Search results

  1. K

    450L Tank, What Else To Stock?

    I'd expect the tank to take 40-50 cichlids, assuming you have enough rockwork, filtration and are good to go on the water change side of things.     It's a Rift Lake setup.
  2. K

    Brine Shrimp Too Big

    What species/size are the fry? Decapsulated brine shrimp are a good alternative to live brine shrimp, as are Walter worms, banana worms and microworms.
  3. K

    Small Airpump

    Small airpump, working order.   Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for sale: clearing out fishkeeping stuff, haven't used airpumps in about 10 years! Delivery or collection: Either Sales price: £4 Postage & packaging: free Location: Norwich Payment: bank transfer, Paypal, Postal Order, cash (buyer pays...
  4. K

    Can I Add Any More Stock To My 12 Gal?

      They are still much too big for small tanks. I honestly don't know of any *commonly available* pleco that would be happy in a 40 cm tank.
  5. K

    New Tank Options

    If you don't mind me asking, why are you going for everything new if it's that expensive? And plants too? Why not make the tank yourself out of glass?
  6. K

    New Tank Options

    The costs seem rather steep for tanks of those size. Are you looking to buy any of the equipment second hand and plants from hobbyists? Play sand for stubstrate?   The (pretty obvious to me) answer is the 13 gallon as IME, Bettas should have at least 30*30*30 cm per fish and ideally more. The...
  7. K

    Spawning Mops (Sinking And Floating)

    1 left with cork and rock, 5 without cork but with rock.
  8. K

    Wanted: Jungle Val

    I sell Vallis. gigantea for 75p each + P&P. I'm a bit low at the moment, but should be trimming within the next week. FWIW, nurseries sell them for £0.40-£1.25 per plant to retailers, depending on size and origin (I used to work for two LFS, and that's from the price lists that we got).
  9. K

    Cheap Leds?

    I'm currently working my way through clearing out my equipment and fishkeeping stuff, and I've come to realise that the hobby has been costing me quite a lot over the last few years as I've not had any income from breeding fish since I closed down my fishroom some years ago.   As some of you may...
  10. K

    Treating Myself...

    Which brand of gravel is it? I used to use black gravel and the water ran clear after about 5 rinses (with lots of stirring) in a bucket. Coloured gravels, such as those branded Roman are coated in dye which washes off after some time.
  11. K

    Tetra Fin Nipping Issue

    Having kept the serpae tetras before, I would want a bigger thank for both of those species. If this were my tank, I would restock from scratch with more appropriately sized fish, see for a list of South American fish that I can recommend for your...
  12. K

    3.5 Kg Tropic Marin Tmc Salt

    Equipment: Tropic Marin salt by TMC Quantity for sale: 3.5 kg Reason for sale: I no longer have a marine tank and need to clear out my fishkeeping stuff Delivery or collection: either Sales price: £12 Postage & packaging: free with myHermes Location: Norwich Payment: bank transfer, Paypal...
  13. K

    Hygrophila Corymbosa Angustifolia!

    Think of it this way, if you trim it, it will grow back bushier :)
  14. K

    Dealing With Being Overstocked

    More regular water changes will help, and may actually improve the general health of the tank.   As I'm imagining it, your filter should handle the new stock, but nitrates will start building up much quicker. (I don't know what your setup is like, so am assuming it's sensible.)
  15. K

    Sickness Or New Fin Growth?

    +1 normal regrowth!
  16. K

    Can My Tank Fit Anymore?

    Well, there's no reason why you can't make a beautiful 20 gallon planted tetra and Cory tank… it should take 15 ember tetras and 15 dwarf Corys without any problems as they're small fish, so pose a smaller bioload than the same number of larger fish.   (For the record, I consider panda Corys too...
  17. K

    Can My Tank Fit Anymore?

      Yeah… I refrained from suggesting that my recommendation is a minimum, even though IME it really is :)
  18. K

    Mechanical (Light) Timer

    The timer has been claimed!
  19. K

    Can My Tank Fit Anymore?

