong video lol its my oscar eating.
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    how big of a tank for midas?

    nopers, you need about 75g for it then after 8months or so he wouldnt let anything in it and even you wont be able to put your hands in it, check out my new video for proof!
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    Agressive Midas Video its this fella
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    Check if this video works

    thanks bro, what did you think of it?
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    Check if this video works

    hell yeah
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    Check if this video works
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    Angels and Severums.

    it can be done but keep an eye on that severum as it will get big upto 12" and he might hurt the angels. Is there any other fish that you would like to keep besides the angels?
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    how old are you fish keepers??

    24 but im 25 on the 24th :(
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    help identify fish

    low grades still look good and are tough fish :thumbs:
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    that is such a cool pic lol
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    Parrot cichlids and tank size thats all i have to say :)
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    good posting :thumbs:
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    A little lesson on tank sizes for Cichlids

    Alot of people have been asking me what size should i get or can i put 2 of these cichlids in this tank and so on, so i have decided to give everyone a little lesson on tank sizes and why these fish need large tanks ;) With Livebearers its easy to put 30 of these fish in a 30gal tank and you...
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    shovelnose stuck in net :(

    It might unhinge its self from it but it could also get caught on somthing in the tank and die from the stress. The best thing to do is grabe a glass vase to cat him in then drain most of the water and get that net off him before he gets stuck on somthing.
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    FULL WATER CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!

    What filter have you got in the tank and have you got a vacume for the gravel?
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    Hi Fishy People!

    Welcome along to the forums.
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    Did you check to see if its the powerpoint?
  34. V

    i didnt no where to post this

    Im pretty sure golden eye cichlids are Rams, and a 12gal might be a bit to small for 2 of these but i think 1 might be ok, i would just keep an eye on it just it case it gets to agressive.
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    help identify fish

    wheres the flowerhorn?
  36. V

    help identify fish

    Its a worm! i win!
  37. V

    blood parrots and JD?

    What other tank mates have you got in the tank and whats the tank size because if it is not big enough they will fight to the death.
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    My 55 Gallon...

    That is one mean looking tank dude, well done!
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    Red Devils Breeding Any advice

    Your best option is to remove the male as he will become VERY agressive and even attack you! he will try to kill the female as well its always best to leave the babies with just the female, as for eating the fry live off the slime coat that the mother has on her scales so dont be worried if you...
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    Post your Car!

    that 300 is in top condition dude, nice car, that honda is the same color as my other honda, i will go take a phone pic of it now.