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  1. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

    Updated tank photo and some extra's of some of the occupants I stole a bit of my fiancé's Java Moss to see if I can get it growing well again but if not then no loss. Everything is growing well, finally after over a month of battling white spot I've managed to kill it off and move over my new...
  2. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

      Thank you!! I wouldn't call it amazing myself but thank you lol.   Hope yours goes well too!! :)
  3. Paradise3

    Lapis's Solo 5Gal

      It's OK :) I read every update there is anyway. The delays build up the tension and make the updates more fun lol.
  4. Paradise3

    Female Endlers

    You know that male in the first photo Gruntle - That's a Scarlet Endler also called "Scarlet Mini Guppy" as they are Guppy x Endler I have two in my tank as well as two Snakeskin Endlers or "Snakeskin Mini Guppies"   My Scarlet Endlers and one of my Snakeskin Endlers. (Excuse the clenched...
  5. Paradise3

    Lapis's Solo 5Gal

    Whoo! We're getting somewhere lol.   Looking good so far!
  6. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

      Oh if you take a look through my older journals you'll find that plants either die or they thrive but when they thrive I get a LOT of algae too :/    Hence my "So here I am, again, with another planted tank journal that will probably end up failing similar to my last ones lol. But why not give...
  7. Paradise3

    Female Endlers

      Could have been either but given that they were from an LFS they were most likely hybrids anyway even if labelled as "Endlers" :) Female Endlers max. out at about 1.8 inch and female Guppies about 2.5 inch.
  8. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

      Thank you :) It's still growing lol. Not quite happy with it yet. I want the Heteranthera and Limnophila to fill out a lot more and then I might get back into entering TOTM lol.
  9. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

    So here's another photo from 23rd Feb.   I have two Nymphoides and they are starting to get big so finding space for both of them was becoming a trouble. For now I have found this is working well but I know as they grow I'll most likely be forced to get rid of one of them which I don't want but...
  10. Paradise3

    Will He Finish Healing?

      If you mean about the little extra bit of fin it's on his tail right in the middle of it. He has stopped biting, he stopped biting months a go but has only ever healed this far.     He's in clean water with Indian Almond Leaves and on a varied diet of Tetra Pro Colour, Tetra Prima, Tetra Prima...
  11. Paradise3

    Will He Finish Healing?

    So I have this male Betta, I got him on the 27th April 2014. He's approx. 14 months now as he was about 4 months when I got him.   This is him on the 30th April 2014.   Anyway, in his time with me he's been attacked by a malawi... Long story, will explain if needed though.   When he was...
  12. Paradise3

    Fish Breeding

    Those are snail eggs, pest snails to be precise but which species of pest snail depends which you have lol.   You're best trying to get rid of them or they'll hatch into more pest snails which, as the name suggests, can become huge pests XD
  13. Paradise3

    February 2015 - Pet Of The Month Competition Entries

      I'll enter twice? :P XD   Just kidding!!!
  14. Paradise3

    Female Endlers

      Those that you linked to are a "morph" of wild endler. I quote from that exact thread.     The wild "Normal" Endlers are pretty colourful really   This was one of my "pure" Endlers from a breeder who had apparently bred them from imported wild stock. Though I only have his word for it so I...
  15. Paradise3

    Female Endlers

      If that's in reference to my "There are no true Endler morphs" you'll also find that in that same sentence I put the only true pure endlers are the wild ones. Since those are wild, they fit in that category. When speaking of morphs I mean the ones bred in captivity like the ones I specified -...
  16. Paradise3

    Female Endlers

      One of my female Guppies looks like a female Endler with a tiny bit of colour :) She's practically plain. There's no difference apart from guppies would hybridize more though if you're already using hybrids is there any point trying to keep them pure? Lol.
  17. Paradise3

    Female Endlers

      Ahh, thanks for that :) I just know in the past that my fry from different guppies over the years have been a mixture of colours from both parents :)
  18. Paradise3

    Female Endlers

    I've never experienced this? Lol. I have a current "experiment" going on at the moment. I keep Scarlet and Snakeskin Endler males, but my females are the huge Guppy females. I have a range of colours on the females(three are in QT at the moment though after a white spot outbreak literally days...
  19. Paradise3

    Post Notifications?

      No worries, if that doesn't work then I'm lost lol.
  20. Paradise3

    Post Notifications?

      I never get that even when quoted? All it does for me is highlights the topic and brings it to the top of the "my content" page :) I check this daily when I can get online to see if I have any replies.
  21. Paradise3

    Post Notifications?

    When you say notification what exactly do you mean? If you go to "My content" it highlights any topics you've posted in that have new replies :)
  22. Paradise3

    Holy Catfish!

      I once read something about two "females" fighting and it turned out to be two very feminine looking males? So do actual females fight as well? I have also heard about breeding males and females fighting a lot too.
  23. Paradise3

    My Fish Are Eat Each Other...

