450L Tank, What Else To Stock?


Fish Crazy
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
I just bought a new 450L that will replace my 260L,
i currently have 15 cichlids in it, to name a few are:
Rusty cichlid x1
electric yellow 1m 1f (could be 2 female, no black on them yet, possibly could be salousi?)
the all orange one 1m 1f
demasoni x1
The most came out of a mixed malawi tank as thats all the store had at the time...
How many and what should i stock the 450L with, taking in that the 15 i have will be placed in the new tank.
Do you want oddbals or predatory or community?
Give me a list of your pH, kH etc readings
Just general community really, want a peaceful tank :D
pH 8
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 20 (tap water high in nitrate)
not sure on my kH at the moment but tank has been running for months with 0 deaths and no spikes.
do you want amazon or high pH? For high pH it is quite limited. Try neutralizing it. There are many brands of chemical pH lowers in the hobby
I'd expect the tank to take 40-50 cichlids, assuming you have enough rockwork, filtration and are good to go on the water change side of things.
DerpPH said:
do you want amazon or high pH? For high pH it is quite limited. Try neutralizing it. There are many brands of chemical pH lowers in the hobby
It's a Rift Lake setup.

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