Green severums spawned

Michael Roth

May 24, 2004
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Yeah. First they killed a gold severum, and a green severum. Now there are two green severums and a gold. The gold hides a lot. There are eggs all over the back of my large rock, and the bad news is.... its in the same tank as the jardini, the marbled pim, and the sorubim lima. Long story short, any fry will rapidly become feeders.
Yeah, I have mixed feelings too. I have no problem with natural I guess as long as the lima get the fry, alls fair. If the jardini does...well, hard to think of a south american jardini...
here are the parents, and the eggs...


sorry about the bad glass and crappy angle, thats the back of the tank, and it took some work to get the pic.
Yeah, very nice colors.
If you want to keep the fry, try to get them into a breeding net if you can catch any.
you can put a ver small divider over that area to protect the eggs. Sounds like all your fish are to big to slip through eggcrate.
Why not buy a breeder net that sits on the side of the tank, i think you will be suprized at how many just will live because sevs are very good perants and they will defend there young till the death.

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