Post Notifications?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score

Is there a way to receive notifications on topics that I've posted on? Email? I can't seem to find an option that allows this.

Thanks :)
I don't get notifications either - even when I've clicked on 'follow this topic' and ticked the box in my settings to say I want notifying when a reply is posted. I now have to try and remember who I'm talking to and where. It's annoying but it makes my brain work I suppose
When you say notification what exactly do you mean? If you go to "My content" it highlights any topics you've posted in that have new replies :)
well, if someone quotes me I get a red number next to the 2nd icon (one on the right of the message icon) and I was hoping to get the same if there's a reply to a topic I'm following but I'm not getting it - despite going to settings and ticking the box to say I want notifying. Perhaps I'm missing something though. Me and anything technical don't really see eye to eye .... computer says NO
Akasha72 said:
well, if someone quotes me I get a red number next to the 2nd icon (one on the right of the message icon) and I was hoping to get the same if there's a reply to a topic I'm following but I'm not getting it - despite going to settings and ticking the box to say I want notifying. Perhaps I'm missing something though. Me and anything technical don't really see eye to eye .... computer says NO
I never get that even when quoted? All it does for me is highlights the topic and brings it to the top of the "my content" page :) I check this daily when I can get online to see if I have any replies.
I've not tried checking it that way but now you've pointed it out I'll try it. Thanks :D
Akasha72 said:
I've not tried checking it that way but now you've pointed it out I'll try it. Thanks
No worries, if that doesn't work then I'm lost lol.
Make sure the forum is in your white list. Sometimes the notifications will get put into spam folders or even blocked at the server level. 

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