    Rehome the molly and the ram, 20 gallon high tanks are very short. If I'm estimating the dimensions correctly at 24"/60 cm long, I wouldn't keep any of those fish in that tank.   Both tetras and Corys do best in groups of 10-15+ per species.
  20. K

    Mechanical (Light) Timer

    Free mechanical light timer, I just want £3.10 to cover second class postage or £3.50 for first class postage (taker covers all payment fees). "On" periods can be adjusted in increments of 15 minutes. Will test to make sure that it works before sending!   Quantity for sale: 0 Delivery or...
  21. K

    Spawning Mops (Sinking And Floating)

    I've got 5 pairs with cork and rock, 5 pairs without a cork, but with a rock.
  22. K

    Spawning Mops (Sinking And Floating)

    Forgot to add, payment by bank transfer, Paypal, Postal Order or cash (buyer pays all fees).
  23. K

    Spawning Mops (Sinking And Floating)

    Quantity for sale: until I run out of corks or wool Reason for sale: I need to reduce by fishkeeping accessories from 5 large boxes to something that fits under my biggest tank. the hobby has had the run of the house for the last 7 years and I would really like some of the space back for… me...
  24. K

    Red Vallisneria Spiralis

      I'm not all that familiar with LEDs, but as far as I understand, the cheaper ones do not produce all that much light. Vallis. spiralis is quite undemanding, while the two twisted Vallis species are moderately demanding…
  25. K

    German Blue Ram Sudden Death

    What size was the fish and what size was it when you bought it?
  26. K

    Coral Rock In Freshwater?

    What fluttermoth said, and…     It will keep leaching carbonates into your water for as long as it's in there, so the hardness is likely to increase over the next few months.
  27. K

    Coral Rock In Freshwater?

    Reef bones are used in Rift Lake cichlid setups to buffer the water to a high pH and hardness. If you want to keep soft water fish, that's a really bad idea. If you want to keep Rift Lake cichlids, then it's a great idea.   The tannins from the bogwood are unlikely to be enough to counteract the...
  28. K

    Red Vallisneria Spiralis

    As with most "red" plants, they appreciate more light rather than less. If you have just a basil bulb over the tank, you might be better off with the normal, green Vallis. spiralis, which I'm pulling up on Friday :)
  29. K


    Most likely, feeding your fish less would make quite a dent in the snail population.   What's the tank stock and what's your feeding schedule?
  30. K

    Sickness Or New Fin Growth?

    It is normal for new growth to be a different colour from old growth, which will depend on the colour of your fish.
  31. K

    Red Vallisneria Spiralis

    Quantity for sale: 50+ Delivery or Collection: Either Sales price: 35p each Postage & Packaging: £3.50 for small orders, £4 for larger orders. Location: Norwich Payment: bank transfer, Paypal, Postal Order, cash (buyer pays all fees)   Some of the plants that I have to thin out are as long as 50...
  32. K

    Free- Bn Pleco, Neon Tetra And Cherry Shrimp

    Hi, if you're willing to post the shrimp, please let me know!
  33. K

    Red Tiger Lotus

    If you didn't get any yet, I have a few smaller plants for 50p each (no bulbs) as mine shoot out plantlets all over the place!
  34. K

    Plants Wanted!

    I've got giant Vallis (normal and red) for 75p each + P&P, and Crypt. wendtii 'red' for 50p per plant Can also spare some Heteranthea zosterifolia for 25p per cutting and I also have some small lotus plants for 50p each. PM me if interested.
  35. K

    Variety Of Healthy Plants For Sale

    That last one is Lilaeopsis, not Eleocharis :) It has blades more like a grass than thin stalks.
  36. K

    Wanted - Bacteria! (Suffolk)

    I'm in Norwich and more than happy to donate in exchange for the same amount of porous ceramic media or cash to replace the taken media. If you don't come up this way and don't find anyone local, I can post it. I'm also planning a trip to Ipswich to pick up some fish, but that won't be until end...
  37. K

    Dragon Stone:

    I'm interested, will PM
  38. K

    Filter? Gravel? Sand?

    If you want to use an undergravel filter to remove crud, then you should expect to be running it in reverse (pushing water up through the gravel) as running it in normal mode (pulling water through the gravel) only pulls the crud deeper into the gravel, which would mean that you'd need to vacuum...
  39. K

    Would These Work?

      Approximately 100×45×60 cm, suffice to say that I found them a bigger home as soon as possible… last I heard, they were rather enjoying their 6 ft home!
  40. K

    What To Add Next?

    I would increase the cardinals to 11.   Having kept angels before, I would say that your tank is definitely too small for them. They also do best in groups of 6+. They can get very big and (IMHO) usually do not because their tanks are not big enough. Flag cichlids also need a bigger tank.  ...