When Is The Best Time To Treat The Tank?


New Member
Jun 4, 2010
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I have a 120 liter Juwel Lido and I noticed some white spots on one of my female betta. Before it gets any worse, I want to go ahead and treat the entire aquarium (I have no quarantine tank).

It's about to be lights out for them and I want to treat the aquarium before I turn off the light.
If these spots are like little grains of salt sprinkled over your Betta, it might be Ich. Raise the thermostat setting of your heater to 29C before bedtime and then try and post some phots for the gurus to look at tomorrow and help diagnose the illness and suggested treatment.
I'm almost positive it's a fungal infection. I've had an outbreak before when I first got the girls 6 months ago.

I can't supply any pictures as my camera has completely disappeared after a night out drinking. :S

Anyway, she has white patches on her head and going down her body, as well as very obvious clumps of white, circular white fungal clumps on her tail and where tail connects to the rest of her body.

Ammonia is at 0
Nitrites are at 0
Nitrates are at 5 ppm
(I just did a major water change on Friday)

This is what she has on her body.

And here is a random picture of general fungus, that looks like a huge version of what's on her tail area.

Look-alike Fungus

Oh and I'm also dosing with eSHa 2000 to treat. Tomorrow I'll up the temperature to 28 and then in the night to 30c.
If its fungus like that, upping th temperature may do more harm than good. Some fungal infections are better to treat with a lowering of the water temp to slow down the metabolism of the infecting organism. You could really do with someone with personal experience here [hint , hint]...
Well in that case, I will take all the advice that I can get at this point!

I've already gone and treated the aquarium as I did not want to risk another night.
I woke up this morning and found that the weird spots have turned into patches of white just like what is on her head. It's also spread to two of the other girls making it 3 out of four that have it (I haven't even seen the 4th girl yet).

None of the other fish are exhibiting any symptoms.
Alright we're going to go out either today or (hopefully) tomorrow and get a little 6 gallon aquarium that is being sold for 2 euro.

The only problem is that I do not have a spare filter or heater. Will they be alright without these so long as I change the water every 3rd day after treatment? This way I can also treat them with EPSOM salts and not have to worry about my assassin snails.

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