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  1. M

    Jbl Proktol To Treat Ich.

    Man. With the amount of users on this site, I'd have thought someone would have given me a decent answer by now. How useful this site is, truly. :angry:
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    Jbl Proktol To Treat Ich.

    I hadn't noticed until the Cardinal's were covered in white spots, that they had Ich. I believe that the sudden rise in temperature brought them out. It's 80F in my house and 82F in the aquarium. I started the first dosing of JBL Proktol yesterday afternoon. The packet stated that I should...
  3. M

    I Have A Question About My Water And My Filtration.

    Thank you for your response. You're right; it would be pointless to dose if I'm just going to have to re-dose everyday. And I could accidentally end up overdosing and killing the fish for nothing. I haven't seen any signs of sick fish. I think I'm just going to do a two gallon water change...
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    I Have A Question About My Water And My Filtration.

    Alright well my Betta didn't make it. I went out, bought them a 3 gallon aquarium and another type of medicine called JBL Ektol fluid which I used to no avail. However, I do want to does my main aquarium with it as well. It's a Juwel Lido 120 liter aquarium. Now, I dosed it with eSHa 2000...
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    Is A Cory Laying Eggs Signs Of A Healthy Tank?

    I'm positive they had a fungal infection. I still feel absolutely awful that they did not survive, despite the treatment. I completed the treatment of the aquarium yesterday evening and did a large water change this afternoon. I also turned off the heat as my dad suspected that maybe the...
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    Is A Cory Laying Eggs Signs Of A Healthy Tank?

    On Sunday my female betta were ill and I promptly treated the entire aquarium with medication. On Monday, I pulled out the females and placed them into their own aquarium which I went back and bought. Unfortunately the treatment didn't work and whatever they had, killed them. But all the fish...
  7. M

    Question On Stocking.

    Did I? Oops! No, I have all Cardinal tetra! Sorry about that! The pet store that I go to calls Cardinals," Red Neon Tetra" because they sell another species that is also a Cardinal (no idea what is is). Sorry for the confusion. :blush:
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    When Is The Best Time To Treat The Tank?

    Alright we're going to go out either today or (hopefully) tomorrow and get a little 6 gallon aquarium that is being sold for 2 euro. The only problem is that I do not have a spare filter or heater. Will they be alright without these so long as I change the water every 3rd day after treatment...
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    When Is The Best Time To Treat The Tank?

    I woke up this morning and found that the weird spots have turned into patches of white just like what is on her head. It's also spread to two of the other girls making it 3 out of four that have it (I haven't even seen the 4th girl yet). None of the other fish are exhibiting any symptoms.
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    When Is The Best Time To Treat The Tank?

    Well in that case, I will take all the advice that I can get at this point! I've already gone and treated the aquarium as I did not want to risk another night.
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    How Do They Keep Them Together?

    Oh dear! Well I trust in the fish-lady and think she'll take him out right away if she notices aggression or an aquarium opens up for him.
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    When Is The Best Time To Treat The Tank?

    I'm almost positive it's a fungal infection. I've had an outbreak before when I first got the girls 6 months ago. I can't supply any pictures as my camera has completely disappeared after a night out drinking. :S Anyway, she has white patches on her head and going down her body, as well as...
  13. M

    When Is The Best Time To Treat The Tank?

    I have a 120 liter Juwel Lido and I noticed some white spots on one of my female betta. Before it gets any worse, I want to go ahead and treat the entire aquarium (I have no quarantine tank). It's about to be lights out for them and I want to treat the aquarium before I turn off the light.
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    How Do They Keep Them Together?

    My favorite pet store, Vitus, is amazing. I have honestly never seen pet store fish taken care of so well. When they get in new fish, they will not sell them until they have been treated for any infections that they may have come with. And they have absolutely stunning male betta. I went in...
  15. M

    Question On Stocking.

    Alright. Unfortunately the Juwel Lido is very compact in shape. It's taller than it is long. So it probably would not be a good, idea in that case, to have Gourami with the girls. If they ended up not getting along, there wouldn't be too many places the Gourami could go to get away from them...
  16. M

    Question On Stocking.

    Alright. I wouldn't want to put undue stress onto the aquarium just because I want something that looks pretty. But I still have to ask if it's possible! What about gourami? I know that they are a big no-no with male betta but, what about with female betta? I was looking at the honey gourami...
  17. M

    Question On Stocking.

    I have myself another question. Yesterday we went and bought more fish (7 Rummynose, 4 Cardinal tetra) and I was looking at their stock of angelfish. I was wondering if, in my 120 liter, I could have a pair or if that would go over my stocking limit? Here's my current stock so you don't have...
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    Question On Stocking.

    Thank you Wills for your response! I started with only one Sterbai because I did not realize that they liked to be with their own kind (beginners stupidity) and they were 15 euro a pop unless I bought them in bulk of 5. Luckily, since they only have 3, they allowed me to buy them for the price...
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    Single Fish For 10 Gallon

    Oh. I quite agree with a betta or a gourami. Might I also suggest a sorority of female betta?
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    Question On Stocking.

    Hello everyone, I'm Julia and I have just joined! So, a little about my aquarium: I have a densely planted, 120 liter Jewel Lido that has been set up for a little over a year. It is running on an internal filter that came with the tank as well as a Eheim Canister Filter 2215 which is...