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  1. Caesar your thoughts here...

    I'd like to think with being recently double vaccinated and now having covid for the first time that my immune system is just impregnable.
  2. Caesar your thoughts here...

    I did some reading, British Columbian government says AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson used Fetal Cell Lines, whereas Moderna and Pfizer were not made using Fetal Cell Lines. They said "only trace amounts of DNA and protein may be present in the vaccine." with regard to AstraZeneca and J&J...
  3. Caesar your thoughts here...

    My mom, my girlfriend, four of my friends, and two of my coworkers all caught covid within a 2 day period this past week. It's been relatively tame for me, having a sore and swollen throat, mild cough, congested sinuses, fatigue, passing headaches, and some stomach problems. My girlfriend had...
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  5. Caesar

    ID BICHIR? PLS? :(:

    One more comparison. And here's one I just saw on Facebook with similar markings to his:
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  7. Caesar

    What fish is on your Wish list?

    Dormitator maculatus Tandanus tandanus Oscura heterospila Distichodus sexfasciatus Potamotrygon orbignyi Andinoacara coeruleopunctatus Paretroplus menarambo Paretroplus nourissati Elassoma gilberti or e. okefenokee Hypostomus panamensis Eleotris picta
  8. Caesar

    ID BICHIR? PLS? :(:

    Up here in British Columbia senegalus are obviously the most common, ranging from $30-$40 on average for 2" from a non chain store. Then delhezi, ornatipinnis, and endlicheri are all next as the most widely available at 2" for $60-$70 depending on the store. Working in wholesale I can say even...
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  14. Caesar

    Random Discussion

    Also I can't stand the face of a Maine Coon! The Maine Coons weird facial feature proportions for a domestic breed, like exaggerated versions of their parent breed Norwegian Forest Cats (also the superior giant domestic breed). And that's my hot take of the week.
  15. Caesar

    Random Discussion

    I don't believe it's possible for the felis genus to hybridize the lynx genus.
  16. Caesar

    Found some pictures of my bichirs on MFK and figured I'd share them here.

    Polypterus endlicheri. Polypterus ornatipinnis Polypterus tuesgeli. Same as above, but also with polli and delhezi
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  21. Caesar

    ID BICHIR? PLS? :(:

    It's an endlicheri. It's lower jaw is inconsistent with the skull shape of delhezi.
  22. Caesar your thoughts here...

    Tasmanian Tigers are struggling with a contagious cancer. There's two independent transmissible cancers known as devil facial tumour 1 (DFT1) and devil facial tumour 2 (DFT2). Both cancers are spread by biting and cause the appearance of tumours on the face or inside the mouth of affected...
  23. Caesar

    What are some fun quirks of your fish?

    I had a vieja breidohri that would pick up a specific rock and chase away other fish during feeding with it. It was very cool to see tool use!
  24. Caesar

    Fish that eat mould/algae

    Another take on biofilms.
  25. Caesar

    Clown Loach Survey

    I had a customer from Vietnam who had an absolute monster that he inherited from his father in the '90s that was supposedly in its 60s. It was easily over a foot and a few fingers thick. Spent most of its life in a pond before coming to Canada where it lived (hopefully lives still) in a 350...
  26. Caesar

    Vote Now! - January 2022 Pet of the Month Contest

    This is Tommi, we adopted him two years ago when he was 7 since I wanted to adopt an older cat instead of a kitten as everyone adopts younger cats. He's also bowlegged! It severely limits his mobility compared to a regular cat. Sometimes he hits his face jumping off low couches or falls trying...
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  28. Caesar

    Freshwater Fish ID {EASY,MEDIUM,HARD} Game Daily

    Ah, a bit too far off on the tilapia.
  29. Caesar

    20g Planted Tank (apistogramma/german blue ram?)

    Somewhere along the way I thought this was a 20 long, so fair comments.
  30. Caesar

    20g Planted Tank (apistogramma/german blue ram?)

    Along that line of thought, pencilfish would also be a nice option. Marginatus, mortenthaleri, and beckfordi are all nice. Pygmy Hatchetfish (carnegiella myersi) is a very upper level swimming fish I've enjoyed keeping in the past that could be an interesting option if you aren't after colour.
  31. Caesar

    Was tagged in a post, but not notified?

    I double checked my settings and I'm set to receive notifications for everything. Found it odd.
  32. Caesar

    Aquabarb - 2021 Tank of the Year Winner!

    Great tank, deserving of the win.
  33. Caesar

    Freshwater Fish ID {EASY,MEDIUM,HARD} Game Daily

    For the first I want to say a type of a guianacara, but that feels too easy and the lateral line markings are inconsistent with what I've seen in person. Second looks like it's a member of oreochromis, similar to niloticus.
  34. Caesar

    How many tanks do you have?

    Unfortunately only 4. 210 gallon, 90 gallon, 75 gallon, 6 gallon. If I didn't share a 500sqft basement suite with my girlfriend I'd have more! I think the goal would be 5x 200 gallon, 10x 75 gallon, and my 90 gallon since I won't give that tank up with its funky dimensions.
  35. Caesar your thoughts here...

    It's interesting seeing the sudden mass of new variants. Ihu, Deltacron, and Flurona. I'm guessing it'll be likely that we'll see at least one significant global lockdown again with Omicron already stocking the flames of tighter restrictions. Curious how the economy will handle it.
  36. Caesar

    Help pls!! Giant Gourami Coughing

    That's where I was going with it. I've seen a few adults spitting bubbles while doing it as well, so hopefully that's all this is.
  37. Caesar

    White squiggly string on dorsal fin of Glofish Tetra

    I'd remove it with tweezers. I had something similar on some tetra imported from Thailand a few months back, they were slightly different than the standard anchor worms I'm used to. After removing them all I had no further issues.
  38. Caesar

    Help pls!! Giant Gourami Coughing

    Is he opening his mouth facing the glass, then violently shaking his head? I'm doubtful banana would cause problems, unless the peel was fed too. I feed my giant banana infrequently.
  39. Caesar

    Six foot 90 Gallon Journal.

    Well, I have to assume I've done something to anger the fish gods. My eheim jager heater malfunctioned and made my tank into a bathtub. I've got maybe 6 blue ribbon tetra and diamond tetra left respectively, with no blueberry survivors. I had recently restocked my tank with the tetra too...