      Ah yeah, didn't think of that :/
  24. Paradise3

    Holy Catfish!

    Yep, all males plecos are territorial. Bristlenose can live together sometimes if they are in a big enough tank but a lot of the time they will fight(two males anyway) and if they have females that makes the problem a lot worse.
  25. Paradise3

    Female Endlers

      Since Black Bar Endlers are specific hybrids of Guppy x Endler already the female Endler doesn't particularly matter but if you wanted to keep his lines as pure as is possible, a female pure Endler would be good. There are no true Endler morphs, the only 100% Pure Endlers are the wild ones...
  26. Paradise3

    My Fish Are Eat Each Other...

    10 Gallons - 45.46 Litres :)   The pH issue you mention explains the cories but not the tetra's which are still alive a year later Akasha.  As for lowering pH that would work until you do a waterchange and then it would shoot back up when new water with new 8.8 pH.   So I agree with Akasha, find...
  27. Paradise3

    My Fish Are Eat Each Other...

    I agree 100% with all of this.   Especially the CAE issues though I have seen them reach larger than 6 inch very occasionally which only adds to the worry.
  28. Paradise3

    Yellow Dwarf Angelfish

    Yellow Angelfish(Centropyge heraldi) reach approx. 10cm(3.9in) and are coral nippers if their diet is not properly maintained and the proper nutrition given. Same for Flame Angelfish(Centropyge loricula). Yellow Angelfish are also called False Lemonpeel Angelfish but can be distinguished by the...
  29. Paradise3

    February 2015 - Pet Of The Month Competition Entries

      Have you tried uploading through photobucket? You won't get that message then and photobucket automatically resizes the images to the sites maximum size :)
  30. Paradise3

    What Fish Would You Never Recommend To A Beginner?

      I understand that but at the same time it's the reason I would recommend them. Especially if you have kids, it's a good way to teach them about the cycle of life in fish(well, livebearers anyway) :) But yes, on the other hand the amount of fry they have and how often is the reason they are not...
  31. Paradise3

    Recommended Tang Tank Size?

    Wait how come I can't put 2 Fire Fish? I've seen people own 2 fire fish all the time, and many recommend owning 2. Is it because it's a pair? (Male/Female?) Anywho I won't be adding the Firefish, but I want to know will my Gramma Basslet and Clowns attack my poor little Jawfish? Because the...
  32. Paradise3

    Recommended Tang Tank Size?

      It can work, but with the Jawfish as well in the mix there's three fish that are similar shapes and all semi-aggressive towards similar shaped fish. My fiance had a Seahorse set-up that had a Firefish(standard orange), two Orange Banded Pipefish and a Red Scooter Dragonet. This worked well...
  33. Paradise3

    Recommended Tang Tank Size?

    Clowns - Yes, should be fine. Be prepared for them to pair up and start fighting though. They tend to do that. Blue Spot Jawfish - Should be OK but are pricey so be prepared for that lol. Royal Gramma - Will most likely fight with the Jawfish. They look cute but they can be very aggressive...
  34. Paradise3

    Recommended Tang Tank Size?

      The only commercially available seahorse that would suit a 10 gallon is Hippocampus zosterae which need a constant large supply of newly hatched live foods because they are so tiny. So much so that the smaller the tank(within reason) the better with them as it's easier to keep the numbers...
  35. Paradise3

    Why Do They Do This?

      I only have 2 at the current time, I do keep planning to add more but I don't want to jinx the happiness that the two I've got have between them. I had a bad experience with 6, one became aggressive and I watched him/her kill the other 5... So I bought 2(last two in the shop, I did want 6 to...
  36. Paradise3

    Why Do They Do This?

    I haven't seen this with my Oto's... They are out and active regularly whether both the filters are on or off :)
  37. Paradise3

    February 2015 - Pet Of The Month Competition Entries

    I'll go first then :P   With Smudge, again... XD She's the most photogenic of our geckos.   Entry.   Verification.
  38. Paradise3

    Lapis's Solo 5Gal

      Oh no :) I don't think you were and I agree bigger is better :) Well, for most betta's anyway lol. Like I said, I moved my boy up from a 5.5 gallon to a 15 gallon and he's loving life. But the other betta I rescued is much better suited to a smaller tank from what I've seen since having him :)
  39. Paradise3

    Lapis's Solo 5Gal

    I agree with both of you, . I have 2 bettas in a divided 10 gallon, I feel bad for my female because she had it to herself up until Sunday and I know she enjoyed the space. But at the same time my male seems to be enjoying all the extra space he has now, seeing as he was living in a cup and then...
  40. Paradise3

    Lapis's Solo 5Gal

    5 gallons is actually a good size for a single betta :) Male or female.   Look forward to reading about this!! 