Sickness Or New Fin Growth?


Fish Crazy
Jun 19, 2013
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my betta  is growing like black fins where the other fish used to nip him. is this some kind of sickness?i really hope not...
It is normal for new growth to be a different colour from old growth, which will depend on the colour of your fish.
If it is new growth from existing damage, it should be clear.  If it is black, I would suspect fin rot.  We really need a pic to be sure though.
It does sound like fin rot, would need a pic to confirm! Could you give us more information about your setup? Tank size, water paramaters, temp, filter, other fish in with him, how do you change the water. Fin rot can be easily rectified :)
Actually looks like colored regrowth to me.  To keep your fish's fins looking better it would be good to keep him stressfree.  What size tank do you have him in, the temperature, what tankmates you have in with him now, and how often you do water changes and how much you change?  This info is needed so that we can help you further if there are other issues.
he is in half of a 10g with no other fish, although this weekend i am getting a half moon for the other side(which I am really excited about!). will this stress him out? temp is 70 degrees. I'm not sure how often I change the water......I just did a 20% water change, I also rearranged the tank for the new half moon. hes got a filter in his half, and since the divider doesn't let much water through, i plan to switch witch side the filter is on every so often. 
You need a heater that will get your tank water temperature to at the least 78F and keep it there.  Your betta's water is way to cold and you are going to start having issues if you do not get that sorted out.  Hard to say at this point if being in a divided tank with another male betta will stress him out.  It varies from fish to fish.  If they tank is cycled you need to be doing around 30% water changes every week.  If the tank is not cycled than more water needs to be changed and more often to keep your fish healthy.

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