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  1. Liam2368

    Arghhh Spilurum Babys.

    So they have ad babys, this is the first time and so far are being good parents as you would expect in there genus. (watch in hd)
  2. Liam2368

    Contemplating Adding A Group Of Cupid Cichlids :)

    Yeah they do have some good stocking at the minute, too tempting!   Looking forward to seeing the pictures.
  3. Liam2368

    Contemplating Adding A Group Of Cupid Cichlids :)

    I saw them in MA and thought of you.   Will look stunning in your tank, get some pictures up.
  4. Liam2368

    What Do You Feed Your Central American Cichlids?

    If feeding live food don't feed them meal worms. Earth worms are a good choice from any fishing tackle shop of you can buy them online.
  5. Liam2368


    Some very very small ones in Hull at a shop on wold road. They have a eBay shop iirc.
  6. Liam2368

    Advice: Live Food For Cichlids

    I feed earth worms and mealworms weekly and crickets every so often. No problems with any of them. 
  7. Liam2368

    Get My Oscar The Right Home

    Pacu is a Big no. Even in a tank as big as 150g it is still too small imo they should not be sold in the trade. Just this weekend at a local aquarium i have seen pacus that i would estimate to be 3 foot long and must of weighed at the very least about 15lb.   Rope fish..No. Because they will...
  8. Liam2368

    Are My New Fish Murderers?!

    Your sucking loach could be your problem when the lights go out. They get very territorial more so when they are bigger and often suck on other fish as they like the mucus. Tank mates should be chose wisely with these fish, it is not a fish that is suitable for your tank long term.
  9. Liam2368

    Sticking Java Fern?

    Moss would probably be a better idea.
  10. Liam2368

    Aquascape Help

    Looks real nice. What's the dimensions of the tank?
  11. Liam2368

    Best Heaters

    Hydor external heater, best bit of kit I have bought for my tanks. Keeps the temp spot on and is is out of sight.
  12. Liam2368

    Spray Bar And Oxygenating

    As above, just think of fish in ponds there airation is usually from the wind rippleing the surface.
  13. Liam2368

    Cichild Juveniles With Guppies Etc

    Africans No! Cribs although African may work if not breeding, Gbrs "should" be fine if your water quality suits them. All cichlids big or small usuaully have there own individual personalitys so there is always some trial and error.
  14. Liam2368

    Help Sexing My Ellioti Cichlids Please

    When they have the splodge then it is female but they more often don't have them, it is probably to do with genetics. Mine were f1s.
  15. Liam2368

    Help Sexing My Ellioti Cichlids Please

    Sploges are not always the best way to identify the sex, females don't always have them and especially as prominant as yours.   You will struggle to positively identify them until they get a bit bigger.   Heres my male and female, I was unable to distinguish the sex for a long time because they...
  16. Liam2368

    Best Sand For Cichlid Tank?

    You could always mix it with small rocks/pebbles that will give it a really natural look.   Wow how big is your tank? 
  17. Liam2368

    Stocking Overkill?

    A singleton or a pair of them fish should be fine with dithers and bottom feeders but every cichlid has a different personality that's what makes them great wet pets, it would just be when they mate they will defend there territory as cichlids.   I would hold off adding any more tigers unless...
  18. Liam2368

    5 Clown Loach.

  19. Liam2368

    January Tank Of The Month Voting Poll

    i was thinking the same, still looks a very nice tank.
  20. Liam2368

    February Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    Ryan your unedited pictures are much nicer.
  21. Liam2368

    Stocking Overkill?

    Sajica should fit your bill well as would Honduran Red Points, Spillurus, Cutteri, Centrarchus. Also consider Thorichthys species like Firemouth,Ellioti,Mixteco,blue Acara, Rainbow cichlids would also be a good choice and a pair would work without being too agressive to other inhabitants. You...
  22. Liam2368

    Got Some Neets!

    ^^    I agree, Now get some better videos/pictures up lol.
  23. Liam2368

    Best Sand For Cichlid Tank?

    play sand seems to fit your bill, it will only get in the filter if it is stared up or your inlet is very low, it is usually smaller sized grains than other sand. The weird thing is i think there is a couple of shades they use i added a few bags a little bit ago and recently got a bag to topup...
  24. Liam2368

    Scarborough Sealife Centre

    we have been a few times but not for a few years, the seals are good :) i honestly cannot remember if they had and trop tanks but while you are in Scarborough it could be worth you going for a little drive in Hull and have a look in the Deep.
  25. Liam2368

    Got Some Neets!

    Most juvi cichlids you see in shops are grey and drab, with these they are quite plain but in breeding mode look stunning, look very similar to a tropheus. The main plus points with these fish is there personality and character, a pair of these will not hessitste to take on a 15inch dovi which...
  26. Liam2368

    Got Some Neets!

    Yeah that's the the reasoon I have never kept them is because I would like a cichlid community and as your aware neets are clever and no push over and my tank is only 350l and not large enough to house these feisty cichlids.   I will keep them one day.
  27. Liam2368

    Wanted: 4 Foot Tank

    just had a quick browse on ebay rio 300 looks to be new shape and fairly local and will deliver.   a 5x2x2 (buy this and...
  28. Liam2368

    Wanted: 4 Foot Tank   This looks like it will not go for much and is local but it is 5ft.   I will keep my eyes peeled for you bud.
  29. Liam2368

    Got Some Neets!

    I have always wanted to keep neets and do a Nicaragua biotape.   What sort of setup and tank mates do you have them with?
  30. Liam2368

    Best Vacuum I've Used. Eheim Aquarium Vacuum.

    keep checking zooplus, they have had deals on these in the past.
  31. Liam2368

    Want To Start A Dirt Amazon Tank

    Calm down gents, every fish is different it is all genetics.     P.s. my Sev is bigger nah nah nah nahhh nah. Only joking keep a lid on it chaps and stick to the ops post.
  32. Liam2368

    Beach/garden Rocks ?

    As above do the vinegar test.
  33. Liam2368

    Want To Start A Dirt Amazon Tank

    ^^   The Severum above is very perculiar, i know they can develop a nuchal hump (although it is rare) but that is the most pronounced one i have ever seem on a Sev. The body looks very short and rounded where in all the sevs i have kept they are more linear and spread out also the top lip does...
  34. Liam2368

    Some Of My Aquarium And Fish Photos.

    Nice natural looking tank.
  35. Liam2368

    5 Clown Loach.

    Livestock: Clown Loach Quantity for sale: 5 Reason for Sale: 1x 5-6inch 2x 3-4inch 1x 1-2inch 1x 1inch All feeding well, very active with bright colours. Selling because i feel my 4x2x2 tank is restricting them so only come to buy if your tank is at least a foot bigger than mine otherwise i...
  36. Liam2368

    Conga Tetra's Aggressive?

    When adults the teeth congos are very impressive.
  37. Liam2368

    How To Get Food To My Plecos?

    Feed the fish flake or what not and while they are busy with that place a pipe or something hollow and long in the tank and place the bottom on the substrate and then pop in your algae wafers where you want them,that way the fish won't see them dropping and should give your ancistrus a fighting...
  38. Liam2368


    I have some too if you still need. I am in Hull.
  39. Liam2368

    White Layer On Water Surface

    More than likely a protein layer, which can be a problem depending on how thick it is. I have it but in my case it is because of a food I feed the fish.